Donald Trump Is Bad And Has Popular Support

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    Donald Trump Is Bad And Has Popular Support So Moshiach Must Be Coming

    pro brooklyn

    i’m only responding because i feel bad that no one else did.



    1)Donald Trump Is Bad

    2)And Has Popular Support

    3) So Moshiach Must Be Coming

    You need to expand and expound on each


    Hes EXACTLY what this country deserves.


    What do you mean deserves?


    trump is a peice of entertainment, but were too stupid today to vote with our brains. we would just vote for trump so we can have 8 years of entertainment instead of voting with using our brains for cruz or Rubio


    Cruz is the more sane choice for intellectual conservatives. He’s a brilliant attorney and statesman, and has contributed more to conservatism than any other Republican in the race.

    On the other hand, Trump has a tremendous moxie and appeal to people that are otherwise politically apathetic, or who wouldn’t typically vote for a Republican. He’s a populist with mass appeal, and his positions are not typical conservative ones, such as his positions on Planned Parenthood funding, taxing the highest earners, toeva marriage, and other issues.

    If Cruz were to campaign on a more heavy-handed immigration policy, he’d be ideal.


    If one looks at Trump’s personal life and business career, one might suspect that his claims to be a conservative nativist are a bit of an act, since his background suggests anything but antagonism to “furriners” (his own family came thorugh Ellis Island, not the Mayflower, and he’s married foreigners), and that he supports big government (which means high taxes) that supports corporate welfare and bailouts. While other media types have run for office, they get “out of character” whereas Trump is running as the character he developed for his “reality” TV shows. What he actually supports is anyone’s guess.

    The Queen

    Rubio gets my vote. He is the handsomest guy on the Republican side (I am not voting for either Hillary or Sanders) I rather see photos of him for the next 4 years than either Cruz or Trump ?


    Dov, how can you use the term statesman to describe Cruz? He’s totally opposed to compromise.


    We’ve had enough of compromise. Compromise with the left has led to a failed foreign policy, racial turmoil on the streets of America, acts of Muslim terror being openly committed on American soil, and a crumbling economy.


    I think Cruz is being misrepresented. I am sure he will make compromises as long as they don’t compromise his principles. In any dealmaking there is give and take but I respect someone who won’t crumble on his principles just to reach the deal. Let’s put this in the context of halachah. We can compromise on matters as long as they don’t force us to go against halachah.

    Queen, I do hope you’re joking.

    The Queen

    Flatbush: Notice the smiley at the end of my post.


    Trump’s appeal is he is not politically correct. With the sissy-fication of the American public, Trump is gaining popularity with those sick of the politically-correct atmosphere of the U.S.A.

    On the other hand, Cruz or Rubio will not win the nomination because they are establishment republicans. The republican establishment has been in full control of both the house and senate and has yet to move to reverse Obamacare or any of Obama’s executive orders. Therefore, conservatives are seeking a candidate that is not a career-politician or establishment republican because there is no more trust in a GOP candidate to do anything except continue liberal policies.


    Cruz is by far the safest bet. Congress is completely corrupt now, and Cruz is one of only a few speaking the truth. People misread him because he’s so far right. Elizabeth Warren is at the opposite extreme of the spectrum and she’s saying the same things. The republicans dismiss Cruz as an extreme conservative, and democrats dismiss Warren as an extreme liberal. But they are both acknowledging the same problem. The common denominator between them is that they are both fighting for truth and aren’t in it for money.


    We keep hearing “He’s a nasty guy, and doesn’t get along with anyone in Washington”. That’s exactly the point. There is something very wrong with anyone in Washington who DOES get along with corrupt dishonest politicians who make money at the expense of the people who voted them in to represent them. Ted Cruz ran for senate in Texas and told his people what he would do if he wins. He won, and then kept to his promise. That’s how our government is supposed to work. Texas didn’t vote him in to make deals and get along. They voted him in to do exactly what he’s doing.


    My main concern is that we elect a Republican who will unleash a fury upon illegals, through whatever means necessary. As far as I see it, our laws don’t protect illegals, therefore, even if mass incarceration in internment camps like the Japanese is necessary, so be it.


    Donald trump is the only hope the yiddim have against Hilary Clinton. Not that trump is good hes not, But he is 100 times better than Clinton!


