Growth after a Fall

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    I want to share a thought I had about the fall and some ideas that we can take from it into our lives.

    As the weather changes, the leaves slowly change color and fall off of the trees. Each leaf has a different color. If you take a leaf and really look at it, you’ll see the nisim of Hashm Yisbarech. Not one leaf looks the same. They have their different shapes, colors, and some have rough edges and holes in it from the cold. Each leaf represents another holy yid in Klal Yisrael. Not one Yid is the same. We all have a different color, a different tafkid. Different chesronos, different maalos. We all have our rough edges from our challenges and struggles somehow or another. Holes from experiences that made us who we are.

    There are times in life that we fall. Sometimes those falls are slow and gradual, like the wind blowing the leaves off the trees. Other times the falls may be fast like a storm that rips you off of your comfort zone, the branch that you rested on for so long. But after every fall, there is a growth. A stepping stone that builds you into who you are. It gives you strength, it gives you wisdom. After every fall, there is growth. The leaves fall off, and it goes into a cold winter, but soon enough spring comes and everything comes back to life, full bloom- with vibrant colors and shapes. That is what happens to us. We fall and sometimes we are on the ground crawling for a little bit, and other times we are there for a bit longer. But we somehow gain strength and learn to walk again, and then that walk turns into a jog, and that jog turns into our neshama learning how to fly, to reach our goals and aspirations, bringing us back to our “real” comfort zone- to be living our lives with Hashem Yisbarech. Resting on the branch of Hashem’s greatness and recognizing the emes and His sweetness in every aspect in our lives. Turn your fall into a growth!


    Thanks for the inspiration, Emunas. Very well written. I truly appreciate it.


    Thank you. Very inspirational.

    Appropriate for tonight since we just said kiddush levana. Klal Yisroel is likened to the moon which waxes and wanes. Just as it reaches its smallest stage and looks as though it will disappear off the face of the earth, it is reborn with more strength and vigor then before.

    Ki nafalti kamti-literally means despite falling I have gotten back up. according to one pirush it means because I fell- the hardships themselves were the caused for my rising and being strong.


    Emunas, thank you so much for your post. You wrote it beautifully, and it is something I’ve always believed very strongly and taken to heart. I wish I could write like you do. Keep it up.


    BSD- Emes!! Thank you for sharing that..

    MP- Thank you so much. I have seen a lot of things you have written and you really can share your ideas very well. I have been inspired by a lot of things you have written, so thank you too!


    Emunas Itecha: Thank you for you most beautiful piece. I have grown to admire, cherish your pieces. (makes sticking out here feel more worthwhile)


    This made me cry. Thank you. You just saved me by turning my fall into a higher level when i was in the midst of going even lower. I hope you get rewarded


    Thanks, Emunas. I’m glad to hear that!


    ZeesKite and toomuch00- wow, thank you both so much!

    Toomuch00- Dont think Im the one who saved you. It was Hashem. He had you read it just when you needed it. :-). Keep climbing..

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