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- This topic has 79 replies, 20 voices, and was last updated 16 years ago by veyatziv.
March 13, 2009 9:58 pm at 9:58 pm #589600an open bookParticipant
does age rly matter in relationships? can u have friends different ages/in diff stages of life than u? does the older person always have to be the mentor?
March 15, 2009 2:16 am at 2:16 am #641678flatbush27Memberage usually does matter in relationships which is why the man is usually older than the woman. if it didnt matter we wouldnt do it the way we do, although obviosly there are plenty of marriages where the woman is older than the man, but usually not in the more yeshivish circles.
March 15, 2009 2:25 am at 2:25 am #641679oomisParticipantI have had friends of all ages after I reached my forties. Some are clsoe to my age, some are much younger, some are much older. I subscribe to the notion that “mekall melamdei hiskalti,” and that this applies to people of all ages, as well. Sometimes the older person is my mentor, sometimes I am int he position of having greater experience. Friendship is a give and take, and it really matters little who is older and who is younger, UNLESS YOU make it an issue in your personal relationships. I think in my teens and twenties, I would have expected to be less open to this, but the truth is I was always comfortable around ALL types of people, and still am.
March 15, 2009 2:26 am at 2:26 am #641680kapustaParticipantIMO, absolutely not!!! 🙂
March 15, 2009 2:33 am at 2:33 am #641681JewessMemberIf you mean in a marital or dating relationship, then age matters if it matters to YOU (or to him or her).
If you mean in a friendship, age should not matter once you are both adults, and no, the older person does not always have to be the mentor. I have friends that could be my mother and I don’t look at them as mentors. I respect them for their age with which may come knowledge, but I don’t look up to them for answers or quidance.
March 15, 2009 2:48 am at 2:48 am #641682anonymisssParticipantno (ok, sometimes,) yes, no
March 17, 2009 2:49 pm at 2:49 pm #641684cherrybimParticipantBasically, you can ask that question about any characteristic in a dating relationship:
Does height matter?
Does weight matter?
Does background or nationality matter?
Does money matter?
Does degree of frumkeit matter?
I know of several instances where the girl was somewhat older than the boy (up to 10 years); or where the boy was much older than the girl (up to 20 years) and the marriages are wonderful with wonderful children.
Chazal, however, states that you’re asking for trouble when the fellow is old and the bride is young. Human nature says the young woman will eventually look elsewhere when her needs are not met.
March 17, 2009 3:23 pm at 3:23 pm #641685kapustaParticipantwas the OP coments regarding shidduchim? I understood it as relationships in general, for shidduchim theres a lot more to consider than just a general friendship. it depends on the people involved and the ages, theres no blanket statement. 🙂
March 17, 2009 3:33 pm at 3:33 pm #641686anonymisssParticipantChazal, however, states that you’re asking for trouble when the fellow is old and the bride is young. Human nature says the young woman will eventually look elsewhere when her needs are not met.
cherrybim, can you tell me where it says this? I would be interested in seeing it. Thanks.
March 17, 2009 4:55 pm at 4:55 pm #641687squeakParticipantI’d love to know what that means! How many years of marriage (several?) does it take before both spouses become ethereal and not physical?
March 17, 2009 6:15 pm at 6:15 pm #641688cherrybimParticipantanonymisss: Look in Rambam, Issurei Bi’ah, 21:24
??? ???? ???? ????, ??? ???? ??? ????–???? ?? ???? ?????…
March 17, 2009 9:23 pm at 9:23 pm #641689eyesopenMemberAge doesn’t matter.
March 17, 2009 9:40 pm at 9:40 pm #641690an open bookParticipanti posted awhile ago in response to most of these, but they did not go through.
for anyone who did not understand, i meant relationships in general. i had an example of what i was talking about, but i don’t remember exactly what it was now 🙁
March 18, 2009 3:02 am at 3:02 am #641691anonymisssParticipantcherrybim, thanks!
AOB, that’s what I inferred from your original post. I don’t know why it turned into this, it always does somehow.
