Fire at Skver camp

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    The front page has a story about a structure fire in a Skver camp. I remember a few years ago, there was a big issue with the Skver camp in the old Homowack building, where it repeatedly failed safety inspections. They were asked to evacuate all campers for safety purposes, but they refused.

    I wonder if this also comes from a lack of concern about safety. They’re like the boy who cried wolf – after they ignored the safety rules before, my mind now goes straight to thinking it might be their fault for again ignoring them.


    I wonder how long it will take for this thread to get closed.

    🐵 ⌨ Gamanit

    DaMoshe- you’re mixing up two totally different things. This camp that has the fire is Camp Bnos Square, commonly known as Tomer Devorah camp. The camp that had the safety concerns previously was Camp Bnos Skver, not known by any other name. Tomer Devorah never failed fire safety inspection. It was inspected every summer and passed.


    Gamanit: When it comes to Skver, everything comes from “high up” in New Square, no matter what camp it is. The issue is that when the leadership decides for one camp that safety isn’t important, it follows that it doesn’t matter much to them about the other camps either.

    nishtdayngesheft: It doesn’t. No correlation at all.


    The fire may have had extra fuel from the Mekoshesh Eiztim’s supply of timber, in this week’s Parsho.


    DaMoshe: you confused me for a minute, I thought you were responding to your own post. Well, you really should have. No correlation between Tomer Devora and Square town or it’s Rebbe. And no matter what Super powers you’d like to ascribe to “the higher ups” it’s all in your mind…

    Do you even know the cause of this fire that you’re jumping to such hasty, negative conclusions; and sticking to it despite being refuted?

    🐵 ⌨ Gamanit

    DaMoshe- by the way, even if you were talking about the other Skver camp, when they were asked to evacuate they went to Raleigh hotel. That’s not called not evacuating. This place passed fire inspection but it doesn’t look like it helped them much. If you look at the pictures on other news websites the fire was really bad. One three story building and two smaller ones burnt flat to the ground.


    Gamanit: They were asked repeatedly to evacuate due to safety concerns, and they repeatedly refused. Eventually a judge ordered them to evacuate. They tried to fight it again, but weren’t successful. They then finally began evacuating, almost a month after the initial order.

    Mammele: By point was that their previous issues caused me to jump to conclusions which I probably shouldn’t have.

    🐵 ⌨ Gamanit

    Oh. I didn’t know that. I never went there, so whatever I know is hearsay. The camp that had the fire didn’t even fail surprise food inspection, which many camps fail for not having enough… It’s owned by totally different people than the camp with safety issues.

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