The Jackson Township Council on Tuesday evening unanimously approved the first reading of an ordinance that will greatly enhance the ability of kehillos in the township to establish shuls and

Conservative commentator and Daily Wire host Ben Shapiro commented on Monday on the battle in Israel over the government’s judicial reform plan. “The judicial reform fight in Israel is a

The Jewish chesed scene has rarely, if ever, seen a winter like this one, with Klal Yisroel joining forces again and again to support families in crisis, mosdos haTorah, chesed

The Federal Reserve’s bank supervisors warned Silicon Valley Bank’s management as early as the fall of 2021 of risks stemming from its unusual business model, a top Fed official said

Rosh Yeshivas Ateres Yisrael, HaGaon HaRav Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi, was on a chizuk trip in the US in the past week, visiting kehillos in New York, New Jersey, Montreal and

Is your business organized, advanced, and communicative? If yes, you could have top tech talent building software around your needs – at no cost. Highly motivated startups with engineers from

Brooklyn Bakery on Rechov Mea Shearim in Jerusalem is closing its doors for good this Friday, Erev Shabbos HaGadol. The bakery, a favorite for Anglos in Israel, has been operating

A decline in COVID-19 vaccinations cut into Walgreens second-quarter earnings, but the drugstore chain still delivered better-than-expected results. Walgreens said Tuesday the number of vaccines it administered in the quarter

With tens of thousands of Pesach travelers making their way to the South Florida and Orlando regions over the coming days, both Hatzalah South Florida & its affiliate Hatzalah Orlando

Fox News host Brian Kilmeade launched a stinging attack against Donald Trump for incessantly harping on his 2020 election loss rather than talking about his accomplishments as president, and blasted

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has called for his nuclear scientists to increase production of weapons-grade material to make bombs to put on his increasing range of weapons. North

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu late Tuesday said his country’s intelligence agency Mossad helped Greece prevent a terrorist attack planned against a Chabad House in Athens. Greek authorities said earlier

Millions of Israelis were outraged by the political strike called by the Histadrut labor union on Monday “in protest of the government’s judicial reform plan.” A politically motivated nationwide strike

Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison personally opened his state’s case against Juul Labs on Tuesday, accusing the e-cigarette maker of using “slick products, clever ads and attractive flavors” to hook

Discover the memory power you never knew you had and join the thousands of lomdei Daf Yomi worldwide who now remember what’s on every blatt they’ve learned. Try Zichru for Sotah and you’ll

Leaders of the anti-judicial reform protests in Israel vowed to continue protesting even after Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s speech on Monday evening announcing a suspension of the reform to allow

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said Monday that Republicans need a candidate who can take out Donald Trump in a single, brutal swipe like the one Christie delivered to

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Rebbitzen Sarah Zakheim A”H. She was 105. Rebbitzen Zakheim was the wife of HaRav Yaakov Zakheim Zt”l, a longtime Rov in

Rebbetzin and Rabbi Feigelstock arrived in Montreal in 1949. They were pioneers in the Jewish community and in Jewish education, and many benefited from their leadership, like Danny Benlolo, David

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