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Tagged: Jewish History, Muslims, neturei karta, Racism, Zionism, גזענות
- This topic has 53 replies, 26 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 6 months ago by n0mesorah.
August 21, 2023 10:21 pm at 10:21 pm #2218251SQUARE_ROOTParticipant
If you listen to the fanatical Neturei Karta,
they will tell you that:
“before Zionism, Jews and Muslims got-along just fine.”This is NOT TRUE!!!
Not only is it not true, it is not even half-true.
Not only is it not true, it is not even close to the truth.
Not only is it not true, it is the opposite of the truth.Before Zionism, Jews were persecuted by Muslims at all times.
Before Zionism, Jews were persecuted by Muslims
for 1,300 years — or if you prefer, 13 centuries.Jews were forced to pay special taxes to Muslims.
Taxes that were intended to force Jews into poverty,
not just provide income for the government.ANY synagogue could become a mosque at ANY time.
Jews were often beaten and killed.
Jews were often forced to convert to Islam.
Even in the 1950s, in Yemen,
50,000 Jews were forced to convert to Islam.Jewish orphans were often converted to Islam,
unless some Jew would adopt them,
or take them into an orphanage.Jews were subjected to special laws intended
to humiliate them, and make life difficult for them.In the 1980s, Rabbi Zevulun Lieberman
(of blessed memory, a former YU professor
and Orthodox synagogue Rabbi in NYC) once gave
a public lecture about the history of Syrian Jews.
I attended that lecture, and I remember his exact words.Rabbi Zevulun Lieberman publicly taught that:
“From the time that Syria became a Muslim country,
the Jews of Syria did not have even one happy day.”In the 1800s, there was a false blood libel against the Jews of Syria.
For decades after the Holocaust,
Syria was a haven for convicted Nazi-war-criminals.
Not only were the convicted Nazi-war-criminals tolerated,
but they were promoted to high government positions.For decades in Syria, Jewish children as young
as six-years-old were tortured-to-death by
government security agents,
while the Leftist news-media ignored it.Rabbi Ovadiah of Bartenura said this,
in a letter to his father in year 1488 August 15:“Jews in Muslim lands make themselves appear poor.
They go about like an impoverished, despised people,
with their heads bowed before Muslims.”SOURCE: Pathway to Jerusalem: the Travel Letters of Rabbi Ovadiah of Bartenura, written between 1488 and 1490 during his journey to the Holy Land (Page 40) translated by Yaakov Dovid Shulman, year 1992 CE, 93 pages, CIS Publishers, Lakewood, New Jersey, ISBN 1-56062-130-3
The next time someone tries to tell you that:
“before Zionism, Jews and Muslims got-along just fine”,
do not believe it, because it is not true;
do not believe it, because it is not even half-true;
do not believe it, because it is not even close to the truth;
do not believe it, because it is the opposite of the truth.August 22, 2023 8:15 am at 8:15 am #2218285yungermanSParticipantSo at the end of the day lets get the honest true answer.
WHY DO MUSLIMS HATE JEWS? Anyone know? Anyone is welcome to let everyone know what they think the real reason is and why there’s so much antisemitism among Muslims hate more then Christians.
The honest true answer: just like us Jews believe directly from the Torah that we have a mitzvah to destroy Amalek. In the Muslim bible there’s a sentence that says “there’s a ROCK behind you kill him” Muslims are raised to believe that the word ROCK refers to a Jew and they have a direct commandment from their bible to kill Jews.
As an additional note, this is also why there are so many suicide bombers in the Muslims. Cause what do they have to lose a)they get money from the government for being a suicide bomber b)they believe their doing their avoda Zara g-ds will and c)they also get to kill Jews. The question is not on the suicide bomber but actually on the parent how they can give up such a precious child
August 22, 2023 8:15 am at 8:15 am #22182861ParticipantThe Secular Zionists mission is to shmad up every Jewish kid to be brainwashed in the army and become secular. How many chiloni kids don’t know how to say shma and never heard of Moshe Rabeinu. So yes becfore the mass aliyah movements, there were Jews living in EY who found situations that were manageable and their kids didn’t fall prey to the secular zionists.
August 22, 2023 8:20 am at 8:20 am #2218303hello99Participant“before Zionism, Jews and Muslims got-along just fine.”
Even in the 1950s, in Yemen, 50,000 Jews were forced to convert to Islam.
For decades after the Holocaust, Syria was a haven for convicted Nazi-war-criminals.
For decades in Syria, Jewish children as young as six-years-old were tortured-to-deathYour “proofs” are from long after Zionism
August 22, 2023 8:26 am at 8:26 am #2218328akupermaParticipantUnder the Muslims (in this case, the Ottoman Empire, since we are talking about Eretz Yisrael n the pre-zionist period)we had a status somewhat better than, for example, Blacks in America in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, 1865-1954 period, (and much better than Jews in most Christian countries who had fewer rights and were subject to frequent violence, excluding America which has not been a “Christian” country since 1789). There was no forced conversion (unlike the zionists who try to force Yidden to become secular), we controlled our own welfare and educational institutions (the government didn’t try to restrict Torah learning), we had our own courts whose decisions were respected by the state, and we were exempt from (and in fact, banned from) military service. Those Jews who preferred a financially oriented lifestyle were allowed to do so without having to adopt a non-Jewish lifestyle, and those whose primary concerns were Torah and Mitsvos were unmolested. And there usually was peace in Eretz Yisrael (except for the time Napoleon invaded).
