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- This topic has 103 replies, 21 voices, and was last updated 12 years, 1 month ago by snowbunny3318.
January 17, 2013 8:23 pm at 8:23 pm #607834snowbunny3318Member
I am having issues with stomach inflammation, so I have missed a bit over two weeks of school and in seminary, that is a BIG deal. I went to a doctor and since he didn’t want to stress me out, he told me that I have stomach inflammation and gave me some medication that my great aunt takes for her gastritis and after looking up gastritis online, I realized that I have the symptoms of the acute version of it, but I am worried that with everything that is going on that it will turn chronic (due to stress). Does anyone else here have it that can give me advice on how to deal with it? I have found that going out to eat is very calming for me (although I have enough money to do that at least once a week, and get some sort of junk food more than once a week when I go out, which is also calming, people in my program yell at me for doing that, and then my stomach pain starts up again…).
January 17, 2013 8:37 pm at 8:37 pm #925193haifagirlParticipantTake your medication faithfully. That usually clears up the acute form.
By the way, “gastr-” means stomach, and “itis” means inflammation. So “gastritis” in lay terms is “stomach inflammation.”
January 17, 2013 8:43 pm at 8:43 pm #925194☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantRefuah Sheleimah. Sorry, no advice.
January 17, 2013 8:45 pm at 8:45 pm #925195Derech HaMelechMemberI would also say to stay away from spicy foods, fried foods, and anything else you might enjoy until it passes. And try to focus more on getting rid of your stress. Try to pick up a relaxation technique or two. Chances are, this is psychosomatic. When you can become more relaxed, this too shall pass.
January 17, 2013 8:51 pm at 8:51 pm #925196snowbunny3318MemberHaifagirl: Thank you for letting me know, I do take my medication faithfully every day, sometimes it is hard for me to wake up because that is one of my biggest symptoms of my ADHD (its not such a common symptom so most places won’t tell you that it is a symptom), so I sometimes wake up later in the morning than other people would (like 11 am).
Daas Yochid: Thank you! I really appreciate it!.
Derech Hamelech: I figured that it is stress related. I know what the root causes of the stress issues are, but I think I need the doctor to actually tell me that I have that so I can explain to the people who do not realize that they are causing it by constantly yelling at me why they need to leave me alone a bit more often and let me do my own thing (when people tell me what to do- it tends to stress me out, also having to confront pet peeves 24/7 also stresses me out).
January 17, 2013 9:05 pm at 9:05 pm #925197Ctrl Alt DelParticipant“people in my program yell at me for doing that”
Why are you subjecting yourself to such treatment?? Why are you tolerating such treatment?? Wait!! Don’t tell me, because with out this seminary you won’t get a good shidduch. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to kid. (commence the piling on by other posters!) Please take care of yourself. Refuah Sheleimah.
January 17, 2013 10:08 pm at 10:08 pm #925199mercuryMemberi was diagnosed with gastritis in my early 20’s. which was also stress related. i was put on a regimen of librax, nexium, and an SSRI. worked wonders! feel better and good luck!
January 17, 2013 10:31 pm at 10:31 pm #925200snowbunny3318MemberThanks!
January 17, 2013 10:38 pm at 10:38 pm #925201BYbychoiceMemberSleeping later is not really a direct syptom of ADHD, because of other things that ADHD causes you dont go to sleep at a normal time or get as much sleep as you really need,so you sleep later then usual and is actually one of the more annoying things of adhd i feel formyself personally. refuah shleimah i hope you figure out what needs to be down and your out of your pain soon!
January 17, 2013 10:57 pm at 10:57 pm #925202Derech HaMelechMemberbut I think I need the doctor to actually tell me that I have that so I can explain to the people who do not realize that they are causing it by constantly yelling at me why they need to leave me alone a bit more often and let me do my own thing (when people tell me what to do- it tends to stress me out, also having to confront pet peeves 24/7 also stresses me out
Someone one time pointed this out to me and even though I never realized it, it’s really very obvious. There is no such thing as a stressful situation. The stress is only a reaction that you have to an event (or person). It’s all in your head. we spend a lot of time reinforcing the idea that if someone yells at us, our response should be to become stressed. But the reality is that we can choose how we want to react. We are people, we can control ourselves.
