Did Rashi ever visit England

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  • This topic has 9 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by GAON.
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  • #1473346
    TeNaK Talk

    Did Rashi ever visit England or know about the existence of England?


    England’s been around a long time.


    He obviously knew of the existence of England. England had a significant Jewish community at the time, and one that produced Torah literature, and whose Jews spoke the same language (Judeo-French). It is less likely he visited it as Rashi was not know for travelling (unlike some Torah scholars), and it appears he spent his life in the area that is the border between France (which existed at the time) and Germany (which did not exist at the time).


    He must have known about its existence given the Norman conquest that occured when he was a teenager .
    I highly doubt he ever visited .

    why dod you ask?


    ubiq, did the 24 hour news cycle of the era report the Norman Conquest?


    The 24 hour news cycle took a bit longer, but yes, the Norman Conquest was well known. It was big news.


    did the 24 hour news cycle of the era report the Norman Conquest?

    If by 24 hour news cycle you mean the 24 hours of town crier news over the course of the year, then yes without question much of it was devoted to local affairs and the exploits of their nearby relatives.
    I’m not saying he knew the details of the going ons of the Chinese Song dynasty (though didint he have ruach hakodesh?) but it is hard to imagine he didnt know of local events. Troyes, is not far from normandy Where William ruled.

    Dr Bert Miller

    In honor of Purim, i have a question to add to this conversation.

    If Rashi ate fish in Worms, why can’t we eat worms in fish?


    ubiquitin and joseph: The “town crier” didn’t do news. It was more for public service announcements (remember to pay taxes this week, remember to make an eruv tavshillin, etc.). People wrote books, sometimes works of art (the famous Bayeux tapestry), letters were sent. The “new cycle” took years but word got through. The Chinese probably were unaware of western Europe, in part since the area was a bit too primitive to interest them (though the Chinese routinely were in contact with the Muslims and to a lesser extent with the remaining Romans in whatg we call the Byzantine Empire). England and France were well connected, and for much of the medieval period the “big story” was one trying to conquer the other (Jews were illegal aliens in both countries, and we stayed out of politics as best we could).


    I assume he surely knew about its existence. There were many Baalei Tosfos that lived in England. e.g. רבינו יעקב מאורליינש, משה בן רבינו יום טוב מלונדריש רבינו, there is a chibur named תוספות חכמי אנגליה.

    According to some, the אבן עזרא is buried in England or at least visited England at some point. If the Ibn Ezra who came from Spain was able to travel to England, I’m sure Rashi who lived in France had at least knowledge…


    “If Rashi ate fish in Worms”

    The only problem – how do we really know Rash ate fish?

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