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- This topic has 95 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 10 months ago by ubiquitin.
May 7, 2020 7:38 pm at 7:38 pm #1858534rightwriterParticipant
Yserbius- Im not understanding your moshul since noone is denying/disputing the cause of illness (for the most part). The dispute is whether it came from a lab or not. And again “bioweapon conspiracy”, not such a conspiracy since countries do work on bioweapons . Difficult to believe China would release this to the world intentionally especially without a way to stop it (although its possible), but rather more likely it slipped out of a lab or was injected into animals and then sold to markets.
Im not asking anyone to take my opinions without evidence. All I said is that it is too early for “evidence” to surface but America and likely other nations are looking into the matter. Im also not saying it is for sure from a lab, im saying it likely is based on the nature of this virus and China’s attempts at hiding it from the world and misleading everyone with intentional misinformation. Not to mention the killing of Chinas doctors who tried warning the world.
nomesorah-Im not saying we need to do anything. If the world finds out this was created in a lab then they will obviously make them face the consequences. You are all forgetting the original header here, “Event 201”, led by Bill Gates and crew who have been speaking for years about depopulation, depopulation through vaccines, prepared this event 1month before it broke out in China highlighting almost everything that played out to this point, and all the other shady things they have been working on behind the scenes all the years.
Not to mention Fauci’s warning in 2017 about a pandemic in Trump’s term, Gates warning in 2015 and so on. Bill gates, Jeff Bezos, Fauci, license-less Birks and many more evils of this world more than anyone knows. Just look up some of the past things these bunch were involved in especially stopping scientists who were close to finding cures for certain diseases and shutting them down.
May 7, 2020 8:16 pm at 8:16 pm #1858569n0mesorahParticipantDear Right,
I was only discussing the irrefutable truths you mentioned in your first post. What should we do about the worlds billionaires coming together to justify shutdown and control over the general populace? How can we foil their evil designs?May 7, 2020 8:27 pm at 8:27 pm #1858579ubiquitinParticipantrighwriter
I was skating on thin ice. A neighbor warned me that the ice was to thin and it would crack, I’d fall in and get wet and really cold.
Now this will blow your mind. But I fell got wet aaaaand was cold! all EXACTLY like he said would happen. This is PROOF that he pushed me in.
I can’t think of any other explanation.
Can you?May 8, 2020 7:25 am at 7:25 am #1858639Yserbius123ParticipantNow all you’re saying is “I have no evidence that my theory is correct, but I will still stand by it because, uh, because!” Not only are you quietly agreeing with me, but you’re also stating that you are admittedly wrong but will still continue to be wrong.
Im not understanding your moshul since noone is denying/disputing the cause of illness (for the most part).
The moshol is in regards to the virus’s origin. Why bother looking into artificial origins when the region of COVID-19’s origin is ripe with virus carrying exotic animals that are hunted in unsafe fashions which caused several previous pandemics of very similar diseases?
And again “bioweapon conspiracy”, not such a conspiracy since countries do work on bioweapons .
(This is something that was actually written online on an anti-Semitic website) Israeli works on nuclear weapons. Therefore the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi Disaster was because Israel nuked it. That’s the same logic you are using. There’s no causation. Heck, there isn’t even correlation.
more likely it slipped out of a lab or was injected into animals and then sold to markets.
See, here you go again. “More likely”. You are sounding very much like you’ve convinced yourself of a specific narrative and are spinning a yarn based on the assumption that your narrative is true. The more likely scenario is that exotic animals were handled in an unsafe manner causing the virus to jump to humans. You know, like what happened multiple times before on smaller scales.
Im not asking anyone to take my opinions without evidence.
You aren’t actually stating opinions. “China is a bad country” that’s an opinion, “China created coronavirus” that’s a fact. A fact without evidence, hence it’s just a waste of electrons.
it likely is based on the nature of this virus and China’s attempts at hiding it from the world and misleading everyone with intentional misinformation.
China dropped the ball on handling the initial outbreak. They tried to cover it up and are covering up their incompetence. Hanlon’s Razor: Never attribute to malice what could be attributed to incompetence.
You are all forgetting the original header here, “Event 201”, led by Bill Gates and crew who have been speaking for years about depopulation, depopulation through vaccines, prepared this event 1month before it broke out in China
We aren’t forgetting it, @ubiquitin has been mentioning it on every thread. The Gates Foundation has been working with diseases, pandemics, parasites, vaccinations, and malnutrition for decades. They hold events like this all the time. The “coincidence” is just research. The most likely vector for a pandemic was from China so they focused study on that.
