Divorced Women Face Higher Heart Attack Risk

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    A startling US study sheds light on the health benefits of staying married. It proposes that people who experience divorce are at high risk of heart attacks than married ones.

    Earlier, a few studies showed that divorcee face more from health related issues than other. They suffer from severe depression, hypertension, and stress.

    Recently, a team of researchers from the Duke University observed nearly 16,000 Americans. The included US adults were between ages of 45 to 65. All of them were married at least once when the study started.

    Researchers followed them for a long time period of eighteen years.

    Astoundingly, the outcome of the analysis demonstrates divorcees are higher at risk of heart attacks. Divorcee women are 24 percent more likely to have heart strokes than ordinary ones. The ratio is similar for women who remarried at some point in their lives. In comparison, the chances of heart attacks descend in men if they remarry.


    What about women who’s marriages are failing but stay with them anyways? How are those numbers? (In general, married people do better socioeconomically than divorced people. I don’t know how that impacts the statistic.)


    Studies on goyim are probably irrelevant to us. Our sociology is quite different.

    Given that Americans increasingly engage in “de facto” marriages (live together as a common household without doing the paperwork for a marriage, something related to the tax penalties that apply to childless marriages in which both partners have full time careers), relying on who is or is not divorced, among Americans, is meaningless.


    a lot of it has to do with money. loosing most of your money in court battles over a bad business deal will also give you a higher rate for heart attacks. correlation does not prove causation.


    Newbee: by bringing another example you are not negating the study. Even if the only reason married people are healthier is due to finances, which I doubt, and the reason women are better off is because they’re married — they’re still better off.


    “and the reason women are better off is because they’re married”

    That’s my point for people like you- to say that women are better off because they are married is not proven by this study (though is most often true anyway). It’s that women usually are better off staying married once already married than getting divorced- not that women are better off marrying in the first place opposed to never marrying. Anyways, there are new studies every day, I personally think these studies on meaningless on a practical level for individual people.


    When the state of affairs calls for ending the marriage, it is a mitzvah to divorce. I hardly think that a mitzvah would bring on a heart attack.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Maybe the heart attack is caused by the state of affairs, not the actual get.


    yybc: Better, I’d venture to say, than those who get unnecessarily divorced.

    akuperma: Great point but it’s much more than sociology. The Gemara suggests that the Shichvas Zera of a Nochri has different properties from that of a Jew, since the Nochri eats non-Kosher foods and is physically affected by his diet. The Chasam Sofer (Teshuvos YD 175) writes that this Gemara is relevant in practice. He rules that we cannot assume that a medical treatment that was tested successfully on a Nochri will also be successful on a Jew. Rav Elyashev zt’l pointed out that the Chasam Sofer writes that the physical characteristics of a Yid are different than a Goy, and that what applies to one may not apply to the other. Therefore, said Rav Elyashev, how much more so regarding the mind/soul?

    In any event, this study was done exclusively on participants who were all legally married. So your point about de facto marriages isn’t particularly relevant to this.

    newbee: There are many other studies indicating people are far better off (health wise and for other benefits) getting married than not marrying.

    cherrybim: The problem is when the divorce was avoidable and unnecessary.

    DY: This study also indicated that divorced men who remarry see their health improve yet divorced women who remarry don’t regain their better health.

    P.S. I neglected to cite that the OP was written by Apex (though this study has been widely reported in the news this week.)


    Joseph, the main reason for the so called shidduch/divorce crisis today is that most girls are educated, pleasant, innocent and naive while the boys are either exceptional and are reserved while still an adolescent, or for the most part, they are self-centered obnoxious know-it-all babies and in many cases have some kind of secret addiction.


    One thing all you people are forgetting. There are no statistics when it comes to Frum people. Hashem tailor makes each jew’s situation, and no studies or statistics are relevant when it comes to what Hashem feels is right for each person.


    Francorachel3: “There are no statistics when it comes to Frum people. Hashem tailor makes each jew’s situation, and no studies or statistics are relevant when it comes to what Hashem feels is right for each person.”

    Very well said, the best comment I have read on here.


    Just simply the thought of the Mizbeach shedding tears is more than enough to cause a heart attack, and as the Talmud relates:- The Mizbeach sheds copious tears over each & every divorce.

    Needless to say, a man being Ogun = chained away from his children can surely lead to ill health for men.

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