January 18, 2013 1:37 am at 1:37 am #925203ThePurpleOneMemberhi snowbunny!!
so u sed ur stomache thing is stress related, rite? so i think anything phycho related cud be cured w dr sarno… he has this whole technique… supp to work rlly well!! u cud look him up online nd get his book if u like the info u find… also if u feel ur docs bad then ttly go get a second opinion:)
January 18, 2013 2:15 am at 2:15 am #925204Derech HaMelechMemberI think I understood what puplicious said and if I’m right, then I also suggest Dr. Sarno’s book. I know someone who used it for back problems and another who used it for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
January 18, 2013 4:18 am at 4:18 am #925205yehudayonaParticipantmercury, do you still take Nexium? Most insurances in the U.S. don’t cover it these days — they claim Prilosec does the job (which it doesn’t).
January 18, 2013 7:01 am at 7:01 am #925206snowbunny3318MemberI currently in Israel so I am not sure I can pay for shipping.
January 18, 2013 7:59 am at 7:59 am #925207yankdownunderMemberSnowbunny3318 ask your doctor for a diet for gastritis that your mother can prepare for you, and maybe help heal your condition. If possible avoid junk food, and try to substitute with healthier choices. Feel better.
January 18, 2013 8:01 am at 8:01 am #925208yankdownunderMemberSnowbunny3318 ask your doctor for a diet for gastritis that your mother can prepare for you, and maybe help heal your condition. If possible avoid junk food, and try to substitute with healthier choices. Feel better.
January 18, 2013 12:44 pm at 12:44 pm #925209mercuryMemberi remember paying a copay of 20 dollars each time i refilled the RX for nexium. BH im not on this regimen anymore. people do swear by prilosec/omeprazole. i dont know ive never tried it. for now i take zantac becuase I am pregnant and get terrible heartburn. for my gastritis i really think it was the SSRI that helped me most during that time. it helped me deal with my stressors and once that was better my stomach started to calm down. librax was really a huge life savor for me as it not only calms the stomach muscles but it is also a mild sedative. but i havent taken it in years. for now i just continue with a low dose SSRI.
January 18, 2013 5:28 pm at 5:28 pm #925210HealthParticipantSB -I doubt you have Gastritis. Gastritis is Not caused by stress that you’re describing.
January 18, 2013 6:22 pm at 6:22 pm #925211JustHavingFunParticipantDon’t listen to “Health”; stress can cause myriad troubles ranging from inflammation to sapping you of energy.
In addition to the other good advice about diets and medication, for the long term, it would help if you learn some relaxation techniques to deal with managing your overall stress level. There are simple routines you can learn from listening to tapes, CDs, apps or downloads that teach relaxation. You can see a therapist about various treatments, too.
There is something called NeuroLinguisticProgramming (NLP). This is something you can do for yourself, even if people won’t leave you alone or you’re in a situation where you can not leave the presence of the stressors. I suggest you try it.
January 19, 2013 7:13 pm at 7:13 pm #925212haifagirlParticipantNexium is terrible. It affects taste buds and makes everything taste funny.
In Israel, ask the doctor for a prescription for lansoprazole. It hasn’t caused any side effects for me. And it’s not expensive.
January 19, 2013 10:03 pm at 10:03 pm #925213snowbunny3318MemberThose all sound like great ideas. In terms of people yelling at me, I am (not to brag or anything) a good girl, who was put in a very unique situation with many nisyonos that are very stressful for me. My life is amazing, but its weird to go from, in five years, knowing absolutely nobody and having no friends, to being considered “popular” (whatever that is supposed to mean) and always bumping into someone I know whenever I go out (which sometimes leads to trouble… but I don’t do anything so wrong). Also, since I am in Israel, the copays would be different.
Yankdownunder: I am 19 years old and in seminary, since I plan on making aliyah, I won’t have my mom here to prepare food for me for a while.
Justhavingfun: The program I am in requires me to speak to a therapist because everyone here does. I would like to start doing yoga to improve my flexibility, but I need a place to do it. Up until now, I have been able to go out wherever, whenever, to take long walks that would calm me down- now I can’t really do that so often.