Fauci’s warning in 2017 about a pandemic in Trump’s term
This has been addressed multiple times already. Pandemics happen every couple of years. The NIH warning about a pandemic is just doing their job. GW Bush has been talking about it for even longer.
Judging by your dogwhistles (hatred against Fauci and Birx, neutral attitude towards Trump) you have an ultra-right wing agenda (which, you should know, is based on stuff written and publicized by actual Nazis. Seriously, trace back some of your sources, guaranteed it won’t take long before some discuss “the Jews” or Israel) and aren’t willing to even consider that you may be unknowingly peddling false information by various internet provocateurs.
May 8, 2020 7:37 am at 7:37 am #1858685MilhouseParticipantUbiquitin, a few years ago someone told me that some time in the next few years there will be a big storm or some other emergency, and you will be stuck at home for at least a week, so you should prepare by making sure you always have enough supplies at home to get you through. And lo and behold, three years later there was a blizzard. How could he possibly have known? He must control the weather.
May 8, 2020 7:38 am at 7:38 am #1858686rightwriterParticipantUbiquitin what’s your point? Your neighbor warned you of something that is existent already. How do you compare that to a bunch of “elitists” warning you word for word of what will happen especially a month before it happens!
Nomesorah- I’m not sure what can be done since most people aren’t aware or care enough about what happens behind the scenes. Also it’s not easy to stop such powerful people. The whole system is corrupt from medical and so on. They are taking advantage of this virus in order to see how much and how far they can control the masses. So far they have been able to do it with fairly little resistance if any at all. They use fear tactics which makes it easier since people voluntarily do not want to leave the house and will do pretty much anything the media and government tell them to do “for their own safety” even if it means losing their business forever.
The problem is that this has shown them it can so easily be achieved that in the future they can lockdown the masses whenever they deem fit. And I didn’t make this up you can listen to local radio shows with very reputable hosts who have been talking about this issue. The fact that people have been so easy to control shapes up what will happen in the future.
Remember how ridiculous”curfew” sounded during snowstorms in NYC? That they threatened to arrest anyone on the road? Noone took that seriously it was unheard of. But this changed everything. Now it’s been accepted by the masses and they will be able to lockdown and curfew for anything in the future.May 8, 2020 9:11 am at 9:11 am #1858735ubiquitinParticipantrightwriter
“our neighbor warned you of something that is existent already. How do you compare that to a bunch of “elitists” warning you word for word of what will happen especially a month before it happens!”
Pandemics existed already. They have happened before. And here is the real kicker, it will happen again. I guess you heard it here first. does that mean when (not if) it happens, whether in 5 years, 10, 50 ,100 I was behind it?
As to “word for word” this is literally their job. an engineer can tell you how a building will collapse. a fire inspector can tell you how fire spreads. Epidemiologists and infectious disease experts can tell you how disease will spread. I cannot fathom how you find this befuddling
May 8, 2020 11:56 am at 11:56 am #1858777MilhouseParticipantRight, maybe this will explain it. All the predictions you are bringing up were NOT predicting anything as severe as what has happened. They were all referring to the normal kind of pandemic that happens regularly, which is often (Ibut not always) a coronavirus, and often (but not always) from China.
That’s why the Chinese were researching it in the first place. A Chinese lab researching coronaviruses is like a California lab researching earthquakes, or a Florida lab researching hurricanes. It’s something that happens regularly, it’s never good, and every once in a while it’s really really bad. So it makes perfect sense to research it and try to find ways to prevent it and to mitigate the damage when it happens.
Nobody could have predicted that this particular episode would be as bad as it has been, any more than anyone can predict that the next San Francisco earthquake will be The Big One. But everyone knows that some kind of earthquake will happen soon, and everyone knows that The Big One will come one day. So when it does come, will you point to everyone who was talking about earthquake preparedness and accuse them of having engineered it?!
May 8, 2020 11:58 am at 11:58 am #1858782rightwriterParticipantYserbius- Nazi propaganda? That’s hilarious. First of all many proud Jewish radio hosts have come out against fauci and burks so I doubt they follow nazi propaganda. It doesn’t take a lot of research to see how evil of a past these 2 have.
The rest of what you say makes no sense so I won’t even entertain you with a reply.
