FALSE RUMOR: Obama Calls Kletzky Family

Home Forums In The News FALSE RUMOR: Obama Calls Kletzky Family

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  • #598120

    Why do people even make such stupid rumors up?

    It was even reported on two Israeli charedi news websites.

    How stupid can people actually be?!

    Y.W. Editor

    It’s true.

    Obama called collect, and the family refused the call….

    ☕️coffee addict




    Ummm…the largest recipient of Federal entitlement programs in the US (over $400,000 per year and a huge staff, plus free housing all for doing nothing of any value) has a toll-free line to anywhere in the US.

    There was no call. Those “charedi” news sites are free-for-alls where reports are taken from their own forums. One is no longer even under charedi ownership as its founders decided to heed the call of the rabbonim and stop their involvement with it it. A secularist with no shaychus or understanding took it over and just lets the inmates run the asylum. The more the rumors on sites like that, the more the hits.

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