Good dogs

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    Dogs and other species of non-humans can be very good. Our people have a hard time with that sometimes, but it’s true.


    How about turtles?


    Do dogs (and other species of non-humans) have a hard time with our good people?


    Well, the Torah does show some kind of negative attitude in Hilchos Mechir Kelev. It doesn’t mean we hate the species. We can even love it, but we know that it is especially Tamei. The same goes for the Davar Achar. We have nothing personal against it, but we know that it represents Tuma — with no fault of its own. Rav Pam once said that it is not the pig’s fault that Hashem made it a pig.


    Dogs are very accepting.

    I. M. Shluffin

    Turtles can be very good. Dogs have a hard time with that sometimes, but it’s true. And dogs can be good, too – when they give turtles piggy-back rides. (It’s not the piggy-back’s fault that Hashem made it a piggy-back.)


    Why did the dog cross the road?

    To get to the barking lot! *groan*

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