According to a recently released New York City Housing and Vacancy Survey, almost 900,000 residents of New York City have lost at least three individuals to COVID-19. The survey, conducted

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for It is a question that a number of people are asking right now. When do we commemorate Pesach Sheini by eating Matzah? Do we

The World Health Organization said Friday that COVID-19 no longer qualifies as a global emergency, marking a symbolic end to the devastating coronavirus pandemic that triggered once-unthinkable lockdowns, upended economies

As he pushes forward in his bid to nab the GOP nomination for president in 2024, former President Donald Trump has aimed much of his ire at Florida Gov. Ron

Yisrael Beiteinu chairman Avigdor Lieberman responded to the Chareidi boycott of Angel Bakery by showing support for the bakery. Lieberman published two photos of himself purchasing challah in Angel on

A series of nearly ten stoning attacks by Arabs in the town of Huwara in the Shomron since the stabbing attack in the town on Thursday morning reached a new

On the morning of his bar mitzvah, a student of the Pnei Menachem Cheder was walking in the streets of Yerushalayim with his friends. Happy and excited after davening his

From the death penalty to gender identity to abortion, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has cemented himself as a conservative standard bearer as he prepares to launch a presidential campaign sometime

U.S. deaths fell last year, and COVID-19 dropped to the nation’s No. 4 cause, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Thursday. COVID-19 deaths trailed those caused by heart

Uncertainty continues to pummel the banking industry, despite assurances from financial regulators and bankers such as Jamie Dimon this week that the worst of the recent crisis is over and

A fourth set of twins was born recently to Rabbi Shimon and Chani Gruzman, Chabad shluchim in Castro Valley, California, the J.Jewish News of Northern California reported. The Gruzmans now

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant informed his Greek counterpart, Nikos Panagiotopoulos, that Iran can build five nuclear bombs with the enriched uranium they already have. The comment came during a

Britain’s competition watchdog said Thursday that it’s opening a review of the artificial intelligence market, focusing on the technology underpinning chatbots like ChatGPT. The Competition Markets Authority said it will

A fascinating video published on Palestinian social media shows Yamam counterterrorism officers entering the Shechem kasbah disguised as Arab women on Thursday morning. Israeli security forces entered Shechem to carry

There is an issue I have now twice encountered at Nyack Hospital that I believe is critical to share with your audience. Three years ago, I gave birth at Nyack

Maryland Rep. David Trone announced Thursday he will run for the U.S. Senate seat that will be opening with the retirement of Sen. Ben Cardin. Trone, a Democrat, has focused

A man who had been shouting at people aboard a New York City subway train died after fellow riders tackled him and one put him in a chokehold that lasted

Senate Democrats are pressuring Republicans on the debt ceiling impasse with a hearing Thursday focused on what they say are the the painful reductions in government services Americans would suffer

EMERGENCY FUND FOR YOUNG WIDOW AND 4 ORPHANS (FARAHDEL FAMILY) On April 9th, three days into the Pesach holiday, tragedy struck young mother Anna (Bahr) Farahdel and her 4 children

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy took his campaign against Russia to the international war crimes court in the Netherlands on Thursday, saying he was certain Russian President Vladimir Putin would be

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