I got this two second whatsapp message from someone asking me to do something. The main gist of the message I got were these three words: Like, Whatever and Basically. Just mix them around drop them into anything you’re saying, and like.. basically.. whatever..
(others have at least a wider range of vocabulary; they include man and bro)
In 2000 years when English is a dead language, scholars will envy how you got to observe English back when it was a living and constantly changing language.
If the US president were to give a public address in which he spoke like a refined human being, emergency services would be overwhelmed as people would be collapsing in shock…
I’m like whatever as to how best to answer your question. Basically it’s like this! U gotta frst no how t spell n then u cn move onto this wierd imbecilic vernacular. It’s simply an advertisement as to your negative level of refined finesse.