Getting Plastic Surgery in Order to Look Better When Taking Selfies

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    Opinions? I opened up a magazine that is distributed to thousands of families in multiple communities (not a heimish one). I saw an ad from a plastic surgeon’s office that had a young woman who looked like she was in her late teens with a smartphone in her hand. She looked like she was taking a “Selfie”. The ad had a whole thing that looked like an article about all the types of plastic surgery that one can have if they want to look more attractive in their selfies “to resist deleting your pictures” (this phrase was emphasized with different wording multiple times). Then it had a doctor’s name- office and their website. I sent a letter in their “contact us” form because I felt that it was an extremely inappropriate ad.


    Another example of societal degeneration.


    Vogue: was the magazine Vogue?




    Photoshop is a lot cheaper and just as effective. Plus you can do things that surgery can’t.


    No, it was a magazine called “make it better” it advertises a lot of upscale stuff & and has articles about stuff affluent people would be interested in. I used to read teen vogue when I was in high school (the teenage version has articles that encourage girls to be healthy and get help if they need it. It would never let an ad in like this), then I really frummed out and no longer had an interest in looking at images of non-tzniusdig women because the pictures & outfits looked extremely inappropriate for a bas yisroel. I try to be trendy but tznius.

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