English Shiurim In the Old City

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    My Hebrew isn’t that great (yet) & I am having a hard time finding someone here in the Old City that is both frum & speaks English.

    My question is: Does anyone know where I can find English shiurim to attend while in the Old City? I’m looking for something that is “intermediate” & not something that is too fast or hard like a 45-minute speed-session Daf Yomi.

    I’m going to try the Aish HaTorah Yeshiva by the Kotel, but if anyone has any info, please share.

    BTW, if anyone has something (reasonable) that they would like me to do for them while I’m here, then just ask. (for instance, if you want to know how far a certain location is from the Kotel, or what the price of a certain tour is, etc)


    Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh is right there too. You actually must enter the kotel plaza to get into it, on the stairs next to where the old police station was (there is an excavation there now). Lots of shiurim there in english.

    There is also Yeshivat Hakotel in the upper Rova. There is also Yeshivat Birkas Hatorah for balei teshuva, I’m sure they have english shiurim… on Rechov Ohr Hachaim next to the Heritage house.

    Any other specific questions about the old city? I lived there a few years.


    Yid.Period. I actually remember seeing the signs for those Yeshivas, so I’ll give them a try. Thank you.

    Maybe you can also tell me where to get the cheapest & best falafel in the old city? The best I can find that has both is all the way past the end of Ben Yehuda….which takes about as much energy to walk there.


    Personally I would recommend yeshivat netiv aryeh first… it has the largest selection of shiurim and many many rabbeim of all walks of life who would love to shmooze with you too.

    falafel? the cheaper it is, the less strict the hashgacha is usually… I wasn’t a huge fan of any of them in the old city. BBQ Bar maybe? if you live in the rova don’t forget to tell them “rova discount” for your discount…

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