Double Stroller Advice

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    In a couple of mo from now, I will imyh have a newborn and an almost 3 yr old son. Does the coffee room think it’s necessary for me to purchase a double stroller? Do you think my 3 yr old will want to sit in the carriage a lot, if at all? Right now my son only sits in the carriage when he is tired, and doesn’t want to walk anymore.


    Do you plan to go on long walks that would make the 3 yr old tired?

    What would your options be if 3 yr gets tired all of a sudden? Would you or your spouse be able to carry the child?

    Each child is different and each family has to make this decision based on their set of circumstances. For example: where will you store the double stroller? will it be able to take it out every time without needing help?


    A lot of people I know recommend the sit-to-stand options or something that attaches on the stroller and lets your child stand on it while you’re pushing the stroller. A double stroller with a child that size is VERY heavy and unbalanced as far as the weights on the 2 sides. Unless you have to walk very long distances frequently I don’t think it’s worth it.


    We twice had the same situation. We ended up getting a double (and a single). The double was for long walks especially on shabbos or for days at the park/outings. When the situation first came up, I was against it and my wife was for it. Turns out she was totally right (what else is new?). We would not have been able to make it without a double.


    op, it depends a lot on your child.

    When my oldest was three, he walked like an 8 year old. My other son who’s 5, still walks like a 3 year old on the street. He’s veeery lazy and always exhausted!

    It also depends, as mentioned above, how often you take far walks.

    Don’t rush to buy one. Double strollers are very heavy and klutzy. I HATE to use mine. I use it only when I absolutely must. (For exapmle when going out to the seder and returning home at 3 in the morning.)

    They sell buggy boards which connect to any standard stroller for an older child to stand on. Those are pretty good.


    Hi mra.

    Dont you think they are too young for crullers? Especially two?


    There are so many double strollers on the market today. The Buggy Board would be your best option. I don’t know what stroller you have now, but the top companies make their own boards, while there are some that are universal.


    What single carriage do you have? There are some single carriages that have an option to add a second seat. The city classic and the Uppa Baby are two such carriages that I know of.

    Before you buy a buggy board try your child out on someone elses to see if they like it. My son doesn’t. He is almost three, he would rather walk or sit in the carriage than stand ont he board.

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