Great people with a smile before you pray it’sbetter then tzedaka.

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    bael teshuva

    Great people with a smile before you pray better it is then tzedaka. Right after pray for Mashiach and for everyone to do teshuva.


    “…smile before you pray better it is then tzedaka…”

    In what book is that written?
    Who wrote that book?
    Chapter number? Page number?

    Reb Eliezer

    You mean greet people.


    It’s a Chazal: It can be found in a Rashi on Parshas Vayechi I don’t remember the reference but it has something to do with “Whitening the teeth” which means smiling at somebody. I hope somebody can find the exact reference.

    Menachem Shmei

    Square Root,

    I’m also wondering if OP has a source for that incendiary statement, but I found some sources that are SIMILAR (but don’t actually say that greeting is BETTER than tzedaka):

    Kitzur Shulchan Aruch:
    אסור להחזיר את העני ששאל ריקם… ואם אין בידך כלום מה ליתן לו, פיסהו בדברים.

    Brochos 6b:
    כל שיודע בחברו שהוא רגיל ליתן לו שלום יקדים לו שלום… ואם נתן לו ולא החזיר נקרא גזלן שנאמר ואתם בערתם הכרם גזלת העני בבתיכם.

    Best source I found – Bava Basra 9b:
    כל הנותן פרוטה לעני מתברך בשש ברכות, והמפייסו בדברים מתברך באחת עשרה ברכות.
    And according to Tosfos there, the מפייסו did not give any money.

    But obviously, we can all greet people with a smile AND give tzedaka.


    The smile comes after prayer when you drink lchaim at tikkun

    Reb Eliezer

    It says by the Magen Avraham in the name of the kavonos that we should accept loving your fellow men/women before davening

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