- This topic has 63 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 7 months ago by chani91.
May 27, 2013 7:18 pm at 7:18 pm #609443[email protected]Participant
I have the sheet music for Hofachto by Avraham Fried if anyone is interested.
May 27, 2013 7:25 pm at 7:25 pm #969620Torah613TorahParticipantCan you tell us what to google if we want to find it?
May 27, 2013 8:04 pm at 8:04 pm #969621writersoulParticipantDo you know where any other songs are available (I don’t know that one)?
I’d especially appreciate only the melody line and NOT piano music (I play the flute and no, you can’t always just use the top line).
May 27, 2013 9:07 pm at 9:07 pm #969622HaLeiViParticipantDon’t you play flute with both hands? So, what’s wrong with piano notes?
May 28, 2013 12:04 am at 12:04 am #969623writersoulParticipantThe flute keys aren’t like piano keys. There are fewer buttons than there are notes, so different combinations of keys (called fingering) are used to make different notes. The C scale goes from C (with only the left pinky) down to C (all fingers except right thumb, which just holds the flute up), with each lower note adding a finger on a key.
If that was more involved than you had in mind, sorry :).
tl;dr: Flutes only play one note at a time.
May 28, 2013 2:46 am at 2:46 am #969624HaLeiViParticipantA flute can only play one note at a time, but flutes can play many notes together.
May 28, 2013 2:47 am at 2:47 am #969625HaLeiViParticipantBy the way, you only play the lower register?
May 28, 2013 2:48 am at 2:48 am #969626HaLeiViParticipantDoes anyone have notes for the aeolian harp?
May 28, 2013 9:16 pm at 9:16 pm #969627[email protected]ParticipantHere it is, I will keep on updating this post whenever there is new sheet on this site. If you contact the guy who arranged the music (his email address is on the bottom of the music) he will apparently write any song you request for free!!!!
May 28, 2013 11:10 pm at 11:10 pm #969628writersoulParticipantHaLeiVi: No, that’s just the only one that works that smoothly to explain :). The next highest register would be the same except that the D is different fingering.
I only started relatively recently, but I can play the low, middle, and up to G of the high register.
Yes, two flutes could each play half of the piano music, but what’s the point? I like playing by myself as well as with others.
Besides, lots of times piano music has those weird chord notations on it. I don’t play the piano, so I don’t really know a lot about what I’m talking about except that I’ve tried to use piano music occasionally and haven’t been able to.
May 29, 2013 2:22 am at 2:22 am #969629HaLeiViParticipantI guess trying to play Chopin’s piano music on a flute could be quite complicated, but the Jewish piano that I’ve seen didn’t really have much piano going on. Usually it just has the simple chords written out for the left hand.
May 29, 2013 10:53 pm at 10:53 pm #969630[email protected]ParticipantIf you request a song here I will try to put the sheet music for that song for free on: [www(dot)emesmusic(dot)co(dot)nf] by the end of the month.
May 30, 2013 12:24 am at 12:24 am #969631SaysMeMemberif you search the cr for sheet music, there’s a bunch of links and posts already shared
May 30, 2013 1:15 am at 1:15 am #969632[email protected]ParticipantCorrect SaysMe, but very little, and most of the links are broken. There is also nothing where you can request sheet music.
June 3, 2013 3:49 pm at 3:49 pm #969635[email protected]ParticipantThe sheet music for Ki Hirbeisa is now available for free on emesmusic(dot)co(dot)nf
Mods let this site through, all it has is sheet music.
June 3, 2013 4:53 pm at 4:53 pm #969636HaLeiViParticipantWhat is .nf, North Africa?
June 3, 2013 6:23 pm at 6:23 pm #969637[email protected]ParticipantNo HaLeiVi I think its one of the only domain names you can get for free.
June 3, 2013 10:32 pm at 10:32 pm #969638HaLeiViParticipantPicked it up. Very nice.
It looks like you used MuseScore. Why don’t you also make it available as in MusicXml format, for that matter? This way, someone can enhance it and send it back.
June 3, 2013 11:55 pm at 11:55 pm #969639writersoulParticipantWhy can’t I access the site? I googled it and it didn’t show up.
June 4, 2013 4:41 am at 4:41 am #969640SaysMeMemberJune 4, 2013 11:46 am at 11:46 am #969641[email protected]Participantwritersoul, it’s not listed on google. You have to type in the address manually into your browser.
June 4, 2013 3:53 pm at 3:53 pm #969643[email protected]ParticipantI didn’t use MuseScore, I used Sibelius.
June 4, 2013 3:56 pm at 3:56 pm #969644[email protected]Participantwritersoul, for Ki Hirbeisa you can just use the upper register.
June 4, 2013 4:15 pm at 4:15 pm #969645HaLeiViParticipantYou mean the upper staff. Anyhow, I’m pretty sure Sibelius can export to MusicXml as well. Any better software is supposed to be able to do that.
MuseScore is a free open-source program that uses soundfonts to play and save. It isn’t so stable but the autosave is pretty good. It is also a bit rigid and the controls are through shortcuts that you have to dig up in the help PDF rather than the UI. I thought I recognized the fonts and layout.
June 4, 2013 10:04 pm at 10:04 pm #969646[email protected]ParticipantHaLeiVi, Ki Hirbeisa could very well have been written in MuseScore as I did not arrange it myself. As for the terminology for the upper staff, I am living in London and since someone referred to the treble clef as the upper register earlier in this post, I assumed that is what you call it in America. Look at Hofachto for Sibelius fonts and layouts.
