It’s ‘Living with the parsha everyday, becoming the best you can be’ by Benzion Greiper — Some probably already know it, but I recently found it at my friend’s house and was reading through it thinking this is excellent. Here’s a discription from the Eichlers site, ” A great book giving hidden insights on each parasha and also helpful advice for each different situation and event that may occur in one’s life. How to overcome them and take each step with a smile.”
Here’s another great book. With everything going on nowadays, personally and globally, things can be pretty caotic. A great book to read is the “Garden of Emuna” By Rabbi Shalom Arush. It is the light during hard times
His writings are amazing! I highly recommend “S’dot Yaar” an absolutely great and very readable sefer on hitbodedut (personal prayer). It is also now available in English (Forest Fields) translated by Rav Arush’s talmid muvhak the wonderful Rav Lazer Brody.
If everyone would read this sefer and implement what it teaches, NO ONE would ever go “off the derech”!