March 18, 2009 3:38 am at 3:38 am #641692moish01Memberdepends what kind of friend
March 18, 2009 3:44 am at 3:44 am #641693anonymisssParticipantames, I don’t think friends have to be going through the same experiences at the same time. I, single and working and college student, have friends who are married with babies and we still have our balanced, equal friendship that we always had.
March 18, 2009 4:07 am at 4:07 am #641695kapustaParticipantshidduchim and seminaries… center stage forever :/
March 18, 2009 2:46 pm at 2:46 pm #641697squeakParticipantIt is possible to have different levels of friendship. Really close friends probably need to be going through the same stage of life to stay close. The most casual friendships don’t require anything of the sort. As an example, I don’t think that anyone here in the CR is my age, but I consider us friends. Obviously we are not the closest type of friends, but age does not matter much here.
March 18, 2009 6:47 pm at 6:47 pm #641698moish01Membersqueak, you don’t think anyone here is around your age? no one? not joseph, not charlie, not oomis, not anon… wow you must be REALLY old… because if they range from age 40 to 70, you gotta be in your eighties or something…
March 18, 2009 6:51 pm at 6:51 pm #641699areivimzehlazehParticipanthmmmm- that does make sense moish. He’s always rambling on about the inventions of yesteryear 😉
March 18, 2009 6:54 pm at 6:54 pm #641700moish01Memberoh areivim, i was debating whether or not to include you in the 40 – 70 age bracket.
but then i realized you wouldn’t make it because you’re only 39…
March 18, 2009 6:56 pm at 6:56 pm #641701areivimzehlazehParticipantdo i sound that good? 😉
March 18, 2009 6:58 pm at 6:58 pm #641702moish01Membersince when does “goodness” depend on one’s age??
March 18, 2009 7:18 pm at 7:18 pm #641703areivimzehlazehParticipantI should hope that as you get older, you acquire more knowledge and sound a bit more knowledgeable
March 18, 2009 7:27 pm at 7:27 pm #641704myshadowMembermoish 39 for areivim??? he’s totally around 26
March 18, 2009 7:27 pm at 7:27 pm #641705squeakParticipantyou’re right, moish. I haven’t considered everyone that posts here, just the ones who made their age range clear. But I don’t think any of the names you listed have hit 7-0 yet
March 18, 2009 8:03 pm at 8:03 pm #641707areivimzehlazehParticipantI didn’t know I’m such an enigma
March 18, 2009 8:16 pm at 8:16 pm #641709squeakParticipantWell, you didn’t say much about yourself but you tried to peg me as a 29 y.o. bachelor LOL and then said something about how we are similar, so you tell me….
March 18, 2009 8:21 pm at 8:21 pm #641710moish01Membernah he’s married and he’s in his upper 20s. that’s my guess.
(if anyone wants to know what he looks like, just say the word ;))
March 18, 2009 9:05 pm at 9:05 pm #641711areivimzehlazehParticipantsqueak- i said we’re similar?? in what shape or form?
moish- when are you gonna let up? i died the beard black on purim 😉
March 18, 2009 9:14 pm at 9:14 pm #641712moish01Memberin what shape or form? maybe squeak is also skinny and wears rimless glasses 😉
March 18, 2009 9:17 pm at 9:17 pm #641713charlie brownMemberwow they think I’m one of ’em youngsters that are still under 70! cool!
March 18, 2009 9:23 pm at 9:23 pm #641714moish01Memberwell how old would charlie brown be at the current moment?
or is he like peter par who never grows up?
March 18, 2009 9:39 pm at 9:39 pm #641715anonymisssParticipantmoish, don’t! or we’ll get this thread closed, too. Although I wouldn’t mind knowing what he looks like…..
March 18, 2009 10:21 pm at 10:21 pm #641716areivimzehlazehParticipantha anonymiss- you really think moish knows what I look like? fat chance
March 18, 2009 10:24 pm at 10:24 pm #641717an open bookParticipant& you have a more than 10 year age range. i think you’re safely anonymous 😉
March 18, 2009 10:53 pm at 10:53 pm #641718squeakParticipantareivim, I tried to dig it up but I can’t remember any key phrases you used. I’ll find it though.
