(It’s the Moscow State Symphony Orchestra – Program: Tchaikovsky, Romeo and Juliet overture-fantasy (final version 1880); Bruch, Violin Concerto No. 1 in G minor, Op. 26; and Brahms, Symphony No. 4 in E minor, Op. 98)
HaLeiVi, I didn’t write that song in your notation system – I just copied it from your post in the original thread. I would’ve credited only the system specifically to you if that had been the case.
Don’t clap when there is a pause between movements, or else you’ll be seen as an ignoramus. Wait until they put down their instruments and the conductor turns to face you.
Don’t turn off your celllphone ringer like an ignoramous. True art is a part of this world and incorporates its elements and builds upon them, which includes all normal noise.
That. Was. Amazing. I highly recommend the experience.
If you’ve ever heard Klal Yisrael compared to a symphony orchestra…
I don’t think you can really understand the metaphor unless you’ve actually been to a performance by one. (Of course, I can’t be sure whoever came up with the comparison ever had.)
P.S. There were a number of “ignoramuses” present. There were even a couple of Popa’s “non-ignorami.”