Does food have zechuyos?

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    I was eating lunch today, and after having made a kavanadigge “she ha kol” on my salmon, it occurred to me that this fish, once swimming in the ocean now just got the zechus in being part of my bracha and sanctifying Hashem’s name in the world.

    How could it be, out of all the millions of fish in the sea that this one had the zechus. THen it really seemed so significant to me, a chiddush that each vegetable, or apple picked from a tree which ultimately gets bought by a yid, brought home to a frum home, will ultimately have lived its life only for having brought kedushah through a bracha.

    Get it?

    So I think in conclusion that food has a zechus. What do you say?


    Rabbi Wallerstein once said that certain neshamos come back in the form of fruit (or something that grows) and waits as it grows from a seed to a fruit and when someone makes a bracha, it gives the neshama the tikun that it needs.

    I would imagine it would work for fish too.

    I have a feeling its a lot deeper than that. Anyway its a scary concept.



    in school we learned about people that ended up in strange places just to make brachos over there.

    old man

    I do not believe that fruits or vegetables have a neshama or a part of anyone’s neshama. Please provide a source in the mishnah, gemara or tosefta.


    I think it’s best to leave the esoteric, to those involved with the esoteric.

    ha ha ha ha

    it may or may not be a gilgul or whatever but it most certainly has a zchus to be part of a bracha!

    remember to make you brachos in a way that will be Marba kvod shmayim.

    am yisrael chai

    Didn’t the stones argue they all wanted to be under Yaakov’s head? To have that zechus?

    And Hashem honored their request by making them one. United. Shalom.

    Is it ok to correct the title to Does food have zechuyos?


    AYC: I highly doubt that Midrash is meant to be taken literally. It teaches an important lesson. And there is no reason for rocks to have Zechuyos because they have no Bechirah, so Schar V’onesh is irrelevant to them.

    am yisrael chai


    “I highly doubt that Midrash is meant to be taken literally”

    Rashi quite clearly says this (Breishis 28:11)and does not give the medrash as a source. It can be literal while also teaching an important lesson.


    All objects whether animate or inanimate have souls. Even a soda can is a tikkun /gilgul. I read it somewhere. It must be true.


    AYC: Rashi says it because the Pesukim are Meduyak that way. Whether or not it actually happened (Hakadosh Baruch Hu obviously could have made it happen to teach this lesson) the fact remains that rocks (and food) do not have Zechuyos because they do not have actions. They do whatever Hakadosh Baruch Hu created them to do and have no say in the matter.

    There is an entirely separate issue in Kabbalistic traditions that sometimes Neshamos come back as inanimate objects because they need a tiny Tikkun and have to be involved in performing some type of Mitzvah. That is still not a Zechus for the inanimate object, but a Tikkun for a Neshama that Hashem decided needs to be involved in something particular before Hashem will judge it.

    am yisrael chai


    “the fact remains that rocks (and food) do not have Zechuyos because they do not have actions.”

    How then do you understand the “non-action” of the sun complaining to Hashem that there could only be one sovereign?


    AYC: Once again, there is something we learn from that story. We can assume it actually happened (the Rambam would think we’re crazy, but he probably thinks we’re all crazy anyway). But that Midrash assumes that the moon had the Bechirah to complain, doesn’t it? (Actually, the Rambam probably believed that the celestial spheres had some level of intelligence so he might like this story better than a lot of others.)

    old man

    “I read it somewhere. It must be true.”

    Sorry, wrong.

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