Existentialism�The Worm-Less Apple.

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    So one fine morning i was making myself some corn when i thought of something either profoundly brilliant or profoundly stupid. You know that joke about the worm and the apple? What’s worse than finding a worm in your apple – finding half a worm in your apple. (If you don’t get the joke then I’m sorry. You can toddle off now.) So I was thinking, if finding a half a worm is worse than finding a whole worm, then it stands to reason that finding a quarter of a worm would be even worse. It would further follow that finding an eighth of a worm in your apple would be even worse.

    Following that logic, you would eventually reach the conclusion that the absolute WORST thing would be finding no worm in your apple, because perhaps you ate the entire thing. When was the last time you worried about that while eating an apple? Never. Of course, Because you have enough of a reason to believe that there never was a worm there in the first place. Yet why does the possibility never worry anyone? it seems like a legitimate concern. The answer of course is because it seems irrelevant to you. You have absolutely no reason to believe that there is a worm in the apple and therefore you choose not to worry about the possibility. You don’t worry about the existence of the worm because you feel no need to unnecessarily worry yourself. The possibility of the worm is in essence irrelevant.

    I give you…Existentialism. The Worm-Less Apple. (If you understand this, I commend you.)


    Yes, that is right.

    And the worst thing to find in your bank account is no money. (Is that the same thing?)

    always here

    hmmm… corn for breakfast? on the cob or canned? perhaps frozen?

    j/k ;P


    i like your train of thought bomb, until the conclusion.

    but in all the cases you mentioned until the one with no worm at all, there is strong EVIDENCE that you have recently consumed a portion of a worm. in the case of no worm at all there is no evidence whatsoever. you actually stated this yourself so i dont understand why you actually posted this.

    your original question as to whether this was profoundly brilliant or the opposite seems quite clear.

    no one worries about what might have happened if there is no significant indication that it might have. no one worries whether or not their dinner last night contained a delayed action poison which will be suddenly fatal in 24 hours. or at least they shouldnt, unless there is an indication that this might have happened.


    Um, very philosophical.

    But thats not what Existentialism is.


    i like corn for breakfast

    frozen niblets

    heated in the microwave

    with added salt, a little canola oil and tabasco sauce.


    existentialism is “are we real” well…my point is that its irrelevant


    at least modern existentialism


    Well, if you constantly halve the distance between yourself and a wall, you will never get there.


    for example…the simulation hypothesis. teh idea that if we have achieved such a level of technological sophistication that we can simulate a human being…or we cna project when we will be able to simulate a human being or a society of humans…what is to say that we arent in fact a simulation? perhaps we are the simulation of a higher civilization using us as an experiment? do you see the similarity to teh apple now?


    “existentialism is “are we real” “

    Not so much.

    It’s finding out the meaning of life, who and what you are through free will. Based on personal experiences and Religion.


    as i said…more modern existentialism



    First of all you’re oversimplifying. But personally I’ve read a few of the essays written by the great existentialists and I’m still not sure exactly how to define it. I don’t think it focuses on the question of are we real, as much as what am I (presupposing and not really focusing on the existence of ‘I’) and what is the meaning of life.

    As for your question regarding simulation, I don’t know why you need to get so sophisticated. We all dream, and while dreaming, aren’t aware that what we are experiencing is reality. So whose to say that this is reality?

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    your original question as to whether this was profoundly brilliant or the opposite seems quite clear.

    Moderator 80, is Popa Bar Abba your screen name? 🙂


    Modern as in you just made it up?


    Moderator 80, is Popa Bar Abba your screen name?

    no, but i think were related


    I am mod 80


    ive told you before not to reveal that information.

    if you continue, ill take my medicine.

    then well see what becomes of you!


    existentialism is essentially the idea that each person is responsible for giving their life meaning. now…as an offshoot of that and a clear perversion…you have those who run around questioning the nature of their existence. they are wormless apples.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕


    Mr. 80:

    Moderator 80, is Popa Bar Abba your screen name?

    no, but i think were related


    Sometimes a Bit Over the Top:

    I am mod 80

    Little family spat here?


    nothing i cant handle.

    you see popa thinks hes me

    but when i take my medicine he goes away


    does that mean he is real? or merely a figment of your imagination…maybe popa is real and you are the fake alter ego…how do you know youre real?!


    mod 80, be gentle, sometimes one cannot control those voices.


    popa is real.

    i know this for a fact

    everything the voice tells me is true

    and im real, obviously, dont be silly


    If I weren’t real, how could I be asking myself whether I am real?


    its difficult to keep switching back and forth between screen names.

    i dont know how joseph does it


    This is hysterical. It would be even funnier if it were true.


    Thanks to bombmaniac’s original comment, three of the four voices in my head are telling me I may have consumed a worm with the apple I ate at lunch.

    Then again the fourth voice is questioning whether I ever really ate that apple at all, or only THINK I ate an apple.

    and don’t even get me started on the corn niblet issue…


    dont get confused


    its difficult to keep switching back and forth between screen names.

    We use different browsers when I’m dominant.


    thanks for the tip popa!


    Descartes reportedly once remarked to Kant, over some vadka and a large portion of kasha varnishkes, “Many people think they ARE, simply because they THINK they are, but that may all be just an illusion”.

    Kant is said to have replied “Can you pass the vodka?”

    always here

    AinOhdMilvado- LOL’ed… really! 🙂


    I don’t see existentialism, but I do see a Schroedinger’s Cat analogy. Before you look at the bite you took (measurement), you have eaten and not eaten a worm. Paradoxical.

    But Mod 80 is right, if when you look at the apple you don’t see a remnant of a worm then you most likely did not eat a worm.

    SJS- as I’m sure you know, the successive halves do sum to 1.


    i remember that sum thing, when i took calculus and we were talking about limits

    it was a ball that was dropped under perfect elastic and friction circumstances, each rise half of the preceding drop but it stopped after a second or so

    very counter-intuitive

    i dont think i believe it

    YW Moderator-42

    does this have anything to do with 42?

    Shticky Guy

    Excuse me 42. You keep out of this. You’re only (about) half of what 80 is…


    shticky- are you mod 42?


    Beware the GMO corn, the xenografted modification being the worm…

    Shticky Guy

    Shticky Guy

    Excuse me 42. You keep out of this. You’re only

    (about) half of what 80 is…


    This name is already taken

    I have 2 subtitles both of which aren’t listed.

    shticky- are you mod 42?


    No I am not, but boy you’re a fast reader!


    Why do you think I’m a fast reader


    LOL Shticky!

    Ever wonder what would happen if you bit into an apple (or any food, for that matter) and ‘happened’ to crunch your teeth straight through one of the apples atoms, thereby splitting the atom?

    You’d get at atom bomb. In your face.

    I am amazed that it has never happened yet.


    It happened to my someone I know

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