Erez Yisrael or stay in Galut?

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    Ymwe, bring us a clear source from Chazal to this claim that no Jew will be left behind. There are clear sources from TaNaCh and Chazal that say that the coming of Moshiach will be a time of great judgement and only those Jews who are worthy will be zoche to come.


    When I see the ‘president of Israel’ going to church with his wife on saturday, I kind of like this galus…


    Politics always allowed kulos. R Akiva and others travelled to visit Roman Emperors …
    As long as the President follows the local chief Rabbi rulings, there should not be any problems.

    Baby Squirrel

    By Moving to the Land of Israel you are fulfilling a Biblical Commandment of taking Possession of the Land which is your Birthright. A Birthright promised by God Himself to Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov that this would be a Land for the Jews for Eternity.


    When I see the ‘president of Israel’ going to church with his wife on saturday, I kind of like this galus…
    Zeruth: Then I suspect you must be kvelling as you watched the PM of EY gulping down a blg ugly looking Lobster on the Shabbos before Pesach at one of the top restaurants in London. Mi kamocha yisroel!!


    As long as we are still sadly lacking in the most important part of helping Mashiach come already by lacking in the “TZIPISA LYESHUA” then we have a long time to go until Hashem answers us and sends us the geula with Mashiach already bkarov.

    Let’s not fool ourselves we are so happy today in the technology physical and pleasure world Hashem gave us with Tesla cars and all our needs taken care of directly by Hashem that we can never give this fancy life up so we can attach ourselves closer to Hashem and the Torah.

    When we ALL TOGETHER AS ONE LOVING NATION show Hashem our YEARNING FOR MASHIACH then Hashem will send the ultimate geula with Mashiach speedily immediately

    May it all happen very soon


    Gadol: I haven’t seen the pm with the lobster, but the issue with Herzog going to the church is a big one, he’s swearing oath to serve an illegimate king, which is the def of avoda zara. The halacha only allows it if you are in a life threatening situation, did Herzog received a death threat? And why?


    Ze, there are a lot of permissive psakim for people dealing with powerful people, and if they are not nice, there might be more permissions. You may not have learned those because you were not yet invited by Charles or Vladimir. If you know a rav who has powerful congregants, ask him


    Aaq, I see, thank you for the info. I took notes.


    @Redleg Instead of saying with what seems to degree a degree of smugness and overconfidence in yourself that you’ll be magnanimous enough to be oleh regel, maybe say that when Hashem brings Mashiach you’ll look at Hashem and say ‘Ya no thanks, I’m staying right here.’


    “Now there are reasons not to live there; the shmad, ease of raising children, parnosa, etc..”

    If you want it badly enough, it can be done. These are only excuses. Living in E”Y is a mitzvah. Too bad so many don’t see it that way.


    @Takeh, please put as much emphasis on the other 612 mitzvas as you do on this and then we can talk.


    @commonsaychel, you know nothing about me, and what I put emphasis on and what I don’t. It’s easy to hide behind a keyboard.


    @Takeh, I am not going to go into a personal spat with you but I read your 1350 posts here to know where you stand halacha and hashkaf wise.
    PS if we saw anything in the past weeks it’s that we are in golus regardless if we are in Jerusalem, Efrat, Itamar or Tzfat.

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