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- This topic has 61 replies, 20 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 10 months ago by It is Time for Truth.
May 2, 2019 8:17 pm at 8:17 pm #1722523LitParticipant
Neville: “Chabad has organized PR because they have to. ”
There was a Rebbe (Skulener) who just passed away, who had a massive levaya, who lived with tznius, without a massive PR machine.
I think there were many more people at his levaya than there were at the levaya of the late Rebbe of Lubavitch.
May 2, 2019 8:55 pm at 8:55 pm #1722537Neville ChaimBerlinParticipant“There was a Rebbe (Skulener) who just passed away, who had a massive levaya, who lived with tznius, without a massive PR machine.”
Skulen didn’t have so much adversity that there were scads of websites dedicated to bashing on them (I’m not referring to this site, there are/were specific anti-Chabad sites out there). Also, they weren’t in kiruv; Part of Chabad’s PR is about misconceptions about Orthodoxy b’klal, not just Chabad. Chabad should be able to defend itself against hate. I don’t deny them that. What I deny is that all criticism coming against Chabad, even halachic criticism from frum yidden is sinas chinom. The sinas chinam against Chabad is mostly coming from frei or Modern folks.
Lit, you don’t really think ALL the criticism of Chabad is valid, right? What people are saying here mostly is, but there’s a big, mean world out there that they have to deal with a lot more than we do.
May 2, 2019 10:47 pm at 10:47 pm #1722557WhatsaktomeParticipantAnd about the sukkah, a the halacha is that המצטער פטור מן הסוכה and by chabad we consider it a tzaar to sleep in such a holy place
May 2, 2019 10:55 pm at 10:55 pm #1722555WhatsaktomeParticipantI’m not okay with davening to a tzaddik either, I am OK with him being a tool to connect with Hashem b/c that is his point, like the yidden with moshe rabeinu and that is the purpose of a tzaddik – which is the meaning of memutzah hamechaber, the sun and moon on the other hand even not to daven to them they are not ways which we connect to Hashem through them like we do with a tzaddik, and either way the mistake of the early avodah Zara is about davening and worshiping which has no connection to our discussion. Either way or sounds like you are coming from a subjective view to defend your position that chabad are kofrim.
May 2, 2019 11:07 pm at 11:07 pm #1722556WhatsaktomeParticipantWhy is viewing that the rebbe will be Moshiach pasul them from being part of a minyan?
May 3, 2019 12:48 am at 12:48 am #1722602Neville ChaimBerlinParticipant“Why is viewing that the rebbe will be Moshiach pasul them from being part of a minyan?”
I believe you misunderstood (assuming you’re referring to what I think you are). That poster was referring to the practice in Chabad shuls to count non-religious people. A person who is publically mechalal Shabbos b’meizid is pasul l’aidus according to seemingly every shittah other than Chabad. This point is brought up far less than all the other for some reason. I suspect due to quasi political correctness reasons.
By the way, about the sukkah, please see recent threads in the CR for thousands of posts debating the topic.
May 3, 2019 12:49 am at 12:49 am #1722592Non PoliticalParticipant“Are you going to compare the yeddin in the midbor asking Moishe Rabbiu for their need, is compared to people serving the sun a the moon? Not only that Moishe said ונתתי.”
“I’m not okay with davening to a tzaddik either, I am OK with him being a tool to connect with Hashem b/c that is his point, like the yidden with moshe rabeinu and that is the purpose of a tzaddik”
May 3, 2019 9:34 am at 9:34 am #1722623WhatsaktomeParticipantI believe you misunderstood (assuming you’re referring to what I think you are). That poster was referring to the practice in Chabad shuls to count non-religious people. A person who is publically mechalal Shabbos b’meizid is pasul l’aidus according to seemingly every shittah other than Chabad. This point is brought up far less than all the other for some reason. I suspect due to quasi political correctness reasons.
Yes, I misunderstoodMay 3, 2019 12:15 pm at 12:15 pm #1722691nameless2adegreeParticipantIt should be made clear that the Rebbe did not view himself as Moshiach and he told the Chabadniks in a 1984 sermon that anyone who views him as the Moshiach are alienating many Jews from the teaching of the Ba’al Shem Tov:
“This is the Rebbe’s view, articulated in a memorable 1984 sermon. When some of his followers began to sing a song in his presence identifying him as the Messiah, he interrupted them and said: I would like to speak about something negative that requires fixing…There are some overzealous Chabdniks who imagine that they are the ones who know what needs to be done, and how it should be done. They are unmoved when those around them sometimes attempt to dissuade them from something negative. They think to themselves: Who are these people to tell me what to do? Not one of them is shpitz Chabad!
What i am referring to is those who, as a result of their statements, verbal and printed, and their songs, have alienated many Jews from the teachings of the Ba’al Shem Tov, the study and approach of Chasidut. In fact, there are Jews who had begun to study Chasidut and as a result of these individuals’ activities, they have stopped doing so. Not only are they failing to bring Jews closer, they are alienating those who have already begun to come close…
Let it therefore be known that anyone who continues with such activities, fights a war against Chabad Chasidut, against the Rebbe [Rayatz], against the Ba’al Shem Tov, and against Mashiach himself, who wants to come but is waiting for the further dissemination of Chasidut. These are people, on the other hand, are distancing Jews from studying Chasidut, G-d forbid.
May G-d spare me from having to repeat this directive again.
The sermon made a very strong impression and effectively silenced any attempts to publicly identify the Rebbe as a potential Mashiach for several years.” ~ Turning Judaism Outward, a biography of the Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe (Chaim Miller, author of Kol Menachem Chumash-Gutnick Edition) Page 404 to 405May 3, 2019 12:47 pm at 12:47 pm #1722700It is Time for TruthParticipantRebbetzinG,
“would not have accorded exteme kovod to their Rebbe”How is it you so assuredly presume they did?
while There were some who did their closest respected Colleagues perceived it as naivete on their Part
For the epoch for the second half of the 20th century
religious world twas a desperate tough time
it was a matter of accepting whatever you can get thenMay 3, 2019 3:19 pm at 3:19 pm #1722714Non PoliticalParticipant@ IITFT
RGPANSN wrote: “would not have accorded extreme kovod to their Rebbe”
You responded: How is it you so assuredly presume they did? While There were some who did their closest respected Colleagues perceived it as naivete on their Part”
1. I think it’s (beyond) presumptuous to ascribe naivete to the likes of Rav Moshe.
2. Her presumption is only in the word “extreme” as well as the conclusions she derives. The fact that he was accepted as a Gadol by a number of other Gedolim is a matter of public record. Furthermore, even after the insanity that followed his patira the Agudah refused to come out against Chabbad (The RCA eventually did issue a machah of sorts). See Rabbi, Dr. David Berger’s book on the subject (which is warmly endorsed by Rav Aaron Feldman).
I only bring this up because you called me out on a similar point an number of threads back in a conversation with CS and I didn’t respond at the time.
On another note…
Mods, why did my last post not get approved? Is it because I quoted the non-testament to demonstrate how a very (in)famous individual used the concept of memutzeh ha-mihaber?
May 3, 2019 5:52 pm at 5:52 pm #1722757It is Time for TruthParticipantnon,
It happens to be a matter of record for all those who knew them even somewhat intimatelyBerger’s book while a good read
was intended to be an indictment of the yeshivish World
it boomeranged paradoxically and was more an indictment of His own modern Orthodox world
he himself conceded as much at least in part -
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