August 22, 2023 8:30 am at 8:30 am #2218349smerelParticipantThe anti-Zionist claims about he Muslims having been such Tzadikim all the years are not true but this doesn’t seem 100% accurate either. There weren’t pogroms and the like in the Muslim countries as often as in Europe. (They did happen but not as often) Shuls were not routinely being turned into mosques etc.
What is the source for the claim that in the 1950s, in Yemen, 50,000 Jews were forced to convert to Islam. I googled it and couldn’t find it anywhere
August 22, 2023 9:45 am at 9:45 am #2218385IshChessedParticipant@yungermanS
You are slightly incorrect. The koran doesn’t refer to rocks as Jews, rather during the Muslim Jihad when Jews run to hide behind rocks the rock will speak and say to the Muslim “come here as behind me is a Jew, come and kill him”.
But regardless the Koran is full of examples of bloodshed and hatred. And then peolpe say Islam is a peaceful religion , when it’s bible spews hate and violence?!?August 22, 2023 12:41 pm at 12:41 pm #2218402☕️coffee addictParticipantThe question is not on the suicide bomber but actually on the parent how they can give up such a precious child“
I saw a Muslim say this to someone else
We love death as much as you love life
That’s the reason
August 22, 2023 12:41 pm at 12:41 pm #2218403ujmParticipanthello99: Welcome back!! It’s been ages and ages…
August 22, 2023 12:41 pm at 12:41 pm #2218406SQUARE_ROOTParticipantIn the land that is today known as Saudi Arabia,
there were several towns that had very large
Jewish minorities or even Jewish majorities.These cities were attacked and massacred
by the armies of Mohammed, the Founder of Islam.
That happened 1,400 years ago,
and cannot be blamed on “The Zionists”.Islam’s oldest and most sacred holy books:
the Koran and the Hadith — are filled with
murderous genocidal hate against Jews.Here is just one small sample of what is
written in Islam’s holy books, about Jews:Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Book 56:
Narrated by Abu Huraira:Allah’s Messenger [Mohammed] said,
“The [Final] Hour will not be established
until you fight with the Jews,
and the stone behind which a Jew
will be hiding will [miraculously] say:“O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him!”
SOURCE: Sahih al-Bukhari 2924, Book 56,
Hadith 137, Volume 4, Book 52, Hadith 175NOTE: This story appears in the Hadith seven (7) times!
This story from The Hadith was written
more than 1,000 years ago, and therefore
cannot be blamed on “The Zionists”.August 22, 2023 12:42 pm at 12:42 pm #2218407SQUARE_ROOTParticipantMohammed’s last words before he died:
“O Lord, kill the Jews and Christians!”
SOURCE: Hadith Malik, 511:1588
VOCABULARY NOTE: Hadith is a major Islamic holy book, like the Koran.
EXPLANATION: Islam teaches that Mohammed’s later teachings take priority over his older teachings. Therefore, the later the teaching, the greater it is.
Therefore, Muslims must believe that Mohammed’s last words were his most important words.August 22, 2023 12:42 pm at 12:42 pm #2218408SQUARE_ROOTParticipantThe Koran teaches that Jews are the biggest enemies of Muslims:
The Koran’s 5th chapter [al-ma’idah = “the table”], verse 82 says:</b>
“You will find that the people most hostile towards
the believers [Muslims] are the Jews and the polytheists…”August 22, 2023 12:42 pm at 12:42 pm #2218419AviraDeArahParticipantThe number of expulsions, pogroms, and massacres was very small in Arab countries compared with christian ones.
Arabs never loved us, but sefardi jews didn’t spend their lives in fear. There were isolated incidents of forced conversion and attacks, but again, much less than in Europe.
Islamic law considers judaism a protected religion; under their law, we are allowed to live unmolested if we pay a tax.
That’s what antizionists(and simple historical fact) say. Their hatred erupted after zionism exponentially.
August 22, 2023 12:42 pm at 12:42 pm #2218423Ex-CTLawyerParticipantWhy bother refuting Neturei Karta, ignore them. They are a meaningless group not worthy of our time
August 22, 2023 12:42 pm at 12:42 pm #2218426Menachem ShmeiParticipantAnyone is welcome to let everyone know what they think the real reason is and why there’s so much antisemitism among Muslims hate more then Christians.
I’m not sure that this is accurate.
הלכה היא בידוע שעשו שונא ליעקב
The Muslim countries persecuted their Jews, the Christian countries persecuted their Jews (think inquisition, crusades, czarist Russia, holocaust, and much more).
