I would not tell my children they may never watch tv.
And I suppose you also would not tell them not to eat tarfus or turn on a light on Shabbos. You would kind of hope they would just keep these on their own.
They will be very confused human beings. With no sense of direction and belonging. Individualism is nice, but to an extent… A child has to be not told but I would use the term taught the difference between right and wrong. Religious or nonreligious they need a sense of ethics, I’m not even talking about religion, do you want them to grow up in the gutters??? Come to your senses buddy! Be mature. Your comment kindda reminds me what I used to tell my parents when I was I kid I used to say ta and ma if you make me eat that tuna fish sandwich, I will let my kids eat candies all day long I’ll buy them buckets and bucket of em! Think about what your saying over here. If you dnt feel it’s right for them it’s your responsibility to give that message over to them!!!