May 8, 2020 2:37 pm at 2:37 pm #1858841Yserbius123Participant@rightwriter Sorry if my writing isn’t the best. Can you point out what parts you’re having trouble understanding? I tried to be clear, but you know (shrug) Yeshivish is my first language.
May 8, 2020 3:15 pm at 3:15 pm #1858845MilhouseParticipantRight, yes, nazi propaganda. Many “proud Jewish radio hosts” aren’t above dabbling in such sources, or are dupes.
May 8, 2020 3:27 pm at 3:27 pm #1858849rightwriterParticipantIts not the language its the content.
“China dropped the ball on handling the initial outbreak. They tried to cover it up and are covering up their incompetence. ”-And they felt a need to kill of their own doctors and civilians? How wasnt that the case with previous viruses SARS, MERS etc.
What mishandling did they have in this case aside from not warning the world, covering it up, letting everyone out of Wuhan free to travel and spread it to the globe, lying, killing, closing off civilian communications and so on, all as a result of trying to cover up something that could have been much less damaging if they hadnt covered it up. So basically the effect of the cause of this embarrassment became the cause of the effect.Almost all these viruses come out of China over the years whether lab created or not, and they never reacted in the manner that they have with this one which indicates something. They expelled journalists and do not allow any health organizations near the labs.
May 8, 2020 5:58 pm at 5:58 pm #1858871rightwriterParticipantYou think Fauci and Birx are to be trusted? Look up Dr. Judy Minkovitz who had worked under Fauci. She has exposed him for who he really is and exposed that there is an agenda to this whole lockdown and mishandling of the situation. And just as proof to the fact that they dont want you to see this, the social networks and youtube are censoring the videos from being searched or even shared!
Another documentary “out of shadows” was released on youtube which exposes Hollywood’s propagandous brainwashing and exposure of corrupt political figures, has been made impossible to share or locate since youtube is aggressively trying to hide this video. Its gotten millions of views and counting and youtube will not even label it as trending in order to hide it. What does that tell you? This has even been discussed on WABC radio shows so not such a conspiracy anymore. Its freedom of speech being taken away and the propagandeous agenda being spread by the such powerful social medias who control and influence people as they wish.
Hospitals are stubbornly not treating the patients with certain drugs such as hydroxychloroquine and zinc, and Remdesivir which have been proven to be effective. Not only that, the media propaganda tried to pin Trump by putting out that some person died from taking Trumps advice when the real story was that his wife killed him intentionally by giving him fish tank cleaner tablets under false pretense!
Its been revealed also that Hospitals are getting $13,000 for a covid-19 patient but $32,000 if put on a ventilator which isnt required for all patients but are put on it regardless even if it kills them which it is! They wont even try the recommended treatments of pills which Trump has begged them to try!
There is a lot of evil going on especially when it comes to medical which even in regular times they harm patients intentionally through malpractice since they will make more money. After all what good is a healthy patient if on the other hand unnecessary surgeries will rake in more cash?
Gates, Fauci and crew have an agenda to control the masses and finally it is working for them by scaring people into voluntarily giving up their rights out of such fear. The fact that social media sites and youtube (all invented and owned by leftist liberals) have become so brazen as to censor freedom of speech and to only push their agenda and propaganda is a very scary move. The fact that governments have tested out how much control they can have over people and with more ease than they could have ever imagined is frightening as well since it has set a precedent for any future plans they have in store.
May 8, 2020 5:58 pm at 5:58 pm #1858872Yserbius123Participant@rightwriter I’m still not sure why you haven’t responded to the myriad of comments addressing your claims that Gates and Fauci had some knowledge of COVID-19 before it happened.
To address your comment, China messed up. They do things like this all the time, there’s a danger in China, they pretend that the danger isn’t a big deal, people speak out against Beijing for minimizing the danger, those people disappear. Only in this case the danger ended up being towards the whole world and they were not able to cover up in time. Journalists and doctors were killed or jailed, but the virus was so disastrous that people heard anyway. Had they not covered it up, people would have known immediately that China made a Big Mistake. Instead, it took a couple of weeks.
Almost all these viruses come out of China over the years whether lab created or not, and they never reacted in the manner that they have with this one which indicates something.
What does it indicate exactly? You’re not a medical professional, virologist, or epidemiologist and neither am I. So neither of us can say what it indicates, we can only report what the experts are saying. And right now the experts are saying it’s a natural virus.
