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- This topic has 1,924 replies, 78 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 5 months ago by dx3.
June 19, 2011 3:54 pm at 3:54 pm #980859rebbitzenMember
welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! page 32 kayn yirbu!
June 19, 2011 9:34 pm at 9:34 pm #980860PrincessEagleMemberWhoa!!!! It’s page 32!!!!!! Lets see how quick we get it to the next page!!
Missed this place in a way… yeah, even when you’re busy!!!! Wondered how ya doing!!!
my #s have been so crazy these weeks! Like really crazy, i can’t seem to get it under control, and i’ve lost a sense of the caring and it’s really really difficult!!!!!!!!
May G-d just get let it get easier for us!! Still keep praying for each other 😉 ????? ? & ?? !!!!!
June 20, 2011 3:07 pm at 3:07 pm #980861allsgr8ParticipantHi everyone!!! The Kallah is here!!! I feel sorely missed -:) thanks reb!
SO bh im very busy with wedding preps and all and I havent had much time to hang out in the CR…sorry 🙁
How are all of you doing????
PRicess- Yes we definitely need to keep praying for eachother!!! 🙂 Whats with your numbers? what do you think its from? My schedule of eating and not sleeping has been pretty wacky so my numbers are reflecting that a bit buy now that im trying to get back to normal i hope my numbers will straighten out as well iyh :)) We just gotta keep strong and keep davening, and work on them numbrs and Hashem will help!!!!
remember…..WE CAN DO IT!!! WE CAN DO IT!!! 🙂
June 20, 2011 5:07 pm at 5:07 pm #980862rebbitzenMemberdid you introduce your chosson to the pump and your meter and things”? does he understand what it means when you’re low, and high….?
June 21, 2011 1:16 am at 1:16 am #980863allsgr8Participantreb- yup! He’s been introduced to all of my “budies” lol!
The highs and lows he’ll learn 🙂 hopefully there wont be too many of em’
June 21, 2011 1:25 am at 1:25 am #980864rebbitzenMemberthats so cute! i cant imagine a guy chapping these things if he’s never been introduced to them b4..unless he’s like a college guy..
June 21, 2011 4:37 pm at 4:37 pm #980865allsgr8Participantneh, dont worry about it..your chosson will chap too 🙂 iyh very sooooon!! understanding has nothing to do with being a girl or boy 🙂
June 21, 2011 4:56 pm at 4:56 pm #980866rebbitzenMemberok! ill take your word for it 🙂
June 21, 2011 8:00 pm at 8:00 pm #980867allsgr8Participantgood idea reb 🙂
June 21, 2011 9:34 pm at 9:34 pm #980868PrincessEagleMemberallsgr8, i like the way you’re calling them “buddies”!!!!! Won’t be too many of the hi’s and lows – welllll isn’t that just part and parcel to have them ????
Yeah – take allsgr8 word for it – may as well have the hope!!! VERY SOON TO ALL OF US WHO THAT IS FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How’s the ##s on your side?? Here’s i’m meeting disaster zone.. Guess it’s the food around and not using the self control and just eating and going high with or without taking the right amount.. Dunno anymore about the “you can do it” because – being able to or not – i’m not… and i’m the only one to lose out, to hurt myself, to be at fault.
June 21, 2011 9:50 pm at 9:50 pm #980869rebbitzenMemberlol! i feel like were just emailing each other!
June 21, 2011 11:36 pm at 11:36 pm #980870PrincessEagleMember(…it’s fun in real 😉 )
June 22, 2011 4:24 am at 4:24 am #980871dx3MemberHey princess are you doing the prebolus thing. I find that my numbers have been so much better. Sorry that things are out of whack.
Alls- yeh being a kallah is enough of a reason to throw you off schedule adding to that the D makes things absolutely crazy. The lack of schedule really affects the numbers. Remembering when I was a chosson I think things were a little difficult. Don’t worry because after marriage things will settle down until…
Reb- I am still Davening for you. Hold on tight for the right guy.
I myself am not impressed so much with the sensor. I am constantly waking up in middle of the night silencing the alarms!!!!!! Well it did wake me up am I was a 37!!! I guess that was good! Lol but come on at that number anybody would have woken up! Sensored or not!
Oh well I am taking a break from the sensor for a few days. One less thing going into me. Lol
June 23, 2011 4:01 pm at 4:01 pm #980872allsgr8Participantreb- yup like dx3 said, just hold on tight!!! You’ll see when the right one comes along be”zh itll be well worth the wait and every bit of worrying!! (not saying you shld worry 🙂 Hashem takes care of all of us!! ) Just keep tight!!! Praying for ya!
princess- I guess the highs and lows are part and parcel of the D thing but that doesnt mean that Im not trying to minimize them 😉
dx3 – I was thinking of getting the sensor now before I get married..what do you think?
June 23, 2011 10:27 pm at 10:27 pm #980873PrincessEagleMemberdx3 – and that’s after they advertise the sensor’s so well… well i guess there will always be the other side… just hope you get used to it either way so that you get the best control! i’d luv to borrow it for a few day… JK!!
