Easy online college

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    Does anyone have any recommendations for an easy online college for a BA?


    Going to college is an investment in your self to become an educated person. If you want to succeed in a career then you need to be willing to work hard and put in the effort. Looking for an easy way out is an expensive way with little return on the investment.


    Not to mention that if you are getting the Degree to get a job, most Hiring managers can tell the difference. If you send me a CV with a such a degree on it, there is about a 99% chance it will just go right into the “NO” stack.


    Well if someone does know of such a place I already have my degree but need continuing ed courses to maintain my certification and would love to know of easy online courses that would not require a ton of work.


    Getting a college degree is not “easy”…


    I have a job already and I just need the degree to secure it for the future. It’s the work experience that really sells you.

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