May 8, 2020 5:58 pm at 5:58 pm #1858878rightwriterParticipant*Dr. Judy Mikovits
May 8, 2020 5:58 pm at 5:58 pm #1858882n0mesorahParticipantDear Right,
If nothing can be done, we should not mention it. I realize that you must be working for them. They want to see who is ready to accept reality and oppose them. Why else bring it up?May 8, 2020 7:31 pm at 7:31 pm #1858906rightwriterParticipantworking for who? nomesorah, did you run out of aluminum foil for your hat?
yeserbius-“So neither of us can say what it indicates, we can only report what the experts are saying.”
ya but you dont need to be an expert to see the break in the pattern that this time they handled it much different and tried hiding it from the world aside from letting it spread to other countries.
May 9, 2020 10:05 pm at 10:05 pm #1858985n0mesorahParticipantDear Right,
I was trying on your hat.May 9, 2020 10:12 pm at 10:12 pm #1858982rightwriterParticipantMillhouse”Right, maybe this will explain it. All the predictions you are bringing up were NOT predicting anything as severe as what has happened. They were all referring to the normal kind of pandemic that happens regularly, which is often (Ibut not always) a coronavirus, and often (but not always) from China”
Not true. Check Event 201 for yourself on YouTube it’s all recorded on video. They predicted even worse. They spoke about shutting down the internet as to reduce panic upon people. They never dreamed that it would ACTUALLY play out as bad as this. They hoped it would be worse though.
May 10, 2020 12:05 am at 12:05 am #1858998ubiquitinParticipant“Hospitals are stubbornly not treating the patients with certain drugs such as hydroxychloroquine and zinc, and Remdesivir which have been proven to be effective”
This is a lie.
I’ve rounded at 4 hospitals in the past month all are giving hcq and zinc.How is mitkowitz video available I thought “they” don’t want us to see it. For that matter how is she still alive?
“They never dreamed that it would ACTUALLY play out as bad as this. They hoped it would be worse though.”
Waaait so they’re not behind it? I thought you said the organizers of the event were behind the outbreak?
May 10, 2020 12:22 am at 12:22 am #1859001MilhouseParticipantRight, Judy Mikovits is a total nutcase, a fraud, and an alleged thief. Nothing she says should be given any consideration. Her video is garbage, which is why youtube doesn’t want it polluting their server. Since facebook, youtube, and twitter are all private companies they have the right to do that, just as YWN has the right to remove content it doesn’t like.
And yes, they also do this to valid content that they don’t like for political reasons, because they are a branch of the Democratic Party, just like the major newspapers and networks. So when they remove something it could be (a) because they didn’t like it, or (b) because it’s garbage. In this case the answer is (b).
May 10, 2020 4:29 am at 4:29 am #1859003ubiquitinParticipantBtw
Mikowitz’s video is so full of lies (eg AMA said doctors who prescribe hcq would lose their license. Never happened aaaand AMA isn’t in charge of medical licensure)
And nonsense (eg wearing a mask makes you sick by “activating” the virus. What? How?) That it is safe to dismiss all her statments particularly , as she provided exactly zero evidence to hack them up.
And the ones that can be researched are demonstrably false (eg she claims she was held without charg. This isn’t true the charges are widely available online)May 10, 2020 8:17 am at 8:17 am #1859008rightwriterParticipantMillhouse, there are worse videos on YouTube which are total lies, conspiracies and other dangerous content which have not been removed. Interesting that this caught their attention.
Ubiquitin”Waaait so they’re not behind it? I thought you said the organizers of the event were behind the outbreak?”
They never dreamed it would play out as bad as they hoped. They also never dreamed they would be able to control the masses so easily withing 1 or 2 months taking all their liberties away without so much as a protest. This has set a course which is dangerous for everyone. Anytime they will want to control the masses it will be accepted since it’s happened before. Btw your friend Billy gates has been talking about forced vaccinations and chips inserted into your hand to be scanned for vaccines and your medical history. Will you comply with that too? Or is that also a conspiracy.
May 10, 2020 9:16 am at 9:16 am #1859059ubiquitinParticipant“They never dreamed it would play out as bad as they hoped”
trying to keep up with your “logic”
So you think those beind event 201 where behind it because ” See their “predictions” which played out so well by these “prophets”” (your words)
now you are saying “They never dreamed it would play out as bad as they hoped. ”Did it play out exactly as they predicted or not?
