Exploding Pagers

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    Amid all the joy at the outstanding success (due to yad hashem) , I am wondering: What was gained? Hezballah is still throwing missiles. Israel did nothing to maximize the benefit that Lebonon was busy with this. Did the amount the missiles thrown lesson even the tiniest bit? Did they accomplish anything?

    Menachem Shmei

    I am wondering: What was gained?

    1. Many horrible Jew killers were maimed or killed.

    2. Hezbollah will be more scared of escalating into a bigger war, because they have no idea what will be inflicted on them next.

    3. Hamas will be more scared of escalating into a bigger war, because they have no idea what will be inflicted on them next.

    4. Iran will be more scared of escalating into a bigger war, because they have no idea what will be inflicted on them next.

    5. Less men join the aforementioned forces because they have no idea what will be inflicted on them next, thus limiting their manpower, thus limiting their fighting power.

    Etc. etc.


    Destroying Amalek is one the Taryag Mitzvot (the 613 commandments of the Torah).

    Hamas and Hezbollah are the Amalek of our generation.

    Therefore, destroying Hamas and Hezbollah is one the Taryag Mitzvot.


    It will be easier to recognize Hezb commanders in the street, as they’ll be wearing sunglasses and gloves.


    >What was gained?

    In the future, they’ll waste time and money checking their electronic devices for booby traps.


    Bad ppl must die. There is no other option


    I hope you don’t actually think the מצוה of מחיית זכר עמלק has anything whatsoever to do with killing Hamas or Hezbollah. Whoever told you that “Hamas and Hezbollah are the Amalek of our generation”, knows as much about halacha as a hog knows of predestination.


    Menachem Shmei: I only agree with your first point.
    The other four I believe don’t apply.

    points 2, 3, & 4: Those three groups till now don’t escalate the war, because they are afraid to fight Israel in a full-fledged war, without this occurrence. If they wouldn’t be afraid, they would have already done so.

    Point 5: Every terrorist already knows that they could be killed by Israel. It hasn’t stopped any of them till now. and these pagers exploding won’t stopping them in the future either.


    Wow that sleep you woke up from was almost as long as Choni Hamgels, it must have been all those explosions that woke up so something was accomplished


    By retaliating against Hezbollah the Israelis warned them that they can expect that conquering Eretz Yisrael will NOT be a push over, and they did so in a way that minimized non-combatant casualties (how many people give their work pager as a toy for their kids to play with?). Report indicate that the injuries were from the pager exploding in the hand and near the face of the user, or in their pockets. If a thief and murderer can break into your house, do his will, and leave without fear of consequences, he’ll continue to do so. Seriously wounding a large part of the enemy’s armed forces is in fact a much more effect measure than levelling the houses of the civilian population.

    Calling Hezbollah a “terrorist” organization is a mistake. It is a formal armed force that is under Iran’s de facto command. They are no more terrorists the Israeli artillery or air force units – the only difference is Hezbollah primarily targets civilians, which is illegal under international law and that fact should help us understand that the pro-Hezbollah (and pro-Hamas) movements worldwide are criminals similar to the National Socialists and allied parties in Europe in the early 1940s (and yes, I’m suggesting that the pro-Palestinian demonstrators and politicians, including most of the “Progressive” wing of the Democrats, are NAZIs, pure and simple). And we need to remember that successful deNazification involved inflicting mass destruction and executing the leaders.


    It was an incredible operation combining technological and intelligence skills but wouldn’t it have been even more effective if it was followed immediately by a major ground operation pushing Hezbolah back from the border and creating a buffer zone in the North so that over 100,000 Israelis can return home? Its hard to understand the timing here but perhaps we will know more in the coming days.

    Sam Klein

    Square root

    Actually you’re mistaken
    Hezbollah and Hamas as well as Iran and saudia Arabia and many other countries and nations are all Muslim BNEI Yishmael nations. While Amalek is the grandson of Esav a completely different family member from thousands of years ago. Hashem gave us the mitzvah to destroy Amalek but these nations plus many others not mentioned above are all BNEI Yishmael and not BNEI Amalek. Do your research and see for yourself.


    Chabad House at American University in Beirut is offering free mezuzah battery checks to Hezb Allah members.
    Page 770-770-770 to make a reservation today.


    “Every terrorist already knows that they could be killed by Israel. It hasn’t stopped any of them till now. and these pagers exploding won’t stopping them in the future either.”

    Arabs don’t fear death. They do, however, HATE the idea of compromised living. I can assure you that the Hezbollah International Co. has no support group for the handicapped, couldn’t care less if they’re neglected, and the disdain they have for the handicapped makes this forum’s disdain for the elderly pale in comparison.


    >>>Calling Hezbollah a “terrorist” organization is a mistake. It is a formal armed force that is under Iran’s de facto command. They are no more terrorists the Israeli artillery or air force units – the only difference is Hezbollah primarily targets civilians,

    Targeting civilians is what makes a group a terrorist group. While the far left likes to the only difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter is which side you are on, the actual differences are that (1) terrorists target civilians , freedom fighters target the opposing military (2)freedom fighters have a very clear freedom oriented demand, terrorists are more vague about what peace terms (if any) they would expect and look at everything as part of an ongoing struggle (3)terrorists do not envision a state that gives freedom to everyone who isn’t looking to opposes them . By all those definitions Hezbollah is a terrorist group


    According to several Tzioni news sources, the plan was never to explode them all at once like this. They had intelligence that a Hezbollah terrorist was suspicious about his pager, so they hit the button before he could tell everyone else.