Interestingly, the Rambam has FIERY words about the Muslims after escaping the Almohads:
ידוע לכם שהקב”ה הפילנו במהמרות עונותינו בתוך אומה זו שהיא אומת ישמעאל שרעתם חזקה עלינו והם מתחכמים להרע ולמאוס אותנו כמו שגזר עלינו יתברך ואויבינו פלילים ושלא תעמוד על ישראל אומה יותר אויבת ממנה ולא אומה שהרעה בתכלית הרעה לדלדל אותנו ולהקטין אותנו ולמאוס אותנו כמוהם . . ואנחנו בעודנו סובלים שעבודה וכזביהם ושקרותם למעלה מיכולתנו שאין ביכולת האדם כח לסבול…
August 22, 2023 12:42 pm at 12:42 pm #2218435besalelParticipantakuperma: you are wrong that in the Muslims there were no forced conversions. there is a large jewish community on long island ny that are decendants of anuseh mashad. forced conversions under the threat and actual imposition of death was common.
August 22, 2023 12:42 pm at 12:42 pm #2218437GadolhadorahParticipantI’m not sure this debate is remotely relevant to contemporary Islamic beliefs and behavior. Even assuming for arguments sake that Jewish-Muslim relations were peaceful and benevolent until the Zionists came along, which as other posts above note is not really accurate, that would NOT be the case today given the radicalization of generations of Arab youth for reasons that are both religious and cultural. You have to be truly crazy to believe that if the medinah was disolved, the IDF disbanded and Zionism extinguished yidden would be welcome in what is now EY and could live in peace and harmony with their neighbors until z’man moishiach.
August 22, 2023 3:03 pm at 3:03 pm #2218459lakewhutParticipantGH When the European colonists left the middle east there were vacuums that were filled by new age religious extremists. Israeli military gave them fuel for their agenda.
August 22, 2023 3:03 pm at 3:03 pm #2218460ThingsParticipant1. There were attacks on Jews in the Arab-Islamic world about each 50 years.
But nothing compare to by the Xtians in Europe, Spanish Inquisition, then pogroms, then Holocaust.2. Regarding Yemen, it was the worst. Forced conversions were early on.
3. Early on, the Al Mohad dynasty was very cruel, all over its reign.
4. Sone explain that the Mufti ym”s Al-Husseini —
(who coined the Adbach [Itbach] al-Yahud in the 1920s massacres he incited to, then in the 1930s sent his gangs to murder also moderate Arabs; 1936: plotted to poison the Tel Aviv waters asking Fascist Italy for help in this; among inciters to the 1941 Farhoud pogrom where kids were thrown into water in front of parents; with other hundreds of Arabs helped rhe Nazis; prevented rescue of children from E. Europe to Israel; led SS Moslem units – established Imam-Schools for them; revived the ancient bloodlibel; broadcasts to the entire Arab world to kill Jews wherever they are and plotted a crematoria in Dotan) —
had combined ethnic (Arabism) Arab racism with religious Islamism. His evil legacy is stoll strong today, as seen on: Palwatch and Memri sites.August 22, 2023 3:03 pm at 3:03 pm #2218468commonsaychelParticipantArabs are noble giving people.
Sorce: AladdinAugust 22, 2023 7:10 pm at 7:10 pm #2218559Ari KnoblerParticipantIn terms of frequency of antisemitic acts, Christian Europe under the popes and kings was far worse than the Muslim world. It is not even comparable. In terms of ferocity, each society could give the other a run for their money.
Yemen is an interesting case: The Himyarite viceroy Harith Ibn-Amru converted to Judaism around 380 C.E. I think it was Tub’a Abu Kariba As’ad, the next king, who made Judaism the state religion. Dhu Nuwas was the last Jewish king of the Himyarites. He died in 527 and the Aksumites took over. Yemen is a wild and backwards country, and it grates on many people there that the country was once a Jewish kingdom.
Of course, countless acts of Jew-hatred were committed by the Muslims. I heard from an elderly Moroccan-born rabbi that before the French colonized Morocco in 1912, the Muslims there would kidnap Jewish girls from time to time who would never be heard from again.
Rabbi Dr. Herbert C. Dobrinsky, a scholar of Sephardic history, wrote that in Iran, there was a barbaric annual observance that included government officials kidnapping a random Jew, binding him in a catapult, and launching him into a field where he would meet his death upon impact.
One can trade accounts of horror until the end of time. The English knights of the Crusades disemboweled pregnant Jewish women. Muslims were not far behind in terms depravity and cruelty. After Israel won the Six Day War, at least one male from every remaining Jewish family in Egypt was arrested and sent to the Abu Zabaal Prison in Cairo. The rabbi was crucified on the prison gate under which the Jewish men and boys had to pass. Once in the prison, the men and boys were given female names and raped. What else the Egyptian monsters did to our brothers is not appropriate for this forum. The Times of Israel has an archived article about it.
August 22, 2023 7:10 pm at 7:10 pm #2218563GadolhadorahParticipant“Arabs are noble giving people…..”
