Eclipse Brocha?

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    The Frumguy

    Isn’t there supposed to be a brocha said at next week’s solar eclipse? If so, what is it?


    To my knowledge, we do not make a brocha.


    I asked my rav, since I plan to be in the path of totality. He said to make a bracha of “oseh ma’aseh b’raishis.”

    The Wolf


    The Steipler zt”l said not to make a brachah, as the Gemara says an eclipse is a siman ra.


    Wolf: You have a psak so you should do as you were told. I heard from Rabbi Dovid Heber that we do not make a brocha.


    I have also been told not to make a bracha as it is not brought down anywhere to make a bracha. And chazal were well enough versed in astronomy to know about eclipses.

    As far as issue with siman ra – a solar eclipse is a siman ra for the umos ha’olam. A lunar eclipse is a siman ra for bnei yisrael.

    Avram in MD


    The Steipler ztโ€l said not to make a brachah, as the Gemara says an eclipse is a siman ra.

    Fascinating – why then do we make a bracha on an earthquake, or a rainbow?


    A lunar eclipse is a siman ra for Klal Yisroel because we count our days by the moon. A solar eclipse is a siman ra for the whole world, or for the goyim; depending on the 2 leshonos in the gemara Sukka 29a.


    It isnlt completly clear that the “likuei” in the Gemara there refers to an eclipse/ although most understand it that way, the obvious difficulty is that eclipses are predicted wa yin advance which makes it funny to view it as a siman Ra (though not impossible)

    I believe R’ Yonossan eibeshitz wrote it refers to sunspots.


    Damoshe: there are specific mention of Brochos on those phenomena in the gemora. There is no Brocha mentioned in the gemora regarding an eclipse.


    Regarding predictably and siman ra, I recall the Maharal in Be’er haGolah dealing with that issue.


    Wolf: You have a psak so you should do as you were told.

    I certainly intend to.

    I heard from Rabbi Dovid Heber that we do not make a brocha.

    If you asked and were told that was your p’sak, then by all means, you should not make a b’racha.

    The Wolf


    “Regarding predictably and siman ra, I recall the Maharal in Beโ€™er haGolah ”

    Yes he does. As do others


    WolfishMusings does your Rav say to make a bracha on a lunar eclipse? What’s his svara?

    Ps – The MB brings down the Sefer Chasidim who says to fast when there’s a lunar eclipse.


    “Whatโ€™s his svara?”

    the sevara isnt hard to grasp. Im fairly certain most people are more awestruck by a solar eclipse than an ocean, mountain, comet, let alone thunder/lighting.

    Of course the sevara not to, is that chazal didint mention it. plus as pointed out it may be a siman klala.


    WolfishMusings does your Rav say to make a bracha on a lunar eclipse? Whatโ€™s his svara?

    I don’t know. I did not ask.

    However, if I had to guess, I’d say that the difference is that lunar eclipses are a lot more common* and less dramatic than solar eclipses and hence not “worthy” of a b’racha.

    Ps โ€“ The MB brings down the Sefer Chasidim who says to fast when thereโ€™s a lunar eclipse.

    Not when it occurs on Shabbos, Pesach or Sukkos, of course.

    The Wolf

    * Actually, they both occur with about the same frequency, but a lunar eclipse is visible all over the night side of earth (as opposed to a small area of the day side during a solar eclipse), and so any given spot on earth sees far more lunar eclipses than solar eclipses.


    All the articles I’ve seen have stated that no bracha is said.


    Moot Point…………….
    Here in Southern Connecticut, all we saw was Cumulus Clouds….no evidence of an eclipse


    ” Iโ€™d say that the difference is that lunar eclipses are a lot more common”
    If siman Ra is a reason not, than there sure is a diff as a Lunar is a siman ra le’Yisrael whereas a solar is not.


    TIMELY – Fascinating Article From 1962 About The Chofetz Chaim & The Solar Eclipse Translated Into English

    i think its kinda mind blowing that laining today mentioned the onesh for people who go and worship the sun and moon and stuff


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    ื•ื“ื‘ืจื™ ืคื™ ื—ื›ื ื—ืŸ.

    Little Froggie

    Wonder what “Eclpise” is feeling about all this… assuming she still remembers… (that it for those of us that do remember)


    Where’s that from, RBZS?


    Wolf – please do ask. I am wildly curious how oseh maaseh beraishis could possibly be appropriate. For one thing, the mechaber lists all the events that necessitate that bracha but excludes eclipses. For another, its impossible that an eclipse is part of maaseh beraishis since they were originally equals.

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