Fruit Tree Reports

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  • #1850566

    Does anyone know of fruit trees along or close to Coney Island Ave, or near an F station, that they PERSONALLY know to be CURRENTLY in bloom?


    There used to be one, and possible still is (can’t vouch for it but think it’s still there) across the street from Rabbi Landau’s shul, on the corner of Ave. L & E. 8th.


    If you can’t vouch that the tree even exists any more, then how can you say that it’s CURRENTLY in bloom? That is the important question, especially with the cold weather we’ve been having.

    With the current situation I don’t want to get the printed list of all known trees and start shlepping from location to location, on the bus and off the bus, until I find one in bloom. In a normal year I could do that but not now. So I’m asking if anyone knows one that is currently in bloom, so I can just get the bus there, say the bracha, and get the bus back, before the end of Nissan.


    Side note, same topic. I have a crabapple or small cherry size apple tree in my front yard that the buds opened today. Can we make a Bracha on this tree? I’ve never eaten the apples growing on this tree but i’ve seen other animals eating them. I do have 2 regular apple trees next door at my neighbors house but those 2 have not even began to show any signs of a flower or bud. Anyone know?

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