CS: So are many yidden. Whats your point?August 22, 2023 10:10 pm at 10:10 pm #2218644SQUARE_ROOTParticipant***** QUOTE 1: *****
“The Koran, unlike the Bible, calls for a political movement for which all Muslims must fight, kill, and subjugate those of other faiths until Islam rules the world.”
SOURCE: They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It (chapter 1, page 24) by Brigitte Gabriel, year 2010, St. Martin’s Press, 288 pages, ISBN 0312571283, ISBN 9780312571283.
*****QUOTE 2: *****
“Many Islamic practices, such as fasting, tithing, daily prayers, and profession of faith, have much in common with Christianity and Judaism.
However, what makes Islam different from other religions is its call to kill and subjugate all other members of other faiths.
The terrorist of today as well as imams in mosques throughout the world are calling for the deaths of millions of people around the world in the name of Islam.
They are calling for jihad against the infidels, citing suras and verses from the Koran and Hadith to support their call to action.”
SOURCE: They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It (chapter 1, page 20) by Brigitte Gabriel, year 2010, St. Martin’s Press, 288 pages, ISBN 0312571283, ISBN 9780312571283.
*****QUOTE 3: *****
“Westerners come from a Judeo-Christian background, where the teaching of faith centers on love, tolerance, and forgiveness.
They do not understand that the sword of Islam represents hatred, intolerance, murder, and the subjugation of anyone not Muslim.”
SOURCE: They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It (chapter 1, page 13) by Brigitte Gabriel, year 2010, St. Martin’s Press, 288 pages, ISBN 0312571283, ISBN 9780312571283.
August 23, 2023 7:25 am at 7:25 am #2218713Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantI am also under general impression that it easy easier under Muslims than in Europe. And during crusades, Jews generally supported Muslims in EY … but if you ask Sephardim who lived there, they have mostly negatives to remember. And by these theories, Sephardim should be the most anti zionist, but I am not aware of such outside of old yishuv. Did you ever see a Syrian Jew who misses Asads, or a Iraqi who went back to Great isis?
August 23, 2023 7:27 am at 7:27 am #2218726Sam KleinParticipantThe Bnei Yishmael AKA the Muslims will be the last ones to fight klal yisroel before Mashiach comes. And if you look deeply into your research you will see that THEY ARE ALL FIGHTING KLAL YISROEL today. From Iran to Iraq to Afghanistan to Pakistan to the Palestinians etc … The list goes on and on cause this is what Hashem said directly thousands of years ago to our prophets when they were shown what will happen in the days of pre Mashiach coming. From Yirmiyahu Hanavi to Daniel to Zechariah and many other Neviim that were shown directly with prophecy and direct messages DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM.
The situation in Eretz Yisroel & in the Diaspora is very bad from Terrorists to the entire Economy going down etc… If anyone should ask why all these Tzaros are Happening to Klal Yisroel he only needs to look at what the Rambam says. Saying that as long as we remain ignorant of the present troubles that we have & what the reasons are that they are happening. The situation can only get worse until Mashiach comes. With the society we are living in today we (sadly) CONSTANTLY need reminders (wake-up calls) from HASHEM for us to do T’shuva & return to HASHEM so all this Tzaros can end & Mashiach comes.
May we all finally wake ourselves up and FACE REALITY to accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov
August 23, 2023 7:48 am at 7:48 am #2218776☕️coffee addictParticipantWelcome back Sam Klein
August 23, 2023 9:43 am at 9:43 am #2218794commonsaychelParticipant@GH my point is it was a great movie
August 23, 2023 3:26 pm at 3:26 pm #2218884n0mesorahParticipantDear Akuperma,
” …..and we were exempt from (and in fact, banned from) military service.”
The Turk conscripted Jews into their army in WW1.
August 23, 2023 3:26 pm at 3:26 pm #2218881n0mesorahParticipantThere are Zionists who value Jewish blood.
The anti Zionists who believe that Jewish blood is valueless.
Then there are Jews that accept that Hashem runs the world.
And then there is Sam Klein.
August 23, 2023 5:46 pm at 5:46 pm #2218968besalelParticipantI am not sure why conversations about whether Jews were treated decently in Muslims lands always turns into a debate about how much worse the European persecution was. Both of these statements are true:
1) Jews were treated terribly by their Muslim rulers.
2) Jews were treated much, much worse in Europe.And while I admonished those that need to make the comparison, I will add that an argument can be made that Europe also treated its Jews better than Muslim rulers. In Europe, Jews would go through phases where they were loved and cherished by their rulers. Poland adopted special laws to attract and protect Jews. “Paradisus Judaeorum.” Of course, it never ended well and the untold suffering eventually unleashed on the Jews is unrivaled.
August 27, 2023 3:19 pm at 3:19 pm #2220158KuvultParticipantYou can find whatever you want in Jewish, Christian or Islamic texts. It’s all about interpretation.
We are a strange people. So smart in some areas yet so dumb in others.
In America, 87% of Jews are not Torah observant but we assume 100% of Christians & Muslims follow the strictest interpretations.