January 20, 2013 3:10 am at 3:10 am #925214HealthParticipantJustHavingFun -“Don’t listen to “Health”; stress can cause myriad troubles ranging from inflammation to sapping you of energy.”
I’ll give you sapping of energy, but Not inflammation. Which alternative medicine book did you pick this one up from?
January 20, 2013 3:19 am at 3:19 am #925215HealthParticipantSB -“so I sometimes wake up later in the morning than other people would (like 11 am).
by constantly yelling at me why they need to leave me alone a bit more often and let me do my own thing”
I’m actually surprised that all they do is yell; getting up at that time, all the time, is cause for them to chuck you. Start conforming and they’ll stop yelling!
January 20, 2013 10:59 am at 10:59 am #925216snowbunny3318MemberI am only getting up so late because of my stomach pain! I don’t like getting up that late on school days.
January 20, 2013 7:06 pm at 7:06 pm #925217HealthParticipantSB -“I am only getting up so late because of my stomach pain!”
I’m not going to charge because I’ll be Dan you L’caf Zecus that you’re for real and you need help. Tell me your symptoms and maybe I can help you. I got pain, but that’s it. On a scale of 1 -10, tell me a number with 1 being the least & 10 being the worst possible. Where is it located? Does it hurt all the time? If not, when? Describe it -gnawing, burning, sharp, dull, etc. Does it go from it’s location to the other places (radiation)? Anything make it better? Anything make it worse? Do you take a lot/any of aspirin or ibuprofen or Aleve (NSAIDS)? How often? Any alcohol?
Any Nausea and/or vomiting? Diarrhea or constpation or both? Any blood or coffee grounds in your vomit? Any blood or dark, tarry stools? Indigestion? Gas and/or bloating? Any reflux/heartburn?
What tests did the Doctor do, if any? What medication did he give you and what dose? Does it help the medication? A little bit, a lot, or not at all?
Disclaimer: This post is Not to imply that there is any medical relationship here, only to point out possible medical info, causes, etc., not to diagnose or practice medicine.
January 20, 2013 7:41 pm at 7:41 pm #925218yytzParticipantDo you drink coffee? It can both exacerbate stress and cause stomach upset in some people? Also, I recommend trying relaxation exercises in which you focus on completely relaxing one body part at a time, including your stomach. Finally, I recommend going to a reputable acupuncturist — it may not help with all conditions, but I know someone with stress and stomach issues who was helped a lot by it. Refuah shleimah!
January 20, 2013 7:46 pm at 7:46 pm #925219snowbunny3318MemberWhen I am in pain- its an 8. It is located on my stomach. It hurts most of the time, usually when I am near my stressors (in my case that is school, madrichot, program director, certain other girls). Sometimes, the pain goes to my thighs an shoulders. I took up until sunday aleve, and then the doctor told me to take tylenol instead, so I started using that, used it 4 times since I got it on sunday. Stress makes it way worse. It feel better when I am not in my seminary building with my program. I do not drink alcohol. No nausea. Both Diarrhea and constipation. Blood in my stools. Indigestion, yes. Occasional gas. My stomach is bloated. The doctor pushed on four areas of my abdomen and my stomach hurt the most. The medication helps somewhat, as long as I am not near my stressors.
I am going to the doctor again tomorrow. I have already missed more than two weeks of school because of this- which is not normal. Plus my madrichot keep on thinking I need to calm down (and they think that working out will do that) when I really need to relax (which aerobics don’t help me do).
By the way, I did try to stand up for myself to the director of my program, but she claims that she never did anything that I know she did, and invalidated how I felt completely and said that she feels that I am not capable of doing things I am used to doing on my own without assistance.
January 20, 2013 8:00 pm at 8:00 pm #925220snowbunny3318MemberI only drink iced coffee, and usually when I have it, I am out and nowhere near my stressors, so I am perfectly fine when I drink it. Since I am in seminary, I do not think I would be able to start acupuncture here. I find it difficult to lay down during the day, but I can try that when I go to bed tonight.
January 20, 2013 8:56 pm at 8:56 pm #925221HealthParticipantSB – I don’t know what you mean by “blood in your stools”? Are you talking about blood when you wipe or actually in your stool?