    As akuperma says, this is not fighting terrorists, but a regular army that happened not to follow geneva conventions. As in any war, there is no one operation that wins the war. So, complaining that it was not decisive is silly. As to timing and, seemingly, limited follow-up, there are reports that the capability was at risk to be discovered, so it had to be used now. Again, give decision makers some benefit of the doubt, they have impoerfect info, but better than us.

    Menachem Shmei

    Those three groups till now don’t escalate the war, because they are afraid to fight Israel in a full-fledged war, without this occurrence. If they wouldn’t be afraid, they would have already done so.

    Israel must KEEP them afraid.

    Every terrorist already knows that they could be killed by Israel. It hasn’t stopped any of them till now. and these pagers exploding won’t stopping them in the future either.

    I feel like this whole “Arabs love death” thing is a bit exaggerated. I’m sure that many terrorists feel that they can get away with shooting rockets into another country and there is a chance that they’ll get away with it alive. When all of them start exploding in their living rooms, that starts to make them nervous about every step they take. I don’t think anyone, even “death-loving terrorists” could live with a real feeling that every step they take could be their last because their phone/microwave/earbud/doorbell etc. might explode in their face.


    Dear Sam Klein,

    I hope that you feel very well,
    and I wish you very good decrees on Rosh HaShanah,
    and a very easy fast on Yom Kippur.

    Hezbollah and Hamas want to KILL 100% of the world’s Jewish population.

    Even those Jews who never visited Eretz Yisrael,
    Hezbollah and Hamas want ALL (100%) JEWS DEAD.

    This makes Hezbollah and Hamas AMALEK,
    even though their yichus is from the Bnei Yishmael.

    Stated another way:

    Hezbollah and Hamas want to KILL 100% of the world’s Jews..

    Even those Jews who are non-Zionist,
    even those Jews who are anti-Zionist.
    Hezbollah and Hamas want ALL (100%) JEWS DEAD.

    This makes Hezbollah and Hamas AMALEK,
    even though their yichus is from the Bnei Yishmael.

    Explained another way:

    Hezbollah and Hamas want to KILL 100% of the world’s Jews..

    Even Jewish women and old people.
    Even Jewish teenagers and children and infants and babies.
    Hezbollah and Hamas want them ALL DEAD.

    Hezbollah and Hamas want 100% of them to be 100% DEAD,
    because this is what ISLAM teaches them.

    This makes Hezbollah and Hamas AMALEK,
    even though their yichus is from the Bnei Yishmael.

    Again, I wish you very good decrees on Rosh HaShanah,
    and a very easy fast on Yom Kippur.



    In short, while it might feel good what Israel did in regard to the exploding pagers, the reality is that nothing changed. I look at it as a cowardly act.
    Israel belongs going full force into Lebanon, throw a few bombs there, do whatever it takes, to put a complete stop to the rockets that are being thrown daily into Israel.

    Having some pages explode (even 4000) didn’t make a dent in the attacks that are coming out of Lebanon.


    Dear Sam Klein,

    Please add this onto my previous message:

    There is NO GUARANTEE that all members of Hezbollah and Hamas
    are Bnei Yishmael, even if all of them speak Arabic as their native language.

    Many of them could have Persian ancestors, or European ancestors,
    or Black African ancestors. Some Europeans came to North Africa
    and their descendants are now Arabic-speaking Muslims.

    When Islam conquered North Africa and the Middle East,
    native languages were replaced by the Arabic language,
    and non-Arab nationalities were forgotten, because native
    nationalities were conquered and converted to Arab culture.

    Therefore, we cannot assume that any members of
    Hezbollah and Hamas are Bnei Yishmael, even if all
    of them speak Arabic as their native language.

    Some of them are Bnei Yishmael, but some of them are not.

    Again, I wish you very good decrees on Rosh HaShanah,
    and a very easy fast on Yom Kippur, for you
    and for your entire family, and for all Jews everywhere.



    Computer777: Israel already tried that approach of going full force, marching into Lebanon and occupying it for ten years.

    It didn’t fix the problem.


    ujm: It didn’t fix the problem, because Israel cannot fix their ideology, but I don’t believe in those ten years, there was what was going on today’s day that rockets are falling in the north to the point that they had to evacuate. And going full force is what Israel has to do, which it seems, according to the news, that Israel is doing exactly that now. They should keep it up!!! And being that they are doing that now, I take back my words.


    Computer777: Israel lost more soldiers, 657 to be precise, during its eighteen years of occupying Southern Lebanon from 1982 through 2000, then it loses lives from Hezbollah missiles shot into Israel now.

    Being physically in Lebanon makes them far more at risk then being in Southern Israel.


    What I meant about taking back my words, I meant in my original opening post. Israel is doing the job now!! Boruch Hashem.

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