Haazinu – Ask Your Father He Wil Tell You

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    Reb Eliezer

    I heard more than sixty years ago from my rebbi a cute interpretation on שאל אביך ויגדך זקנך ויאמרו לך when asking you father, he does not know the answer, so he tells you, ask you zaide, my father who will tell you. We see an interesting phenomenon that the generations become weaker the grandfather knew more than the father. However by the goyim the opposite is true. Darwin said that he came from monkeys. By the Jews, the closer we are to Kabolas Hatorah the more knowledgeable we were. This is used to answer the Beis Yosef kashyeh by Chanukah what the miracle was the first day as there was enough oil in the pitcher for one day? When there is an exact amount of oil in the pitcher and it is poured into the menorah some oil is left in the pitcher and it was not enough even for one day. Currently, the father can not pass on all his knowledge to his children. However, at the first forty generations of Kabolas Hatorah where much effort was put into learning, it was טעם עצו ופריו שוה, the father and son were similar, like an esrug.

    Reb Eliezer

    There are arguments as things were forgotten but הלכה משה מסיני was passed on intact.


    RebE, a math question:
    if Torah knowledge decreases and science knowledge increases, is the gap getting smaller? Will Torah knowledge will always be superior to science knowledge or maybe they’ll come to be one and same when Moschiach comes (that is, all scientists will admit to whatever Torah survives to his time). This has to do something with Karl Weierstrass and convergence of monotone functions, maybe you can recall better than I do.


    I wish I could ask my father anything – he was niftar over 41 years years. Yom Kippur is his birthday.

    Reb Eliezer

    AAQ, this question reminds me of a Costello routine. A man found a girl who was ten years old and he was forty. He said, I cannot marry her because I am four times as old as she is. If I wait another five years, is still no good because she will be fifteen and I am forty five being now three time as old. I will wait another fifteen years when I will be sixty and she will be thirty being now twice as old. So how long will I have to wait such that we are both the same age? Also, when one visits the sick takes away 1/60 of their pain or illness. How many people must come to take away all the illness (forgetting the fact that in between falls back in illness)? This question is of limits and convergence.

    Reb Eliezer

    I explained the controversy who determines the gender? The Torah says the woman whereas science says the man depending on whether he gives an x or a y chromosome. Maybe the woman generates an environment which determines what the man gives.

    Reb Eliezer

    I never knew my grandparents. My father’s parents passed away in the 1920’s within six months apart even having one matzeva. My mother’s mother passed away from breast cancer at 54 and mother’s father was murdered in Aushwitz.

    Reb Eliezer



    RebE > when I will be sixty and she will be thirty being now twice as old

    in our days, AI algorithm in the shidduch system simply puts an appointment in the calendar for Sep 13, 2043 (because Sep 12 2043 is shabbat)


    RebE > Also, when one visits the sick takes away 1/60 of their pain or illness. How many people must come to take away all the illness

    244 or 274

    Reb Eliezer

    We cannot take away all the illness. An infinitesimal will always remain as the limit of 1/n as n goes to Infinity. The amount remaining is (59/60) to the n-th power where n is the number of people visiting.


    right, if I recall my calculation ^, after 244 iterations, you are below 1/60th and it will be botel beshishi, or in some cases we use 1/100 for botel, that would be power of 274

    Reb Eliezer

    To explain what I said before what is remaining for 1 person, 1-1/60 = 59/60 and for 2 people, remaining:
    59/60. – 1/60(59/60) = 59/60(1 -1/60) = 59/60(59/60) = 59/ 60 to the 2nd power and so on.

    Reb Eliezer

    Also, they must have the same mazel to be able to take away anything.

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