June 4, 2013 10:25 pm at 10:25 pm #969647SaysMeMemberki hirbeisa was in the last post in the link i reposted
June 5, 2013 12:51 pm at 12:51 pm #969648[email protected]ParticipantSaysMe, so why don’t you request a song and I’ll get it for you?
June 5, 2013 1:26 pm at 1:26 pm #969649HaLeiViParticipantRegister is what you call the playing a new set of notes on top of the old. A flute, clarinet, recorder and saxiphone can play more notes than the amount of keys they sport. Playing the higher octave, or register, can either simply be with the release of a key (or half a key) or might include different blowing methods, which makes it harder. I don’t think it is called register on a trumpet, but I’m not sure.
June 5, 2013 1:32 pm at 1:32 pm #969650HaLeiViParticipantYou remind me of an argument I had with a friend from another country. I said C is here and he insisted that what I pointed to is A. After a long while I thought of asking him how he knew to be so sure if he didn’t even grow up with this alphabet, he obviously didn’t call the notes by the ABC in the first place. He answered that he actually called it Do Re Mi. In other words, he took it for granted (reasonably enough) that Do is A. I’m actually not too sure why it isn’t.
Perhaps our system is designed be bass writers.
June 5, 2013 8:24 pm at 8:24 pm #969651[email protected]ParticipantHaLeiVi, you are probably right, his system also starts with A, but since he only learnt the treble clef, he starts learning the first note as C. I assume people who learn instruments which can only play in the treble clef also start learning in C, when in fact if you look at all three clefs the lowest not is an A.
June 5, 2013 9:16 pm at 9:16 pm #969652dodyankiMemberMiddle A is exactly 440 vps (vibrations per second) so that means it everything starts at A and the C major which is DO is the corresponding major chord to A minor. so they are both really the main starting note. vehamayven yovin
June 9, 2013 2:58 pm at 2:58 pm #969653[email protected]ParticipantThe sheet music for Benny Friedman’s new hit song, Yesh Tikva, is now available for free on: emesmusic(dot)co(dot)nf
Mods let this site through, all it has is sheet music.
June 23, 2013 9:14 pm at 9:14 pm #969654[email protected]ParticipantThe sheet music for Yaakov Shwekey’s hit song, Lo Yaavod, is now available for free on: emesmusic(dot)co(dot)nf
Mods let this site through, all it has is sheet music.
June 23, 2013 10:17 pm at 10:17 pm #969655alwaysmileParticipantjewishguitarchords (dot) com
has free guitar chords for lots of jewish songs
June 24, 2013 4:36 pm at 4:36 pm #969656[email protected]ParticipantTrue alwaysmile. But they’re mostly old songs or songs you’ve never heard of and they hardly get updated.
June 25, 2013 7:04 am at 7:04 am #969657This name is already takenParticipantYou may want to check out this website. It’s got links to a lot of free sheet music. Mods please allow
July 18, 2013 5:36 pm at 5:36 pm #969659[email protected]ParticipantThe sheet music for Dovid Gabay’s hit song, LeGabay, is now available for free on: emesmusic(dot)co(dot)nf
Mods let this site through, all it has is sheet music.
July 19, 2013 5:28 am at 5:28 am #969660This name is already takenParticipantNo email- he already has it on his website but otherwise keep it up. Though it would be great if you can do songs from fried mbd and shweky that would be great because there isn’t much of that for free yet.
You can see which songs are currently available on the weebly website (my prev post) so you don’t redo
July 19, 2013 8:02 am at 8:02 am #969661[email protected]ParticipantSorry for the redo.
MBD coming up!
July 19, 2013 2:23 pm at 2:23 pm #969662This name is already takenParticipantI don’t care that much, was offering a suggestion
July 23, 2013 7:39 pm at 7:39 pm #969663SaysMeMemberThis name is already taken- is that your site? thanks for it. it had 3 or 4 i didn’t
July 24, 2013 6:32 am at 6:32 am #969664This name is already takenParticipantSays me- yes. Also it had 3 or 4 that you didn’t what?
July 24, 2013 11:36 am at 11:36 am #969665jewishfeminist02MemberDidn’t have, probably.
July 24, 2013 8:35 pm at 8:35 pm #969666SaysMeMemberthx jf02, yes 3 or 4 songs that i didn’t have yet.
July 24, 2013 10:15 pm at 10:15 pm #969667lakewhutParticipantanybody have the chords/sheet music to ninth man by moshe yess/abie?
July 25, 2013 2:25 am at 2:25 am #969668This name is already takenParticipantSays me- I started adding them , I’m already way past 3 or 4, thanks
July 25, 2013 2:29 am at 2:29 am #969669This name is already takenParticipantLakewut- go to the emes music site above and request it or click here if the mods allow this link http://www.emesmusic.co.nf
July 25, 2013 2:44 am at 2:44 am #969670SaysMeMemberthank YOU for the site
July 25, 2013 7:54 am at 7:54 am #969671This name is already takenParticipantYou are definitely welcome.
Btw how did you know about the secret sheets and why does it start at 73?
July 25, 2013 12:55 pm at 12:55 pm #969672SaysMeMemberi just realized the numbers jumped so tried it out, and i was right. No idea why there are gaps or start late! Cant understand why they hid them once they already had them either. But now thanks to you, they’ll be accessible!! 🙂
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