    So you’re okay with violating basic human rights as long as it doesn’t break the law?


    I thought we were looking for the end of the lies and corruption and you bring up Elizabeth Warren?

    The American Indian Elizabeth Warren??


    dovrosenbaum: your comments are despicable. You are a xenophobe and no Jew should ever,ever be a xenophobe. We suffered for two thousand years from that “machele” and now you want to inflict it upon others. Shame on you. Apart from this, the fact is that my gardener is Spanish, the cashier in my-kosher- supermarket is Spanish, my dry cleaner is Spanish and many more examples of law-abiding,hardwoking foreigners. Just as your grandparents were when they came to America.

    Dave Hirsch

    If you hate Israel (or think that they share blame with “Palestine”) vote Trump. He said it last week!

    He also said a couple of months ago that, as president, he will force Israel to make concessions to the Palestinians…

    If you like Trump; why not Sanders?!

    The Queen

    Most of the cleaning ladies are Spanish, and we need them with Pesach just around the corner. Don’t mess with my cleaning lady! no internment camp for her.


    My great grandparents came here legally, through Ellis Island, followed the laws, learned English, paid taxes, and the men served in 3 wars. We’re a country of laws, not a hefkervelt. People don’t seem to care that there’s such thing as the rule of law, and that those who trample upon it have no right to be here. Immigration is fine when the immigrants are useful and look to contribute to their new countries. Today’s immigrants come here to spit on America, they don’t learn English, they don’t adapt to our ways, and they abuse welfare. They don’t look to contribute, they suck us dry with welfare.


    All white people in America are descended from immigrants. And hardly anyone speaks the language anymore.

    moi aussi

    Why do people here prefer Cruz over Rubio? When you look at the physiognomy of both candidates, you see that Rubio is a much more honest guy than Cruz. Moreover Rubio is a strong supporter of Israel. Listen to his speech on vimeo video 148881658.

    By the way, physiognomy is called “chochmas hapartsuf”, it’s a Jewish concept.


    dovrosenbaum: you totally ignore history. Those Japanese that you refer to, as an example, were AMERICANS, born here and full citizens. Until today, their internment is a blemish on the US. And, Illegals,as per the Supreme Court, do have rights here. You may not like it, but that is the law. And, once you open the gates to cruel measures, there is no way to limit it only to illegals. What you have to do is close and protect the borders. Then, time will take its toll, as most of these illegals will ultimately die and leave their American kids as full citizens.

    The Queen

    Dov: you have a point, however, throwing out all of the people who came in from Mexico will cause a major upheaval. It’s not that simple.

    Moi: For sure Rubio gives off better vibes than Cruz.


    I thought we were looking for the end of the lies and corruption
    and you bring up Elizabeth Warren?
    The American Indian Elizabeth Warren??

    This post seems highly questionable. Is there a way to understand it
    other than as an expression of prejudice against Native Americans?

    By the way, physiognomy is called “chochmas hapartsuf”,
    it’s a Jewish concept.

    I doubt that the physiognomy that poster was referring to is actually
    the same thing as the kabbalistic chochmas hapartzuf.

    ☕️coffee addict

    Someone is up early on a Sunday


    How is Sunday different than Monday for a Yid?


    Joe -“How is Sunday different than Monday for a Yid?”

    Stop with I’m Frummer than thou attitude!
    If the guy works in the Goyish Velt – Sunday is an off-day.


    If you used your brains, you would vote for Sanders.


    I recommend only voting when there is an election.


    shmerel: you would rather have a communist like Sanders?

    RabbiofBerlin: which Supreme Court rulings state that illegal aliens have rights?


    iacisrmma: in Plyler vs. Doe, the Supreme Court ruled that illegal immigrants are protected under the 14th Amendment.


    iacisrmma: -“shmerel: you would rather have a communist like Sanders?”

    Did it ever occur to you that some posters here, believe in Communism?!?


    Donald Trump is not that bad for new york.
    His policies are helping wall street and big banks
    That make up the city’s economy.
    Plus he has promised to build infrastructure projects most likely in new York his hometown.


    @iacisrmma, @Health, I’m not a Communist. I’m a democratic (not Democratic) socialist.

    And by the way, “illegal” is not a noun. People use it to dehumanize, because once you dehumanize, you can do whatever you want to them.


    Trump is a nitwit. All the rest is commentary.

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