This is by far the most worrisome symptom. Since I can’t actually examine you, I can’t figure out what’s going on. Anyways, since there is a possibility of a serious diagnosis, because of the possibility of “blood in the stools”, I recommend you see a Gastro Doctor ASAP for a colonoscopy AND a endoscopy. They have to look at the almost the whole digestive system for a diagnosis. So if you’re Not going to a Stomach Doctor tomorrow -you better. If you’re going to a regular Doc, cancel your appt. and go to a Gastro. Anyways the other symptoms sound like IBS, which is treated by a Gastro and a psycholgist and a psychiatrist. Anyways, I feel it would be beneficial for you to see a psychologist for therapy (once or twice a week) and a psychiatrist for anti-anxiety medications, because you have a lot of stress, even if you don’t have IBS. Anyways, either way you have to see a Gastro because IBS is a diagnosis of exclusion.
January 20, 2013 9:46 pm at 9:46 pm #925222snowbunny3318MemberSince I lost my phone last night… I can’t really cancel my appointment. I had my madrichot call to make the appointment for me because I figured that since they watch me like a two year old anyway, this is the time to pretend I need help (JK, but I really did have them make the appointment for me). I do see a therapist, but she is an intern, and to close to my program in terms of involvement for me to gain much benefit from it. I am already on anti-anxiety medications, been on them for almost ten years… I think that I should just see the regular doctor tomorrow because he is covered by my student health insurance, and then take it from there.
Also, these symptoms started three weeks ago, IBS needs it to go on for six months.
January 20, 2013 11:29 pm at 11:29 pm #925223yytzParticipantRe: acupuncture, you might try wearing “sea bands,” inexpensive little wristbands meant for pregnant women with morning sickness. They are designed to stimulate an acupressure point that helps with both stomach ache and anxiety/stress. These points really work — my wife used to have really bad morning sickness, and it would often go way after I would press a few spots!
I would be careful about the coffee, since it had acids in it that bother a lot of people (not necessarily right after you drink it). It might also interfere with your sleep, making it hard to get up in the morning.
If I were you, I would make sure to eat at least a little yogurt each day; it has probiotic components that can fight bacteria that cause or encourage gastritis. Hatzlacha!
January 20, 2013 11:57 pm at 11:57 pm #925224snowbunny3318MemberThe sea-bands seem interesting.
I don’t really have iced coffee every day because I only go out a few times a week. I stopped buying large bottles of coca-cola that I used to drink to help me wake up in the morning (I typically don’t get up easily without a high dose of caffeine like that- not drinking the whole bottle at once… my mom also drinks a can of pepsi every morning to help her wake up, when I wake up, I am never really conscious enough to drink and make my own coffee) because i have to wait a half hour after taking the medicine to drink anything.
January 21, 2013 12:58 am at 12:58 am #925225danielaParticipantWhat do your father and mother advise?
January 21, 2013 2:05 am at 2:05 am #925226commonsenseParticipantHi, I’ve had trouble with this since I was a child. Currently I take prevacid which someone else recommended as lansoprasole which if it is not expensive in Israel, lucky you because it is not cheap in the usa and i have to fight my insurance co every two years to keep on getting it. Mercury, I took this throughout pregancies. I also fill in with tagamet when I need to. (not good in pregnancy, took zantac then but tagamet works better for me.) you will learn in time what bothers you when you eat it and what to stay away from – not the same for everyone. This is very livable with and once you have it under control it should not affect your life greatly(except what you eat).
January 21, 2013 3:26 am at 3:26 am #925227HealthParticipantSB -“I can’t really cancel my appointment.”
When you are there ask him/her for a referral to a Gastro and get an appt. right away. Tell the Doctor you want to see one (Gastro) today!
“I do see a therapist, but she is an intern, and to close to my program in terms of involvement for me to gain much benefit from it.”
You need to see a Psychologist that is Not involved with the School. I shouldn’t have to tell you something you already know!
“I am already on anti-anxiety medications, been on them for almost ten years…”
Again you need to see a Psychiatrist to update or change your medications. You’re beginning to make me sound like a broken record.
“Also, these symptoms started three weeks ago, IBS needs it to go on for six months.”