Though I lvoe how whichever way you reply it “proves” they were behind it.
I love conspiracy “thinkers” the more facts hat would ruin a normal person’s way of thinking only strengthen your view.Fantastic
May 10, 2020 12:00 pm at 12:00 pm #1859074rightwriterParticipantUbiquitin”And nonsense (eg wearing a mask makes you sick by “activating” the virus. What? How?)”
Very simple. You breathe in h20. You exhale co2. When you have your mask on all day as they “recommend”, you are breathing in your own carbon dioxide and any other bacteria that is piling up inside your mask. It’s one thing to wear a mask for short period of times. It’s another to wear one while excercising, jogging, or even just walking around all day.
Besides she isn’t the only doctor who brought this up.Did you forget about the old fashioned remedy of just good old air when you are sick to freshen yourself up and kill germs? What happened to opening up the window every now and then or taking a walk for some fresh air? How do you do that when you are wearing your muzzle all day long? Isn’t that a bit counterintuitive? Yes muzzle. Look at how people look right now following orders all muzzled up. The “superiors” love this. Yet they themselves who declare all to wear a mask are too elite to wear one themselves. It’s only for the controlled common folk.
What happened to Fauci’s “do not wear masks! You are depleting the supply for the medical staff. Masks are only for those who are sick. If you aren’t sick DO NOT wear a mask it will not prevent you from getting sick it will not do anything”
Strange how we went from that to suddenly getting $1000 fines or subject to arrest if we don’t wear a mask. But keep being a sheep. Along with everyone else that’s why we are at this point.
May 10, 2020 12:30 pm at 12:30 pm #1859095rightwriterParticipantOh and don’t forget to be the first one in line once Billy declares chips to be planted into your body to track your medical history.
May 10, 2020 2:09 pm at 2:09 pm #1859124ubiquitinParticipant“When you have your mask on all day as they “recommend”, you are breathing in your own carbon dioxide and any other bacteria that is piling up inside your mask”
Carbon dioxide doesn’t stick to your mask. and any bacteria is bacteria youve already exhaled
And at nay rate what doe these wrong statments have to do with the question
which was how does the virus get “activated” by wearing a mask.“Did you forget about the old fashioned remedy of just good old air when you are sick to freshen yourself up and kill germs? ”
no never heard of that. Ar you suggesting using “fresh air” to treat those with sepsis?“What happened to opening up the window every now and then or taking a walk for some fresh air?”
Fantastic. Keep doing it nothing happend to that.” How do you do that when you are wearing your muzzle all day long?”
I’m not wearign a muzzle(nor a maks) all day long. Who suggested that?
” Isn’t that a bit counterintuitive? ”
No it isn’t. Though it is nonsensical.“What happened to Fauci’s “do not wear masks! You are depleting the supply for the medical staff”
hospitals are currently well stocked.“it will not prevent you from getting sick it will not do anything””
Recommendations change all the time, as new data/information becomes avilable. That is a good thing not bad . While masks dont do much to prevent you from getting sick (though helps a bit) they do prevent you from infecting others which you can do even if asymptomatic.Ask all your questions. Its ok to be uncertain in these scary times. but get reasonable answers that make sense . We are here for you it will be ok.
do you have any other questions that puzzle you?
May 10, 2020 4:16 pm at 4:16 pm #1859201rightwriterParticipantubiquitin-“Carbon dioxide doesn’t stick to your mask. and any bacteria is bacteria youve already exhaled”
-Thanks for clarifying that doc, but yes you are inhaling carbon dioxide since its in a confined space between your nose and mask. Oh the bacteria you already exhaled? Then what a great idea to inhale it back into your system genius. How about when you clean your runny nose or cough up mucus into a tissue just rub it back into your nose and mouth great idea. After all you it came out of your own system whats the harm in putting it back in?
“no never heard of that. Ar you suggesting using “fresh air” to treat those with sepsis?”
-oh thats right because thats what we were trying to treat with fresh air my mistake
“hospitals are currently well stocked.”
-Oh so before it was ineffective to wear a mask since there was a shortage but now that hospitals are well stocked its effective once again. Sheep will be Sheep. This is the type of gullible that makes it easy for them to brainwash and control the masses. You would have to be pretty unsmart in order to not see through this propaganda. Its too obvious.“Recommendations change all the time, as new data/information becomes avilable. That is a good thing not bad . While masks dont do much to prevent you from getting sick (though helps a bit) they do prevent you from infecting others which you can do even if asymptomatic.”
