Double Standard

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    A video surfaced of a white NFL player saying the N word, he gave a sincere apology and said he is ashamed of himself, he has been condemned by the team and the league and ordered to go to sensitivity training, after the Zimmerman verdict a black NFL player tweeted that the six jurors should go home and kill themselves there was no backlash.


    One of the Zimmerman jurors was black.

    The latter was an equal opportunity offender


    I heard an interesting interview on NPR by a linguistics professor who researched “profanity.” She claimed that the notion of what is profane is shaped by the culture, and our notion of it has changed. Years ago, George Carlin had a comedy routine about the 7 words you couldn’t say on radio/TV. Most were sexual terms or vulgarities. These words have been stripped of their profanity and are regularly heard on the streets today (much to my chagrin). Today’s profanities however the professor said, are cultural: race (the “N” word), sexual orientation (the “F” word), and a few other.

    So much for our society. I shudder when I hear coarse language coming from anyone. So much indignity to the speaker, so little regard of the listener.

    Frankly, saying “the ‘N’ word” instead of the word itself chills me. One group freely calls its members by this name yet if another person – not in the group – says the word, he is castigated? Nonsense.

    This post is NOT “JustHavingFun.”




    Standards are important, and so two standards must be better than one.


    These ridiculous public lynchings are meant to create the illusion that we have some sort of social justice in this country. As long as there is a media outcry about someone using the N-word, the media can sleep peacefully at night although police are listening in on all your conversations and arresting black men with the assumption that they’ll plead guilty to something to avoid a jury on hyperinflated charges. And the worse the police get, the more outraged the media will be at the stupid football player.

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