Congrats! I didn’t know you got your medical license. Let the Med Prof., like me, worry about making diagnoses and how it falls under the criteria. You start worrying how to take care of yourself. You can get the help you need, but you have to put in the effort.
January 21, 2013 6:19 am at 6:19 am #925228snowbunny3318MemberI know that I need to see someone not connected to my school, preferably in person to, however, I talk to someone on the phone once a week to check in, and my mom pays a fortune for that, I don’t really think having three social workers is a practical solution at this point- nor affordable.
No, I didn’t get my medical license, however, I saw a doctor last week and today’s visit is going to be a follow- up.
I often have issues (memory wise) pointing out symptoms unless the doctor starts from my feet up and asks me about each body part, that is why I like web md symptom checker… mostly that issue comes from stress, and also because throughout my life, I have had doctors consider my issues to be not valid because of my emotional problems (which is ridiculous because I am practically normal because I take my medication- some people even consider me “popular” whatever that means, every time I go out, I always see someone I know, or even more than one person.
January 21, 2013 9:35 am at 9:35 am #925229snowbunny3318MemberI just saw a doctor- I thought I was going to see the same doctor as last time, but it turned out to be someone else… she gave me a prescription for fish oil, and basically ignored my symptoms and said she couldn’t do anything about it (which unfortunately as a result of my emotional problems happens way to often), it wasn’t covered by my insurance (obviously) and since I don’t have enough money for it, I didn’t get the fish oil. I feel like it is much cheaper…
January 21, 2013 10:54 am at 10:54 am #925230snowbunny3318Membermuch cheaper in the states, so I can have someone bring it here for me. It wasn’t covered by my insurance, which makes sense because it is a vitamin, and it cost 150 shkalim at the pharmacy.
I was able to go to class today and stay the whole time without any issues- Thank G-d. And I woke up on time as well. My teacher was pretty chill about the whole me missing class for a while thing, she gave me her e-mail address so that I could e-mail her if I am not feeling well. I wish I got everyone’s e-mail addresses at the beginning (teachers).
January 21, 2013 2:50 pm at 2:50 pm #925231mercuryMembercommonsense,
i am not sure which medicine your refering to that you took while pregnant. i never tried prevacid or tagamet. my heartburn isnt unbearable its just uncomfortable. either way when i told my dr she said just drink milk (huh!?). i literally go threw a bottle of mylanta a week. but zantac seems to work much better and after researching it online i see that many doctors tell their patients its ok as its only a catergory B so i am listening to their advice. shes very against taking anything at all while pregnant. so when i told her i take a low dose ssri (category C) and an occasional klonopin (catergory D) she freaked out. my psychiatrist said its ok and i researched a TON on this topic. apparently many OB’s do give the go ahead especially for someone on such a low dose as i am (altho i was on a higher dose till i got pregnant). eventho she wanted me completely off, i stayed on the regimen anyway based on the fact i feel this is whats best and so did a genetic counselor i spoke to.
Snowbunny, after reading all your symptoms my heart just sank. i feel so bad for you that you have to suffer. my gastritis was much more mild compared to yours. do you think maybe you should leave the seminary? obviously the people there are not supportive and it seems like right now its best to be in a supportive environment. maybe check out Neve Yerushalayim in Har Nof. I was there. people there are so supportive and amazing as well as the learning. they work with you emotionally, and spiritually as well as financially if you cant afford it. no maderichots are on top of you yelling at you all the time. you just may feel better in a different environment then the seminary you are in.
January 21, 2013 4:10 pm at 4:10 pm #925232snowbunny3318MemberThis is the second seminary that I am at this year, I switched here from a different seminary…
The thing is that I am actually in two programs, the reason people in Program “A” are on top of me like this is because it is a program meant for people with… well let me put it this way, we have ten girls and four madrichot here, who are here as bnot sherut.
Program “B” is completely normal, extremely modern orthodox seminary.
I am a bit more Bais yaakov, like I spent 12th grade in the local bais yaakov (I am a baal teshuva).
This all leads to constant culture shock, and my gastritis is my body’s way of reacting to it.
Yes, it stinks, but I consider myself to be very brave because I have gone through so much and in spite of all of the things I went through, I continue to charge forward, looking for the next opportunities. I was pushed into these programs by someone I am somewhat close to, its not a perfect fit, but the key here is that once I smooth out these health- harming bumps, everything should be ok.
