Do what feels good, give in to your impulses, and worry about consequences later

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Do what feels good, give in to your impulses, and worry about consequences later

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    From what were seeing in the news and hearing about otherwise, it seems like many of us are on a “do what feels good, give in to your impulses, and worry about consequences later mode”. This is acted on in varying degrees of severity, but I think, affecting large numbers of society, frum and otherwise, in many ways.

    Why are more of us behaving in that manner than ever before?

    What are the contributing factors?


    In order to address your concern intelligently, please provide some examples of what you speak. From the vagueness of your OP I have no idea what you are talking about.

    Another name

    Ofcourse, interesting point you have brought up, but I don’t entirely agree.

    We don’t see the person’s inner struggle, how many times a person overcomes temptation, rises above evil.

    It’s true, each generation sinks lower into tumah than the one before, but that’s the price of galus. Obviously, the public will only publish stories that interest the readers, meaning the disgusting and devastating ones. Our world is definitely a crazy world. But don’t underestimate the goodness, that seems to be hidden. Goodness has tznius, so it seems to us that the bad overpowers it- but it’s there!


    Hacham, I am referring tangentially to the recent exceptionally cold blooded murders commited by people from our community, both because there were lapses of sanity involved.

    BUT in addition to these fatal acts, there are more sins being committed openly, encouraged by a “just do it” mentality, felt in the atmosphere more than ever before. Theres disregard for right and wrong, and consequences, as evidenced by the many family issues we hear of, Shidduch issues, treatment of other human beings in a selfish manner, that goes on every day, by people who were taught to behave better and couldnt care less. With each passing day, we are becoming more of a “Me and my needs first, I dont care who I hurt” society.

    Another name, how right you are! Good news doesnt sell. There are large numbers of tremendous Baalei Chesed in existence, definitely! But I still think many are more daring these days and are more willing to do the wrong thing K N O W I N G L Y and hurt others, without regret or uneasiness, than ever before.

    Another name

    Ofcourse, I don’t know if this answers your question at all, but more has become acceptable today. It’s easier and more “comfortable” to do wrong when everyone else is doing it.

    Think of even the tznius that the Jews and nonjews abided by 20 years ago (even by the beach), and how we lost that now.

    One more point to ponder, hurting others might not only have to do with selfishness, but also the decrease in the value of a human life.

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