A United Hatzalah paramedic who happened to be on tiyul at Ein Gedi last week helped save the life of Shmuel Vaknin, a yeshiva bochur who was in serious condition

Over the past year, the U.S. Treasury Department has used its sanctions powers to impose wide-ranging financial penalties on Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine — turning Russia

President Joe Biden has faced criticism from social media users after he repeated the line “There’s no such thing as someone else’s child” during a White House event on Monday.

A Yom HaZikaron ceremony for fallen Chareidi soldiers took place on Monday evening in the Heichal Shlomo hall in Jerusalem. There were over 1,200 participants at the event, which was

Greg Kelly of Newsmax interviewed Former President Trump after the news broke on Monday that Tucker was no longer at Fox News: “So, Tucker Carlson was sitting here two weeks

Passengers aboard an American Airlines flight experienced a harrowing moment when one of the plane’s engines caught fire mid-air. A video captured by one of the passengers showed the engine

A federal jury on Tuesday is scheduled to hear a second day of attorneys’ closing arguments in the landmark trial for former Proud Boys extremist group leaders charged with plotting

In a new advertisement released on April 23, 2023, former President Donald Trump’s endorsement of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis during his 2018 campaign was brought to the forefront. The 60-second

Former President Donald Trump has gotten his most high-profile endorsement from a Senate Republican yet, winning the backing of Montana’s Steve Daines, chief of the Senate’s GOP fundraising arm. “I’m

Thirty-three people were brutally murdered by acts of terror in the past year since last Yom HaZikaron. The victims include three sets of siblings, small children, teens, a number of

Consumer confidence dipped again in April as anxiety over a slowing economy and possible recession weighed on American households. The Conference Board reported Tuesday that its consumer confidence index fell

Spring is in full bloom here in Jerusalem Estates! Despite a couple of rainy days over the Chag, the Jerusalem sun emerged in its full glory over Chol Hamoed and

President Joe Biden has formally announced he’s seeking reelection. But he’s also still the president, with roughly 20 months left in his term regardless of whether he wins a second

Avigdor Sidlow, a​ third generation plumber in Chicago by trade, and a first class mensch with a heart of gold and tremendous love for his fellow man, ​​recently suffered a

“You could take the five worst presidents in American history, and put them together, and they would not have done the damage Joe Biden has done to our Nation in

A resident of Tel Aviv who submitted a request to the municipality to hold a Yom Ha’atzmaut tefillah on Rothschild Boulevard received a response that the tefillah will only be

Terrorists opened fire at pedestrians from a passing vehicle at a traffic junction on Route 60 near the yishuv of Ofrah in Binyamin on Tuesday morning. The terrorists aimed at

Jordanian parliament member Imad Adwan was arrested on Sunday at the Allenby border crossing by Israeli authorities for allegedly attempting to use his diplomatic credentials to smuggle hundreds of assault

President Joe Biden on Tuesday formally announced that he is running for reelection in 2024, asking voters to give him more time to “finish the job” he began when he

How can one choose his shirt from a pile of different types of clothing and not transgress borer on Shabbos? What does one do if there is a power outage

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