It’s common knowledge that alcohol is banned in Islam & yet you can find liquor stores in Ramallah, Jordan & elsewhere in Muslim countries. We know Islam requires women to cover their hair yet in Iran the women are fighting to end it.
Just like we have Orthodox, Conservative & Reform Jews the Christians & Muslims have the same thing.August 29, 2023 12:55 pm at 12:55 pm #2220896SomedayParticipant@Square_Route
All that history quoted by you, the OP, may be true. However, in this particular place and time, Palestine, before the Zionist in Europe started making noise about taking over the country, the local Arabs and Jews got along very well. Maran R’ Yoisef Chaim Sonnenfeld z”l would remark about this.August 31, 2023 9:53 am at 9:53 am #2221613Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantsomeday > the local Arabs and Jews got along very well.
We have the benefit of hindsight. How well would yushuv survive under Hafetz Assad, some ayatollah, or ISIS? Most of non-Muslim minorities in the middle east are killed out or emigrate.
August 31, 2023 6:00 pm at 6:00 pm #2221678SomedayParticipantAlways,
So the old Yishuv would have moved out of Israel.
Better than the shmad of over 1 million yidden.
Better than the 10s of thousands of Yidden killed in Israeli wars.September 1, 2023 12:23 am at 12:23 am #2221939Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantSomeday, so alter-Yeshuvnikim could move now too, Medinah is not taking anyone hostage, by means other than family benefits.
And the one million yidden – those who were in America would be goyim by now, in Ukraine – would be under bombs by now, in Russia – throwing bombs by now, in Iran – under aytallohs, in Syria – killed and children raised in ISIS schools …
I don’t think Israel significantly changed anyone to the worse. Europeans socialsts and Bundists were such before Maarach, Sephardim mostly stayed “masorti” as they were before .. maybe some Teimanim were negatively impacted
September 1, 2023 9:03 am at 9:03 am #2221963SomedayParticipantAlways,
Between the 2 world wars, a number of million Yidden were shmad by joining the “bundistin” and the “communistin,” as you said. The approximately 1 million Jews who came to America before the Holocaust, also had almost all become off the derech, as you pointed out. Reason given was the hardship in holding a job while being Shoimer Shabbos.
However, there were an additional 1 million Yidden who were turned irreligious by joining the “tzionistin.”
The city Satmar in Hungary turned 50% irreligious at the end because of zionism. (Hence, the Satmar Rebbe z”l’s brewing hatred of the tziyoinim. He saw first hand what they did to the youth in his town.) The famous video of Munkatch in Hungary before WWII, with the boys and girls dancing together to zionist music, also had 50% shmad from tziyoinim. Vilna and Brisk in Lithuania (Lita,) by 1938 were turned 97% irreligious by the 3 sects, Bundist, Communist & Zionist. (Practically all, besides for the 2,000 bachurim of the famous Yeshivos.) These are a few examples by cities and countries.September 1, 2023 9:04 am at 9:04 am #2221964SomedayParticipantBtw Always, you don’t have to be Neturei Karta to feel the way I have expressed. I, personally, am not Neturei Karta. Satmat, Brisk and the Chazon Ishnikers, are anti the zionist, but not Neturei Karta. The Neturei Karta was always just a handful of Yidden who made a lot of noise. All others, including the above, were strongly and verbally opposed to the Neturei Karta’s methods.
September 2, 2023 9:46 pm at 9:46 pm #2222113n0mesorahParticipantDear Someday,
So obviously the problem between the wars wasn’t Zionism, it was assimilation. Maybe there would have been more assimilation without Zionism. Fast forward a hundred years, and that is the more likely truth. [I am not advocating for Zionism as an antidote for assimilation. The only point is that it isn’t a clear anti-Zionism argument.]
The Old Yishuv made plenty of problems without the Zionists.
Rav Yosef Chaim preceded the Zionists by at most, two generations. There was a lot of history before then. It was a hard place for Jews to live.
There are around ten thousand actual casualties of actual wars. There are another ten thousand that were killed in more ‘peaceful’ attacks.
I have never met an anti-Zionist that was truthful. So, what is the point of this thread?
September 3, 2023 6:50 am at 6:50 am #2222276SomedayParticipant>> I have never met an anti-Zionist that was truthful. So, what is the point of this thread?<<
No point in answering you, with your sick attitude. However, for others here who also fell in to suffer from your words:The problem in pre-war Europe was not assimilation. They married Jews. It was abandoning religion. (Which I suspect, you would not consider a problem.)
The issue was the Yidden suffering from terrible poverty. The Zionist, Communistm and Bundistin came along and offered their solutions to alleviate the poverty situation, which included abandoning religion.
>>The Old Yishuv made plenty of problems without the Zionists.<<
I have no idea what you are talking about. I doubt you do either.>>Rav Yosef Chaim preceded the Zionists by at most, two generations.<<
Maran Harav Yoisef Chayim Sonnefeld z”l was niftar Feb. 6, 1932! That was well into the heat of Zionism. (According to you, Zionism began in 1972!!??) Zionism began in 1897. Before 1920, their movement was shmadding up Yidden and making the Arabs angry.>>There was a lot of history before then. It was a hard place for Jews to live.<<
What is your point here??>>There are around ten thousand actual casualties of actual wars. There are another ten thousand that were killed in more ‘peaceful’ attacks.<<
Those “‘peaceful’ attacks” were also because of the Zionists!!>>I have never met an anti-Zionist that was truthful. So, what is the point of this thread?<<
I have never met an Israeli Zionist. Zionists are Dinosaurs. Today almost all Israelis just want to survive and make a living.
