Graduation Speech

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    My graduation from yeshiva high school is tomorrow and I am supposed to be giving a two minute dvar torah and I have nothing. If anyone has anything that would be appropriate for a graduation please share. Thanks so much in advance!

    Luna Lovegood

    not much of a Dvar Torah but try this:

    Today is your day!

    Your mountain is waiting,

    – Dr. Seuss


    maybe something about the parsha.


    “high school was at times really difficult, but we still had a great time together as a class, and I would like to give you a bracha that…


    good luck and mazal tov on your graduation. let us know how it goes.


    Mazel tov – the Parsha always works for me. No matter WHAT the Parsha is in a given week, there is ALWAYS something there that can relate to the moment. The ma tovu is meaningful. what about the whole concept of giving a bracha?


    Mazal tov! So how was it?


    I spoke in school about graduation and it was something on these lines:

    What is the point in a graduation party? Is there anything we can take out of it…?

    A graduation is also called a ????? ?????. The ???? of ????? we see by Shmini Atzeres, where HKB”H says ??? ??? ???????.

    Shmini Atzeres has no mitzvos. The reason why is because we run through Elul, the Yomim Noraim and Succos, reaching ??????? in ???? ? and ???? ?. In life, we run through higher and higher, but if one does not stop to think, stop to internalize everything, it all will fly out of the window. We need one day to stop and take everything we achieved through the last months and get us ready for the coming year.

    (Blah blah…)

    The same is true – we have raced our way through school/Yeshiva… we need one day to stop and take all the lessons that we have had over our lives and prepare for our future lives.

    (something on these lines, and then I tied in Hakoras Hatov somehow, don’t remember how, and said a nice Moshol about Hakoras Hatov, ending off by thanking all the teachers and our parents for everything…)


    Very nice. Yashar koach!

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