-masks are nothing new they have been around long enough for there to be enough research on them. Fauci himself said that most masks do nothing as the viruses go right through them and are worthless. But now suddenly they are effective enough to receive a $1000 fine for not wearing them. uh ok.
“Ask all your questions. Its ok to be uncertain in these scary times. but get reasonable answers that make sense . We are here for you it will be ok.”
-Thanks doc. Would you be so kind as to appear on TV interviews and Youtube in order to reassure everyone else as well? Wouldnt want to be selfish.
May 10, 2020 5:09 pm at 5:09 pm #1859242ubiquitinParticipant“Thanks for clarifying that doc,”
Absolutly no problem.
” but yes you are inhaling carbon dioxide since its in a confined space between your nose and mask.” The mask is desinged for gas to pass through Carbodn dioxide doesnt get trapped it flows out (I mean sure a few molecules might hang around and get re-inhaled but so what)
” Oh the bacteria you already exhaled? Then what a great idea to inhale it back into your system genius.”
what would the harm be? These are bacteria that were already in your respiratory tract they doidnt pose ham on the first go around, why would exhaling them and re-inhaling the cause harm the second time?
” How about when you clean your runny nose or cough up mucus into a tissue just rub it back into your nose and mouth great idea. After all you it came out of your own system whats the harm in putting it back in?”
Seems gross but I’m not sure what the harm would be.
But I’ll throw this right back at you. How about clean your nose or cough up mucus and rub it on someone else’s nose. Because in the absence of a mask that is EXACTLY what you are suggesting.
“-oh thats right because thats what we were trying to treat with fresh air my mistake”
“Oh so before it was ineffective to wear a mask since there was a shortage”
Wearing a mask does littel to protect the wearer. Before it wasn’t fully appreciated how contagious asymptomatic people are. So given that there were not enough masks. Wearign it to ptotect yourself (when it doesn’t offer much protection) didnt make much sense. Save them for the far more exposed healthcare workers.“masks are nothing new they have been around long enough for there to be enough research on them.”
No the masks arent new. but the virus is.“Thanks doc. ”
You are most welcome.“Would you be so kind as to appear on TV interviews and Youtube”
sure.Please let me know if You have any other questions.
I have one for you though.
On Friday the weatherman reported it would snow on Shabbos. It Did!
does that mean he is controlling the weather? ThanksMay 10, 2020 6:14 pm at 6:14 pm #1859254rightwriterParticipantubiquitin-“These are bacteria that were already in your respiratory tract they doidnt pose ham on the first go around, why would exhaling them and re-inhaling the cause harm the second time?”
-theres a difference when something is inside the body and once its expelled out it changes. Theres also a reason why things leave the body. I’ll clear it up for you since you are so ignorant. Theres a reason for going to the bathroom. I would not advise putting that stuff back into your system. But hey be my guest tell us how it worked out for you. If you really believe the stuff you say then there is not much more need to explain since you just aren’t capable of understanding basic medical logic.
Anyway keep inhaling your own carbon dioxide seems to be doing wonders for you. Your replies are so ridiculous it just isnt worth answering anymore. Look up common sense.
May 10, 2020 8:32 pm at 8:32 pm #1859294ubiquitinParticipant“-theres a difference when something is inside the body and once its expelled out it changes”
source please
“Theres a reason for going to the bathroom. I would not advise putting that stuff back into your system”
I don’t know what “in your system” means. Obviosuly if it ends up where it wasn’t before it can cause problems. If it goes to where it was before obviously it wouldn’t
anyway we are going down some strange rabbit hole where you back up one absurd statement with another built upon a wrong assumption resting on a misconception.
LEts back up this tangent.
You said ” wearing a mask makes you sick by “activating” the virus. ”
Don;t answer mumbo jumbo about CO2 or bacteria.
how does the virus get “activated” by leaving the system ?“Anyway keep inhaling your own carbon dioxide seems to be doing wonders for you”
not just my own., everyone. Ambient air contians mostly nitrogen and O2 some argon , Co2 and water (earlier you said “You breathe in h20.” not much, but more than Co2)Also If you dont have questions for me.
I have a few for you that you havent answered
1) how does the virus get activated by going into a mask?