Charlie, you’re one of those who told us your age range.
But to stay on topic, age doesn’t really matter. It’s just something people like to know about each other, like other trivia. Imagine banning Jewish geography at a party!
March 18, 2009 10:57 pm at 10:57 pm #641719an open bookParticipantsqueak: i think it matters less as you get older. in my situation, it’s not just another fact, it’s how you’re grouped for almost everything!
March 18, 2009 11:07 pm at 11:07 pm #641720squeakParticipantgood point. But if one party is willing to be a mentee (not a real word), a great friendship can ensue.
March 18, 2009 11:10 pm at 11:10 pm #641721anonymisssParticipantames, that makes sense, (your last post)
March 18, 2009 11:12 pm at 11:12 pm #641722an open bookParticipantames: yeah that makes sense. it kind of answers my post that never got posted 🙂 r u a mind-reader? or a mod??
March 18, 2009 11:39 pm at 11:39 pm #641723beaconParticipantReally squeak you think no one here is your age? (Do you also remember taking the trolley and fishing a sour pickle out of a wooden barrel for a nickel?)
March 19, 2009 1:06 am at 1:06 am #641724an open bookParticipantwell good job then 🙂
March 19, 2009 3:53 am at 3:53 am #641725Michal bas AvrahamMemberI’m younger than a lot of my friends. However, I’m wise beyond my years, so frequently, I end up being the mentor to those older than myself. However, I’ve noticed resistance. There’s a woman who was about 10 years my senior. She would be asking people around me for advice. I mean mamish asking everyone. However, I noticed that when I would give her my advice she would talk over me. She never heard what I had to say. I always suspected that she thought what did I know, as I’m so much younger than she.
March 19, 2009 10:47 am at 10:47 am #641726PhyllisMemberDoes age matter – very general…matter in terms of what type of relationship and how large the age gap. i find once i got married the pple I became friends with were mainly girls at my stage of the game, not depending on how old they are. When I got married some girls my age had 3-4 children, so our schedules were completely different as apposed to younger friends or even older ones who had also just gotten married, we were on the same page so to speak.
March 19, 2009 10:52 am at 10:52 am #641727Mrs. BeautifulMemberMichal bas Avraham, dont take this personally, I am sure you are very wise and mature, but I hope you are not being misled or fooled.
When u speak about age mattering in terms of marriage, it has become more and more common for boys to date girls that are older than them, depending on how mature each party is. I have a cousin that married a boy 2 yrs her junior. It was quite unusual at that time, but this guy is a real educated business man, while she is softspoken and very fine, and when u’d see the 2 together, u could think he was her father!!
March 19, 2009 11:57 am at 11:57 am #641728an open bookParticipantyes, i sometimes feel like giving advice/sharing my opinion with people older than me will make me look stuck-up, like who am i to think i am smarter than them?? but really that’s not what i’m thinking at all. i just don’t want it to come out that way.
March 19, 2009 10:30 pm at 10:30 pm #641729an open bookParticipantmrs. beautiful: i’m a little confused. what did that have to do with what michal said??
March 21, 2009 8:06 pm at 8:06 pm #641730Mrs. BeautifulMemberI meant that it’s hard to believe that unless someone is a professional or a specialist pple dont usually turn to pple much younger than them for advice. Unless they are trying to make that person feel good. I dont know Michal bas Avraham, maybe her case is diff, but I just said I hope she is not being fooled.
March 22, 2009 12:37 am at 12:37 am #641731oomisParticipantSome wisdom comes with age, and some people become even more foolish as they age, because they are so stuck in their ways, they will not hear another opinion. I have learned a great deal from people who were much older, and i have likewise learned a great dealf rom thoise who were much younger. I learn new things from my almost 10 month old granddaughter all the time. Kinehora, she knows what is important, like the fact that having so many people love her and nurture her is her security. She responds in kind to that love. That is a lesson for life for all people.
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