Does anyone know about a medrash that talks of Adam HaRishon and the solstice?

Home Forums Bais Medrash Does anyone know about a medrash that talks of Adam HaRishon and the solstice?

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    it talks about how Adam thought that his tshuvah wasn’t niskabel until the days began to get longer again.

    I have a nice vort connecting this with Channukah.

    So I’m curious about what the medrash says exactly, its location, and also if you know of anyone who has made the connection already in the past.



    Avodah Zara 8a. I’ve never seen anyone make a connection to Channukah, only to Christmas.


    I think it is a gemara in avoda zara.


    I dont know all the details, but I do know this Adam though he was punished as the days got shorter, On December 21 He saw the days started to get longer again and realized he was forgiven.

    He then celebrated December 21 as a holiday, It became an avodah zorah holiday celebrated for a week

    Fast forward a few thousand years. followers of a new persecuted religion wanted to celebrate the birth of their savior which was forbidden in Rome.

    As Romans were celebrating the december 21st holiday which actually lasted about a week, The followers of the savior decided to celebrate the birth at the same time. The normal Romans would think they were just celebrating solistice and not think anything of it.

    So actually December 25 is actually related to Adom Harishon


    It is on Avodah Zra 8a soon after the mishba, and notes the 8 day taanis, and the subsequent 8 day yom tov. Hatzlocho and Shabbat shalom.

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