Frequently my 12 year old isn’t interested in what my wife has prepared for super so he’ll eat part of it and then leave the table. Naturally an hour or two later he is hungry. So he ask for a bowl of cereal. Last night I was having my super late as I watched eat a bowl full of Life cereal and after finishing that he wanted a bowl of Cheerios. My wife who generally speaking is more into good eating habits than I am said it doesn’t bother her since the cereal is healthy. I said, “But life is full of sugar?” So she suggested that next time she’ll tell him he can only have a non-sugar cereal like Cheerios or Chex.
Personally, I don’t like the whole thing. I think he should be offered diner and if he doesn’t like it he can wash on some bread. There should not be an – ‘eat when you want, breakfast for super, free for all’ in the house.
I’d like to know if others have similar situations and how you dealt with them.