The handful of remaining Zionist, are the few kipa srugot and a few loudmouth Americans. I am sure you live in America, Mr. Zionist.September 3, 2023 12:58 pm at 12:58 pm #2222340smerelParticipantVery few people who were frum beforehand went OTD because of the lure of the Zionist movement alone. Had the Zionist not existed they would have found some other OTD movement to join.
For all their faults and personal opposition to religion, the Zionists did not run around preaching abandon Torah and join us. There are plenty of movements that did that you barely hear about. Because most of the anti-Zionists are only interested in fighting with those who they can accuse of being Zionists. They don’t seem to have any interest n fighting other groups who acted and continue to act worse. They have no problem giving kovod to members of the the latter groups when it suits their purposes. They certainly never initiate conflict with them.
September 3, 2023 12:59 pm at 12:59 pm #2222347n0mesorahParticipantDear Someday,
The main reason I am not an anti Zionist, is because when there is a chance to improve Torah and Mitzvos in The State, the Chareidi extreme anti Zionists are nowhere to be found. Only the more moderate Chareidim show up.
The second reason is that the anti Zionists keep pushing propaganda about all the problems that Zionism causes. I don’t get it. If you really think that Zionism is a problem according to The Torah, even if it apparently gave us endless blessings we would abhor Zionism. So what does all this history prove? It achieves one thing. It cheapens Jewish Blood.
I will respond point by point. But I hope we agree that it is all besides the point.
September 3, 2023 2:16 pm at 2:16 pm #2222399Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantSomeday,
good history, thanks. Those Yidden who did not see Yiddishkeit attractive, had a choice of commies/bund/zionists (2 types: anti-religious or religious). Simplification, of course.Out of these, both zionist groups have descendants who are Jewish, and even many non-religious ones have religious or traditional ones. Bund/socialist types were wiped out by commies first, and remaining by Nazis. Commie types went thru same 2 types of gehinom, plus some became murderers themselves. The remnants who re-appeared in 1970s as “soviet Jews” were in much worse shape than descendants of Zionim, both physically and spiritually, with few exceptions of heroic baalei teshuva and dissidents among them.
As to who so many left religion at that time – it is both the lure of revolutionary times and, to a degree, failure of Jewish communities to have a strong alternative. One might argue that religious Zionists created an attractive alternative to those who would otherwise have left, or at least tried.
September 3, 2023 2:56 pm at 2:56 pm #2222413n0mesorahParticipantDear Someday,
I didn’t even see your last paragraph when I posted that. We know each other too well…..
September 3, 2023 3:00 pm at 3:00 pm #2222427SomedayParticipantn0mesorah
In half of your posts, you just keep repeating your same stupidity over and over, refusing to address my answer.
The other half of your posts, are totally unintelligible. One sentence does not connect to the other.
>> The main reason I am not an anti Zionist, is because when there is a chance to improve Torah and Mitzvos in The State, the Chareidi extreme anti Zionists are nowhere to be found.<<
What in the world are you talking about?? Where have the zionist wanted to help with Torah uMitzvos??
The zionist have shmadded up a million Yidden and are the reason 10s of thousand were killed R”N.
No erhliche Yid would want to have anything to do with them.>> The second reason is that the anti Zionists keep pushing propaganda about all the problems that Zionism causes. I don’t get it.<<
What don’t you get? You only get pushing your propaganda against erhliche Yidden who anti tziyoinim?>>If you really think that Zionism is a problem according to The Torah, even if it apparently gave us endless blessings we would abhor Zionism.<<
We do abhor zionism.>>So what does all this history prove? It achieves one thing. It cheapens Jewish Blood.<<
Not intelligible.>> But I hope we agree that it is all besides the point.<<
What is besides the point.
You write like ch”v had a stroke or ch”v have demntia?
How old are you?
Did you go to a real Yeshiva?
Did you have any Torahdig chinuch?
What exactly qualifies you to have an opinion in this, against ruba d’ruba, if not all, Gedolei Hador from the start of zionism?
The screen name you chose, “n0mesorah,” admits to not having any mesorah. And you are proud of it??Please stop.
September 3, 2023 3:04 pm at 3:04 pm #2222430SomedayParticipantIn half of your posts, you just keep repeating your same stupidity over and over, refusing to address my answer.
The other half of your posts, are totally unintelligible. One sentence does not connect to the other.
>> The main reason I am not an anti Zionist, is because when there is a chance to improve Torah and Mitzvos in The State, the Chareidi extreme anti Zionists are nowhere to be found.<<
What in the world are you talking about?? Where have the zionist wanted to help with Torah uMitzvos??