Pre-bolusing is really good … for when the food matches the insulin intake … Dunno anymore, it’s getting too difficult to care… whatever. Appointment in 1.5 weeks..
How’s it all going by you ??????
June 24, 2011 4:18 am at 4:18 am #980874dx3MemberPrincess- you can come over and borrow the sensor whenever you want. I will even teach you how to use it. Lol
Right now I am holding off until after shabbos at least. I find that my numbers are good even without the sensor. The prebolusing was the biggest and best change that really made a big difference. The higher the number the longer the wait.
Alls- I would think that you should wait. Or if you can now see how it is.
June 24, 2011 4:57 am at 4:57 am #980875allsgr8Participantdx- I cld probably try it out from my doc and then I can decide if I like it or not … truth is that I dont think im gonna like it too much but on the other hand if itll help me get tighter control maybe i shld at least try it…?
June 24, 2011 4:23 pm at 4:23 pm #980876cofeefanMemberi hae the sensor allsgr8 i havent used it since february, i like it but i wouldnt reccomend it for use all the time especially if youre trying to keep it a secret. i find it annoying to have to keep the handheld thing with me all the time becasue most of my skirts dont have pockets and therefore i dont have anywhere to keep it through the day. when i do wear it i have one skirt that has pockets… plus it BURNS and ITCHES after 2 days. i usually wear it for one week per month but it didnt work out to use it for a while. i do like seeing how it goes up and down responding to the food etc but idk i just havent usd mine lately…..
dx3- doesnt the prebolusing work WONDERS?!?! it really helps me keep good control!!
June 24, 2011 5:01 pm at 5:01 pm #980877allsgr8Participantcofee- o! …its so weird that it itches and burns..how do ppl keep it on all the time if thats the case?
June 24, 2011 6:17 pm at 6:17 pm #980878PrincessEagleMemberAlls – maybe you can borrow it from Dx3 or coffeefan!!!!! Can’t you try it out and see if it makes any difference to your numbers? But what’s your prob, don’t you have such good control anyhow?!!
TGIF! Tryyy to have good control… .. with lots of food and little patience it isn’t easy…
Have a very good shabbos people!!
June 26, 2011 3:57 am at 3:57 am #980879allsgr8Participantprincess- my numbers are baruch Hashem good but there’s always room for improvement 😉
June 26, 2011 4:45 am at 4:45 am #980880cofeefanMemberalls- maybe it only burns/itches me. i think my skin reacts to the adhesive being on for more than one day which is funny cuz its prob the same stuff thats on my omnipod but thats fine for me idk.
June 28, 2011 5:12 pm at 5:12 pm #980881cofeefanMemberi started swimming again today! yay! feels really good to do such intense exercise as opposed to my regular 20 minutes of walking on the tredmill. my prob is that its SO confusing sometimes because what should my levels be BEFORE i go, what about AFTER? and im STARVING when i get home, so do i bolus normally for what i eat? a little less cuz i know its gonna drop….
last summer i wasnt as controled as i am now BH BH BLI AYIN HARA! so its confusing me a bit! any suggestions?!?
June 29, 2011 12:16 am at 12:16 am #980882PrincessEagleMemberCoffee! That’s great!! i just wish i could come with you, lol. Yes, swimming can make a massive difference to your numbers… if you’re gonna be doing this every day you should be able to figure out some sort of pattern sooner or later.. no? i usually make sure i’m high enough to not be low by the time the swim is over.. (before the pump i used to go out the pool half way to eat something.. did anyone ever do that too?!) i’ve found that i need to still bolus for food i’m eating after (i’ve been perfect ##s after .. although also had the times when still gone high..)
Anyhow, keep us posted! Sorry can’t be very helpful.. Just wish you lots and lots of luck!!!!!!!!!!
Here – monday they test a1c again, i’m just worried it hasn’t gone down much .. whatever, so long for now!! Lets keep praying!!
June 29, 2011 11:53 am at 11:53 am #980883GamziParticipantHello all!!
I’m glad to have found this forum,I have type one and wondering if there’s anyone here that has the omnipod? just got mine last week and want to know if the third day of wearing it is the insulin less potent?? my ## were higher than usual and had to increase basal and bolus
June 29, 2011 2:09 pm at 2:09 pm #980884mytakeMemberHi, everyone. I’m hoping that some of you here can help me out here: A close relative of mine has “prediabetes”. It seems that this basically means that his glucose levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes.
I did some online research and it appears that moderate weight loss (proper diet and excercise) is the “treatment” for prediabetes.
My question is:
1. Does this mean that a prediabetic does not necessarily end up with diabetes?
2. What would be the proper diet for a pre-diabetic?
3. “If you have prediabetes, you are at a 50 percent increased risk for heart disease or stroke, so your doctor may wish to treat or counsel you about cardiovascular risk factors, such as tobacco use, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.” Um…freaking out. Can somebody please tell me this is not usually the case? Can the diet and excercise decrease this risk?
(Patient is 46 year old male, overweight, with a family history of heart disease and high blood pressure. I’m in a position to help him keep an appropiate diet, but I’m clueless about what that would be.)
