Generic vs Brand Name

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    Are generic drugs inferior to Brand Names in terms of ingredients and efficacy?


    By law any generic drug must have the same chemical composition to be FDA cleared for use as a substitute for the brand name


    I should have added that what I’m saying applies to the active ingredient


    Ya I know that by law they “should” have the same active ingredients and that’s what’s listed on the box. The question is if they actually “do” contain the active ingredients and if so do the inactive ingredients have any effect on the active ingredient making the medicine inferior to the Brand quality?

    Apparently the FDA cannot be trusted seeing how so many medicines that were approved were taken off shelves due to dangerous chemicals or effects. Especially due to the fact that virtually ALL our pharmaceuticals come from CHINA. This includes antibiotics, antidepressants, blood pressure pills and everything else. You can check out the book “China RX” and see for yourself. There were blood pressure pills that came with carcinogens and rocket fuel fused into the pills where people died from them and they were heavily recalled.

    Which puts us at a more pressing question, why doesn’t America bring back manufacturing to the homeland. If you think you can trust China for quality control you are mistaken. Worse yet (not a conspiracy) even during the beginning of the pandemic they actually threatened the U.S to hold off all shipping of pharmaceuticals due to Trump calling it the Wuhan virus. It could be why Trump toned it down for a bit because that is a very very serious threat.


    It may depend on the drug. Some are very sensitive to changes in production, many others are easily copied. you would need to research a specific drug.

    Reb Eliezer

    MY sister in law needed a liver transplant after taking a brand name antibiotic Ketek.


    But are the generics reliable to work as well as the brand


    It depends. FWIW I consult in the pharmaceutical industry. With the name brands you can assume they maintain strong controls on quality. But lots of companies can make generics. There are well respected generics manufacturers like Teva, and many more smaller players. Probably best to steer clear of manufacturers that don’t have much to lose in a lawsuit.


    The FDA does not do a good job at ensuring the drugs are safe since they are corrupt. As I’ve mentioned there are so many pills that were taken off the market either due to the fact that they never should have been approved, or that they were contaminated and had highly toxic chemicals in them(other than the medication itself) since they come from CHINA. All medicines are coming from China including supplements and many have been taken off the market due to severely affecting people even to the point of death. There are very poor regulations in China and the FDA does nothing about it since the money is coming in. Aside for the fact that China can decide to stop importing the medicines and that would be the end of America.

    There are so many books that came out recently on this and even Trump kept insisting on bringing manufacturing back to America in order to not depend on China. What could be more important than being independent for pharmaceuticals such as antibiotics, surgery prep, antidepressants and any other important meds.


    rw, could you clarify how many and out of how many were taken off the market, according to your sources, hopefully separately for brands and generics?

    also, taken from the market may be a sign of monitoring working, even if at this late stage

    note that late during Trump administration, after shortages of medicines started, there was an initiative to identify what ingredients are sources from non-friendly countries and looking for substitutes.


    Reb Eliezer, how long ago was that? How does she know the drug was the cause? And did you mean to say non-brand name?


    Ujm don’t be so surprised there are many many cases of medicines doing severe damage or even causing death to people simply because of a corrupt FDA who approves dangerous medicines and accepts all medicines from China with little enforcement. You won’t see this on mainstream media.


    RW, I don’t think we get a lot of medicines directly from China, possibly ingredients. India is a big producer of generic drugs.


    “Are generic drugs inferior to Brand Names in terms of ingredients and efficacy?:

    Generally not. There are a handful of exceptions, one that comes to mind is Levothyroxine which is the generic for synthroid. The two may not be equivalent, though this is likely not due to the active ingredient, rather the inactive ingredient might affect how the active-med is absorbed .


    alwaysask”RW, I don’t think we get a lot of medicines directly from China, possibly ingredients. India is a big producer of generic drugs.”

    Not only do we get a lot of medicine from China, we practically get ALL our medicine from China. Aside for mostly being manufactured in China, the ingredients which come from there are basically the whole medicine which is the main problem here.

    Also India which is a big source of generics is heavily dependent on China for ingredients so at the end of the day everything is…CHiiiiiNAAA (Trump Accent)


    For a change, Rightwriter is 100% right. China is the primary source of both generic drugs and the chemical/biologic ingredients used in drugs manufactured in India, Ireland and of course, the U.S.
    While the FDA ostensibly has inspectors at Chinese production facilities, they are limited in both the frequency of inspections and what they are allowed to inspect. At the end of the Obama administration and through the Trump and Biden administrations, there are ongoing efforts to onshore those production efforts, which of course accelerated during Covid. However, it could be another 5 years or longer before those efforts result in “most” of the drugs produced in the U.S. or by U.S./European countries being sourced 100 percent in either the U.S. or Europe.


    ok, so we agree on big picture here. Practical question is which medicines are seriously affected by possible quality problems… I think I heard of synthroid issues also, as ubi says.

    for politically minded, this seems like a lose-lose – choosing between “china” and “big pharma”. Hope you side with US pharma for a change. And also note that those who attack “big pharma” implicitly support “big China”, similarly as those who fight “climate” help Russia as previous generation those who were fighting nuclear were helping USSR to sell their oil/gas.


    Gadol you mean for a change you agree. Because I’m always right

    Reb Eliezer

    ujm, Ketek’s generic name is telithromycin and she sued them and received money.

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