Former, and arguably disgraced, FBI Director James Comey issued a full-throated endorsement of President Joe Biden in the next election, telling MSNBC that “It has to be Joe Biden” in

Ukrainian forces were making a major effort to punch through Russian defensive lines in southeast Ukraine for a second day, a Moscow-installed official said Monday, as Russia’s Defense Ministry declared

HaRav Moshe Wolfson, Mashgiach Torah V’Das, was personally involved with this campaign, since the father was Niftar, to help this Almana to bring her daughter to Chuppah and the Chasuna

Tens of thousands gathered in Philadelphia on Sunday evening to celebrate and honor BMG’s lomdei torah, with thousands more joining live via video and audio hookups of the event. Numerous

The shiva for the Gadol HaDor, Rosh Yeshivas Ponevezh HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein, z’tl has ended. On Monday, the Rosh Yeshivah’s children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren and close talmidim davened at

The Supreme Court said Monday it will hear a case in which a man tried to trademark a phrase mocking former President Donald Trump as “too small.” The Justice Department

New York City is moving to address the increasing number of illegal immigrants entering the city by partnering with religious leaders to provide shelter. Mayor Eric Adams announced on Monday

Saudi Arabia has welcomed Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on an official visit, reaching out to yet another U.S. foe as the oil-rich kingdom engages in a flurry of diplomacy. Maduro

The U.S. Navy said Monday its sailors and the United Kingdom Royal Navy came to the aid of a ship in the crucial Strait of Hormuz after Iran’s Revolutionary Guard

The United States military released video Monday of what it called an “unsafe” Chinese maneuver in the Taiwan Strait on the weekend, in which a Chinese navy ship cut sharply

Iran has released one Danish and two Austrian citizens, the European countries said Friday, thanking Oman and Belgium for their help in getting the trio freed. Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander

Egypt on Monday publicized the details of the terrorist who murdered three IDF soldiers on Shabbos on the Egyptian/Israeli border, retracting its initial claim that the terrorist was a police

Saudi Arabia will reduce how much oil it sends to the global economy, taking a unilateral step to prop up the sagging price of crude after two previous cuts to

A wayward and unresponsive business plane that flew over the nation’s capital Sunday afternoon caused the military to scramble a fighter jet before the plane crashed in Virginia, officials said.

Rosh Yeshivas Rashbi, HaGaon HaRav Meir Tzvi Bergman, who received a rare p’sak that he can speak at the Adirei HaTorah event despite the fact that he was sitting shiva

More than 25,000 Lomdei and Tomchei Torah streamed to the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia on Sunday to participate in a historic Maamad Hatorah and Kiddush Shem Shamayim. The event,

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis launched a direct attack against Donald Trump on Saturday, ripping into the former president for congratulating North Korean tyrant Kim Jong Un upon his country’s appointment

China’s defense minister defended sailing a warship across the path of an American destroyer and Canadian frigate transiting the Taiwan Strait, telling a gathering of some of the world’s top

Yeshiva Ohr Simcha is truly a unique Makom Torah. Established in 1997 with the goal of providing top-notch chinuch, and a focus on all areas of a Bochur’s growth and

The secret meeting of Mossad and Italian intelligence agents on an Italian boat that capsized last week was part of an operation to thwart Iran’s efforts to obtain advanced unconventional

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