The halocha is one may not eat Matzah erev Pesach, in order for the Matzah to be special when doing the Mitzvah. In the spirit of this halocha, some people have a minhag not to eat Matzah two weeks before Pesach, or four weeks before.
Absolutely not. I don’t eat matzah much during the year (except for the few weeks AFTER Pesach when I still have lotsa matzah), but I bedavka will not eat it after Purim.
I try my best not to eat matzah any time that it is not Pesach. It’s especially hard in the week immediately following Pesach because of the delicious leftover shmurah, but I haven’t eaten matzah except on Pesach for about the last 5 years straight.
LOL Binahyeseira! I was worried about that myself. How am I going to put supper on the table when I am getting ready for pesach? Maybe we need a new minhag between purim and pesach…