In the sequence of events describing Hashem’s miracles in Yetsiyat Mitzrayim, the haggada explains what Hashem did by citing pasukim relating to Yetsiyat Mitzrayim. When speaking of Hashem’s delivering us by herev, however, it cites a pasuk from Divrei Hayamim (???? ????? ?? ???????) in which the herev isn’t even Hashem’s but an angel’s. It seems out of place. Has anyone heard / does anyone wish to offer an explanation?
We are Darshening the Hoda’a of Bikurim and expounding on it, finding relavent references all over the Torah. Here we proved that Netuya refers to Cherev.
HaLeiVi and Chief, much appreciated. Still, it has an odd sound to it. It is the only pasuk quoted from Ketuvim (Divrei Hayamim) and not from Torah, and the wielder of the sword isn’t Hashem or a bechor but a malakh, and the context is the threat (which is lifted) of punishment for David’s census. The context of yetsiat Mitsrayim seems to be absent.
Some of the references are to show where we had that. Ess Amaleinu Eilu Habanim, and we go on to show where that happened. Some of the references are proof to the Drasha. Yado Netuya Zu Hacherev, then we bring proof that Netuya is for a Cherev, not showing when the Cherev happened.
The proof could be from a Malach and would work even from a human.