2) Do you supprot maks use now., in your last post you compared breating in your own brea h to “a runny nose and mucus” Why would you spread your runny nose on mucus on those around you?
3) On Friday the weatherman reported it would snow on Shabbos. It Did!
does that mean he is controlling the weather?thanks
May 10, 2020 8:33 pm at 8:33 pm #1859298n0mesorahParticipantDear Right,
Commonsaychel had enough of it to avoid this thread. Commonsense is even further removed from here.May 10, 2020 10:29 pm at 10:29 pm #1859340Yserbius123ParticipantThis is stupid. This thread is full of people of average intelligence who recognize the danger of COVID-19 fighting with people who wouldn’t change their opinion if the Riboino Shel Oilom literally told them otherwise that are currently creating a danger for all of us trying to stay healthy. Just drop it and ignore the tinfoil hat trolls.
May 10, 2020 11:26 pm at 11:26 pm #1859355MilhouseParticipant“-theres a difference when something is inside the body and once its expelled out it changes”
No, it doesn’t. What possible mechanism would change it?
Waste product is expelled because it doesn’t belong in the body, at least not long term. It has to go, if only to make room for the new waste that is being created. The same could be said for mucus. But the bacteria you exhale are not waste product and they are not being expelled, they just happen to be in your breath when it goes out. There’s no possible harm they could do by coming back in. Millions of their identical siblings are still in your body, doing whatever they do, and a few thousand more or less makes no difference.
By the way, the home-made masks we’re wearing now are not medical masks anyway, so it doesn’t affect medical workers. The advice changed because of the emerging evidence from other countries that they are effective, not in protecting the wearer, but in protecting everyone else.
May 11, 2020 12:10 am at 12:10 am #1859365ubiquitinParticipantYserbius
There was a thread recently asking why people post.
Changing minds was not one of my reasons.I enjoy this thread, if you don’t (and I fully understand why most wouldn’t) feel free not to click it.
Don’t worry you won’t miss much this thread started off absurd and things went downhill from there. You won’t miss a thing.just ignore it
May 11, 2020 12:11 am at 12:11 am #1859366JosephParticipantDon’t medical professionals wear a mask to protect themselves? If so, masks are effective at protecting the wearer, not just to protect other people in the vicinity of the wearer.
May 11, 2020 8:57 am at 8:57 am #1859432ubiquitinParticipantJoseph
Medical professionals wear n95 which are fit tested to each individual.
These do protect the wearer.May 11, 2020 8:57 am at 8:57 am #1859435ubiquitinParticipantI hit submit too early
furthermore, even regular masks protect the wearer slightly as I said earlier.May 11, 2020 9:29 am at 9:29 am #1859482JosephParticipantUbiq: When N95s were in short supply in medical facilities during the early part of the pandemic, if I’m not mistaken some medical professionals in hospitals and other medical facilities wore surgical masks rather than an N95. Didn’t they wear those surgical masks for their own protection?
May 11, 2020 11:39 am at 11:39 am #1859528ubiquitinParticipant“Didn’t they wear those surgical masks for their own protection?”
Yes. As mentioned surgical masks do provide some protection to the wearer.
to illustrate (these numbers are not at all accurate just to illustrate a point) Say a mask reduces your odds of catching covid-19 by 25% . If you are seeing many patients with covid 19 (Ie healthcare workers) and your odds of catching this contagious disease with no protection is 100% (for illustrative purposes) then reducing it to 75% is significant.
If you are not a healthcare worker and are not in contact with anyone who has covid19 and are going about the community where your odds of getting it are 10% reducing that to 7.5% is not that significant.
Again just for illustrative purposes, I made up these numbers .
May 11, 2020 1:05 pm at 1:05 pm #1859555Yserbius123Participant@ubiquitin I think this is one of the threads where our “Ignore @Joseph” rule should go into effect.
@rightwriter What you are doing right now is what is called in debate and philosophy as “Moving the Goalposts”. You were backed up against a wall with your claims about Bill Gates when myself and many other posters repeatedly addressed and debunked. So you ignore the debunking, pretend it never happened, and move on to discussing Plandemic.Take three to ten steps back and address our comments about how predictions about pandemics are nothing new, and how epidemiologists have been warning us about this for decades because it was likely to happen and did. Then you can move on to another topic.
May 11, 2020 2:32 pm at 2:32 pm #1859582JosephParticipantYseribus: One of the threads? In the only other such thread, after your call for that, you yourself violated your own rule less than 24 hours after calling for it.