January 21, 2013 5:43 pm at 5:43 pm #925233HealthParticipantSB -“I know that I need to see someone not connected to my school, preferably in person to, however, I talk to someone on the phone once a week to check in, and my mom pays a fortune for that, I don’t really think having three social workers is a practical solution at this point- nor affordable.”
Listen young girl, first of all, you need to calm down and try to comprehend what I’m telling you. Tell your Mommy, she needs to pay for the things that I’m saying. From my knowledge, your problems aren’t here today and gone tomorrow. You obviously don’t need 3 therapists – I never said that.
You do need to find a good therapist in the city you are now. Forget the one from school and forget the one on the phone. You also need to go to a Psychiatrist in your city for medication therapy. You also need to go to a Gastro Doctor and let him/her decide if you need a workup which would probably include a colonoscopy and/or an endoscopy.
“I just saw a doctor- I thought I was going to see the same doctor as last time, but it turned out to be someone else… she gave me a prescription for fish oil, and basically ignored my symptoms and said she couldn’t do anything about it (which unfortunately as a result of my emotional problems happens way to often), it wasn’t covered by my insurance (obviously) and since I don’t have enough money for it, I didn’t get the fish oil. I feel like it is much cheaper”
Don’t worry about the fish oil -it’s not important. Probably one of those Russian Docs that they have in Israel.
All you have to do is concentrate on the things I just told you.
Perhaps s/o from the seminary can help you, like a teacher.
If you want you can have a teacher post here in this topic to me and I’ll try to answer any questions they might have.
January 21, 2013 5:52 pm at 5:52 pm #925234snowbunny3318MemberMy school would kill me if they found out I would post this type of stuff here… Plus I can manage this stuff myself, I just need a private place to make the calls.
Plus, I would not be here if I wasn’t seeing a shrink… before I continue down this track, could we stop talking about my emotional problems?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? This isn’t normal.
January 21, 2013 5:56 pm at 5:56 pm #925235HealthParticipantmercury -“i am not sure which medicine your refering to that you took while pregnant. my heartburn isnt unbearable its just uncomfortable. either way when i told my dr she said just drink milk (huh!?).”
Now this is an old wive’s tale. They used to say drink milk for heartburn because it’s soothing on the way down, but they found out that Milkfat actually causes more acid to be generated.
But it’s ok to drink a 8oz cup of skim milk even if you have heartburn. It’s funny lots a Docs when they specialize, like Ob, all of a sudden they forget everything they learned in Med school. The mantra of Ob’s is don’t take any medications and this is fine by me, but there is no reason a pt. should suffer because they won’t take any medication for their conditions, esp. if the risk is extremely small and the pt. wants to.
January 21, 2013 5:59 pm at 5:59 pm #925236HealthParticipantSB – Well go ahead and do it -No more excuses.
January 21, 2013 6:03 pm at 6:03 pm #925237snowbunny3318Memberwhat excuses? I am doing everything that I can.
January 21, 2013 7:17 pm at 7:17 pm #925238HealthParticipantSB – Come back in the end of the week and tell me what the Gastro said.
January 21, 2013 7:39 pm at 7:39 pm #925239nfgo3MemberSnowbunny: You can reduce stress by writing shorter sentences. Your second sentence ran on for several lines and several separate thoughts. Writing shorter sentences will help you calm down and make you sound more articulate.
January 21, 2013 7:51 pm at 7:51 pm #925240snowbunny3318MemberI would have to see if it is even covered by my health insurance… are you trying to tell me I have ulcers?
January 21, 2013 8:46 pm at 8:46 pm #925241HealthParticipantSB – It doesn’t matter whether you have Health insurance or Not, you need to go to a Gastro. Your mother can pay for it. Like I said previously your symptoms sound like IBS, but you claim there is blood. If there is blood you need to be worked up by a Gastro.
Blood can be from many different causes, not just ulcers, some serious.
January 21, 2013 10:09 pm at 10:09 pm #925242snowbunny3318MemberSounds lovely… until you know find out that my brother is having similar issues and has had them for over a year and he can’t afford to be tested, so what makes me any different?
What do you think I have? Cancer?
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