Does anyone know the words to…

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    the zrizim makdimim song from marvelous middos machine

    and i just can’t do it now…

    zrizim makdimim l’mitzvos

    all good deeds should be done right away

    something something something shirk

    roll up your sleeves and get to work

    don’t put off til tomorrow s/t u can do today….

    can’t believe i’m drawing a blank, i was singing this last week! please help me fill in the rest of the words! :0)


    The Torah says that you should know

    Be happy to get up and go

    Don’t put off til tomorrow

    Something you could do today


    i guess you grew up with marvelouse middos machiene on in your house! how do you know the exact words??


    I grew up with not only the tapes but the family who made it!!


    In the chorus in the first post, the missing line is

    “The Torah says you shouldn’t shirk”

    And in the chorus that eclipse quoted, I always thought the words were

    “The Torah says that you should show

    You’re happy to get up and go”


    Raya…you may be right.My memory is overloaded!

    Your version does make more sense.

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