What got into your little keppele this time that made you all baleidigt regarding a simple back and forth clarifying the effectiveness of different types of medical masks?
May 11, 2020 5:13 pm at 5:13 pm #1859640rightwriterParticipantno Yserbius, just alot of information to cover. What proof do you want about bill gates being evil? The fact that he is so involved and excited about pandemics, smiling and nervously laughing anytime he brings up the fact that people die or someone brings it up in the interview, talking about depopulation of the world/via vaccines, pushing for chips to be installed in the population as to control the masses by easily accessing their medical information on person, should I go on or are those enough qualities of a good person?
May 11, 2020 5:14 pm at 5:14 pm #1859683asimpleyidParticipantuhhh if masks are bad for you then why do surgeons where them? and also its not for you, its for other people mainly. being that if you where your mask outside then you wont sneeze or cough on other people, it will still stay in your mask and you wont get others sick, and nobodies making you where it inside or not letting you keep any windows open. i fail to see the problem over here….
May 11, 2020 8:45 pm at 8:45 pm #1859702Yserbius123Participant@rightwriter It’s really not that much. You have persisted in refusing to acknowledge every refutation everyone has on your original few comments. Namely regarding how it’s not such a coincidence that experts on pandemics are able to estimate that pandemics happen and how and where and when.
Now you’re stuck grasping at straws. Gates laughing is “proof” of nothing more than the fact that Bill Gates once laughed.
May 13, 2020 11:11 am at 11:11 am #1860216ubiquitinParticipantFriend sent me this:
rightwriter you may be on to somethingA lot of people have been asking me what it’s like being on the COVID wards in the hospital, so I figured I’d share what a typical day looks like for me:
6am – Wake up. Roll off of my pile of money that Big Pharma gave me. Softly weep as it doesn’t put a dent in my medical school loans
6:30am – Make breakfast, using only foods from the diet that gives me everlasting life by avoiding all fats, sugars, carbs, and proteins. For details buy my book and check out my shop.
7am – Get to work, load up my syringes with coronavirus before rounds.
8am – See my patients for the day. Administer the medications that the government tells me to. Covertly rub essential oils on the ones I want to get better.
9:30am – Call Bill Gates to check how 5G tower construction is going, hoping for more coronavirus soon. He tells me they’re delayed due to repairs on the towers used to spread the Black Plague. Curse the fact that this is the most efficient way to spread infectious diseases.
10am – One patient tells me he knows “the truth” about coronavirus. I give him a Tdap booster. He becomes autistic in front of my eyes. He’ll never conspire against me again.
11am – Tend to the secret hospital garden of St. John’s wort and ginkgo leaves that we save for rich patients and donors.
12:30pm – Pick up my briefcase of money from payroll, my gift from Pfizer for the incomprehensible profits we make off of the free influenza vaccine given every year.
1pm – Conference call with Dr. Fauci and the lab in Wuhan responsible for manufacturing viruses. Tell them my idea about how an apocalypse-style zombie virus would be a cool one to try for the next batch.
2pm – A patient starts asking me about getting rid of toxins. I ask her if she has a liver and kidneys. She tells me she knows “the truth” about Big Anatomy and that the only way to detoxify herself is to eat nothing but lemon wedges and mayonnaise for weeks. I give her a Tdap booster.
2:45pm – Help the FBI, CIA, and CDC silence the masses. Lament the fact that I can only infringe on one or two of their rights. Oh well, there’s always tomorrow.
4pm – One of my rich patients begins to crash. Laugh as I realize I’ve mismatched her spirit animal and zodiac moon sign. I switch out the Purple Amethyst above her bed for a Tiger’s Eye geode. She stabilizes. I throw some ginkgo leaves on her for good measure
6pm – Go onto YouTube and see coronavirus conspiracy videos everywhere. Curse my all powerful government for how inept they are at keeping people from spreading “the truth”
6:10pm – Go onto Amazon and see that a book about “the truth” is the #1 seller this week. Question the power of my all powerful government. Make a reminder to myself to get more Tdap boosters from the Surgeon General next time we talk.
7pm – Time to go home. Before I leave, sacrifice a goat to Dr. Fauci and say three Hippocratic Oaths.
9pm – Take a contented sigh as I snuggle under the covers made of the tinfoil hats of my enemies, realizing that my 4 years of medical school and 3 years of residency training have been put to good use today.
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