My mother’s A’H yartzeit is coming up and I have never fasted before for it but am now thinking about it. Just curious does anyone else fast, what other customs do you do?
I’m not so sure fasting is recommended in our day. People make a siyum, and speak about the nifteres. If someone is inspired by hearing about her meritious deeds and decides to emulate her, it brings an aliyah to her neshama. Any acts of rightiousness that you do having in mind that you are inspired by your Mother A”H is a big zchus for her. May the neshama have an aliya and may we be zoche to umacha H-shem dimah meyal kol ponim.
Sefer Yesodei Semachos says that one should fast between amud hashachar and nightfall, the note on which gives the makor as the Rama, who brings it from earlier sources (Yoreh Deah Siman 402, halacha yud beis).
my father’s yarzeit is on Asara B’teves – already a fast day. My mother’s is not on a fast day. The first few years I did try to fast on those days, but then it got hard, so I don’t. I like the idea of making a kiddush/siyum and taking on mitzvos as an aliyah for the neshama.
Seeallsides is right. I happened to hear in a Pesach shiur I was listening to earlier that we dont fast in Nisan. If I only heard it before I posted(which I actually did, but did not really pick that part up as pertaining to me..must be Pesach cleaning getting the best of me).