The zionist have shmadded up a million Yidden and are the reason 10s of thousand were killed R”N.
No erhliche Yid would want to have anything to do with them.>> The second reason is that the anti Zionists keep pushing propaganda about all the problems that Zionism causes. I don’t get it.<<
What don’t you get? You only get pushing your propaganda against erhliche Yidden who anti tziyoinim?>>If you really think that Zionism is a problem according to The Torah, even if it apparently gave us endless blessings we would abhor Zionism.<<
We do abhor zionism.>>So what does all this history prove? It achieves one thing. It cheapens Jewish Blood.<<
Not intelligible.>> But I hope we agree that it is all besides the point.<<
What is besides the point??
In any case, I do not agree with any of your gibberish.
You write like ch”v had a stroke or ch”v have demntia?
How old are you?
Did you go to a real Yeshiva?
Did you have any Torahdig chinuch?
What exactly qualifies you to have an opinion in this, against ruba d’ruba, if not all, Gedolei Hador from the start of zionism?Please stop
September 3, 2023 3:54 pm at 3:54 pm #2222455SomedayParticipant@smerel and always,
Not true. Historically incorrect.
Speak to Yeshivaleit from between the 2 world wars. Unfortunately, hard to find today. I have, first and secondhand. They tell, how there were days there was literally no food to eat. They all new that the tziyoinim’s clubhouse, (funded by donors to their movement, who would not fund the Yeshivos,) offered a free hot lunch to anyone who wanted. Not one Yeshiva bachur would go there. Why? They responded, I don’t know what goes on there. All we knew was, any frum person who walked in there, walked out a fraiyer. Maran R’ Shlomeh Zalman Auerbach z”l, related the same thing went on in his youth, about ih”k Yerushalayim t”v and the gymnasium on rechov Keren Kayemit, down the road from his home in Shaarei Chesed.
The zionist would say, we can’t build a medina with every other day a Yom Tov and other mitzvos.
Maran R’ Chaim Solovetchik z”l said, they claim they are abolishing religion in order to build a medinah. However, the truth is they are building a medinah in order to abolish religion.September 3, 2023 3:55 pm at 3:55 pm #2222460smerelParticipantRav Hutner writes that he once told the a kibbutz gathering in the 1950s “Your grandchildren will either have (somewhat) returned to Torah or not be living in Israel. ” That does seem to be what happened to a large degree.
Now take all the other anti-frum groups of the 1950s. Name a single one who that could have been said to as a correct prediction about where their ideology will lead to . If their grandchildren today are Jewish at all they are probably even more anti-frum. And anti-Zionists to boot.
September 3, 2023 4:05 pm at 4:05 pm #2222376ThingsParticipantExcerpt from Chanan Amior, in Perspectiva, 22.Dec.19:
… One of the prominent books of the renowned British historian, Sir Martin Gilbert, (who was also Winston Churchill’s official biographer), is the book ‘In Ishmael’s House- The History of the Jews in Muslim Lands’ . Over hundreds of pages, Gilbert unfolds a mask of shocking violence.. decrees, riots, humiliations and murders, were the daily and completely natural part of Jews who lived in Islamic countries for 1400 years. The following review is a little of what is presented in the book:
It all begins and ends with the Battle of Khaybar. A Muslim internal struggle in the seventh century AD, between the Muhammad and one of the leaders of Mecca, meant that the Jews of Qurayza were suspected by Muhammad of helping his enemies the people of Mecca. Muhammad’s forces besieged the citadel of the Jews for 25 days. The Jews asked Muhammad to let them go into exile without anything, according to previous precedents of the expulsion of the Jews and they were stripped of all their property by Muhammad and his men, provided that they were not forced to convert to Islam. They were taken prisoner and sentenced to death, in a verdict that from that time on was perceived by the Muslims as a supposed divine[sic]…
700 Jewish men from the Qurayza tribe were taken to the market of the city of Medina. Trenches were dug in the market square, the heads of all the men were beheaded and their headless bodies were rolled into the trenches. Muhammad watched what was happening. All the children and all the women were sold into slavery, or given as gifts to Muhammad’s friends. He took one of the murdered widows for himself. The “Battle of Khaybar”, as it has since been called in Muslim tradition, became a model for the Muslim rulers who came after Muhammad.
A hundred years later, the Jews’ status as “proteges” was legally regulated, and they were required to pay the jizya tax, the skull tax to the local Muslim ruler. The protégés cannot, to this day, serve as witnesses in a Muslim court, build gravestones taller than Muslims, enter bathhouses without a special identification mark around their necks, or carry weapons.
Two hundred years later, in the tenth century, local Muslims murdered about five thousand of the Jews of Granada in Muslim Spain. The background to the pogrom was the continued incitement of the Muslims against the Jews. “They (the Jews) used to wander around us worn out, covered in humiliation, mockery and contempt,” wrote a well-known Muslim poet and jurist of the period. “Don’t see killing them as treason.” By the way, the first Xstian crusade, which happened 30 years later, cost the lives of the same number of Jews, or even less.
Gilbert concludes:
The first four hundred years of Islam were all in the shadow of “a constant threat of discrimination and persecution.
The Crusader period was not more exciting. In the middle of the 12th century, the Maimonides, Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon,.., was forced to flee from brutal persecution in Muslim Spain to Morocco. .. In a letter he sent to the Jews of Yemen, Rambam, who was well aware of Christian attacks on the Jews in Europe, wrote as follows:
There is no nation more hostile to Israel than her (the Muslim nation, CE). And no nation that is evil with the evil purpose of depleting us and reducing us and depressing us like it
Jews who refused to convert to Islam were murdered. Jews who converted to Islam throughout the areas of the Sultan’s influence were required to wear humiliating clothes, head coverings resembling donkey saddles and a piece of yellow cloth sewn over the outer garment. The descendants and descendants of the descendants of the Muslims did not enjoy the advantage of time either. Their situation, even after a hundred years since the conversion of their ancestors, has not improved at all. The Jewish philosopher Ibn Aknin, who witnessed the situation of the Jews in Muslim countries in the 12th century, wrote:
We become the target of the Inquisition. Great and small testify against us and our sentence is decisive, and legitimizes the shedding of our blood, the confiscation of our property, the shameful killing of our wives.
The following centuries were no different. Travelers who toured throughout Asia and North Africa, repeatedly wrote in their travel diaries about the persecution, humiliation, individual and mass murder and severe violence that were the lot of the Jewish communities throughout the Muslim world. About how, for example, they were
forbidden to ride horses, only donkeys, about the status of paying the jizya tax to the local ruler, accompanied by a humiliating slap in the face. About the normal and natural way in which the Jews were beaten like dogs and the “amazing submission” in which they “allowed themselves to be crushed by blows in the street”. Gilbert’s book is full of countless evidence and examples of this.At the beginning of the 19th century, before the Zionist idea was born, the attacks on the Jewish communities in the Islamic countries and in particular in the Land of Israel intensified: in Hebron (1813), Arab sheikhs imprisoned the leaders of the local Jewish community and tortured them for about a year until a ransom was obtained for their release. In Morocco (1820) the Jewish quarter of Fes was attacked. The property was looted, the women and girls were taken to the Muslim quarter and raped, men who tried to protect their wives were murdered. A similar case occurred in Safed (1838). Women were raped, men were tortured to find out where the silver and gold were hidden, the community was destroyed.
In this atmosphere, and under the temporary inspiration of the “Battle of Khaybar”, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin Al Husseini spent his childhood. When he grew up a little, he found himself, as an officer in the Ottoman army, deeply impressed by the massacre of about one and a half million Armenians by the Turkish army. The establishment of a Zionist Jewish society throughout the country was a disgrace to him and the possibility of exterminating it as the Armenians were exterminated excited him.
At the end of the thirties of the 20th century, Hitler asked for the support of the Arabs and therefore proposed to remove from the Arabic translation of his book ‘Mein Kampf’ the part where he placed the Arab race at the bottom of the hierarchy of races, with only the Jewish race below him. In February 1941, the mufti, who had meanwhile fled from Jerusalem to Baghdad from the British, sent Hitler a draft statement of support for him, under three conditions: that Hitler agree to denounce the Zionist enterprise as illegal, that he recognize the right of the Arabs to solve the Jewish problem “as is customary in the Axis countries,” and that he prohibit Jewish immigration from The Nazi occupation of Israel. From Baghdad the Mufti wandered further, until he reached Berlin, where he met Hitler, convinced them not to allow the planned deportation of 4000 Jewish children to Israel and also offered personal help, in the form of the formation of an SS division. Missionary Muslim, whose job it is to murder about half a million Jews in the Land of Israel.
An illustration of how deep, fiery and independent of time and place is the hatred of the Jews in the Muslim world, was provided by one of the perpetrators of the infernal attacks on the island of Bali in 2002, an Indonesian Muslim named Amrozi Ben Nurhasin. It is likely that the same terrorist, who lived his life in Southeast Asia, had never met Jews. He was found guilty of the murder of over two hundred people, many of them Western tourists, none of them Jewish. During the reading of his sentence in court, with the eyes of the whole world on him, he shouted
Jews remembered Khaybar. Muhammad’s army returns again to defeat you.
Chaim Schloss in :2000 Years of Jewish History: From the Destruction of the Second Bais Hamikdash Until the Twentieth Century,” (Feldheim Publishers, 2002, chapter 6), details how the Jews were offered to convert to Islam, but the 700 courageoues Jews refused and died on sanctifying Gd’s name.
September 3, 2023 10:09 pm at 10:09 pm #2222572n0mesorahParticipantDear Someday,
It’s weird that you don’t understand most of my post, yet go on to attack it at the same time.
Maybe you think if you learned the inyan then nobody has a right to disagree with you.
Let’s simplify.
As far as I can tell, most Chareidim are neither Zionist or Anti Zionist. Is that true?
September 4, 2023 2:12 am at 2:12 am #2222583mdd1ParticipantThings, exaggerated propaganda.
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