I would appreciate any information, especially in the “proper diet” area.
Thank you.
June 29, 2011 3:19 pm at 3:19 pm #980885cofeefanMembergamzi- WELCOME!!! im so excited to have a new memeber of our club! (though i wish we didnt have to have a club if you know what i mean!)
i am on the omnipod!! ive had it for close to 2 years now! ive never really had what you say about the 3rd day but its an interesting thought. i wonder if insulin gets less ‘strong’. i am gonna keep an eye on it. i just changed my pod yesterday but tomorrow i’ll pay attention 😉
how long have you had D for? how are you ‘managing’? so excited for another diabetes friend! hope you find this helpful!!
my take- prediabetes is for type 2 which is not my “specialty” lol since i have type 1! but from what i understand is that it’s a warning to the person to get into better shape or diabetes will come. i would imagine that weight loss would resolve it. again i have no clue if this is true or not but this is what i would think. i know that type 2 can be resolved with significant weight loss sometimes. what i would suggest is that this person go on a low carb/sugar diet. as little as possible. and what would really help is exercise! walking, running, swimming, etc. would really do wonders! im sorry i cant be of substantial help as i am just a type 1 and thats different than a type 2 but i hope that this helped a little!! keep us posted!!!! good luck!!!
June 29, 2011 9:56 pm at 9:56 pm #980886PrincessEagleMemberWELCOME Gamzi!!! So glad to have you here!!!!!!! So, will you introduce yourself!!? You’ll get to know some really wonderful people here on the CR!! i’m on the animas so can’t help you there but good thing you have Cofeefan and Allsgr8 both on the ompi 😉
Mytake – i second coffee.. although we’re type one around here .. does sound right what coffee is saying esp the part of EXERCISE!! It works wonders..
Coffee – how’s your swimming been today / ##s ??
How’s everything else??? With everybody else!!
June 29, 2011 11:35 pm at 11:35 pm #980887allsgr8ParticipantGamzi- welcome aboard!!! So glad you joined! Youll love it here!!!
I just started on the omnipod about a month and a half ago and I have never noticed anything like you mentioned….
Two things I can think of though:
1) Did you switch pumps or is this your first pump? cuz usually when they start you out on the pump they give you a lower basal rate than you had before with the slow release insulin so it is possible that you just need to increase your basal to something closer to what it was beforehand…I had to do that a week or two after I began on the omni
2) another thing I can think of is that maybe you were out in the sun too much and your insulin went bad 🙁
How’s it going otherwise with the omni? are you happy with it?
Also, feel free to tell us a bit about yoursellf and read back a couple of pages so you can “meet” all of us 🙂
June 30, 2011 3:03 am at 3:03 am #980888GamziParticipantThanks for the warm welcome everyone!! I have diabetes for close to 20 years and am b”h in pretty good control thanks to my wife that really cooks healthy but good meals, also i find that the dexcom really gives me a real time look into how certain foods affect my numbers, it actually brought my A1c from 6.5 to 5.9 .
alls- it was my third pod and my basal is usually really perfect, i guess it was just one of those day that were just not in control
June 30, 2011 3:58 pm at 3:58 pm #980889allsgr8Participantmytake- prediabetes is not necessarily a sentence for diabetes. If one is very careful to keep their sugar level low they can avoid getting diabetes. A proper diet would include none or at least very minimal concentrated sweets, whole grains as opposed to refined grains, fiber, lots of veggies and protein. Also, exercise is a key step in lowering blood sugars! Certain foods are also said to help lower blood sugars in prediabets and Type 2 diabetes..some of them are avoado, cinnamon, and oatmeal (which also lowers cholesterol)
“If you have prediabetes, you are at a 50 percent increased risk for heart disease or stroke, so your doctor may wish to treat or counsel you about cardiovascular risk factors, such as tobacco use, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.”- The reason for this is becuase someone with type 2 diabetes is a @risk for all of the above IF they dont control their sugars..prediabetes is a risk for diabetes so if your at risk for diabetes your also 50% at risk for the complications that come along with diabetes! keeping your blood sugars low is definitely a key step in avoiding diabetes and IT CAN BE DONE! Many people have succeeded in avoiding getting diabetes and having to take meds and insulin.
July 1, 2011 3:15 am at 3:15 am #980890forever1MemberI love, love the cgm; can’t go a day without it. I feel that like I lost control of my numbers!!
Re itching, it could very well be the type of adhesive, medtronic has a few different options to try just call the 800 number and they’ll send u free samples.
Gamzi: what type of insulin do you use? I’ve seen somewhere that Apidra doesn’t last 3 days in the omnipod…
July 1, 2011 4:48 am at 4:48 am #980891cofeefanMemberforever- i have the dexcom sensor. think the medtronic stuff would help?
July 1, 2011 10:59 am at 10:59 am #980892tralalaMemberDid anyone read the article in the ami, ”a bittersweet life”, I think it was last week?
July 1, 2011 1:48 pm at 1:48 pm #980893mytakeMemberallsgr8:
Thanks for the info. Just curious-is there any Kosher cookbook or website with Kosher recipes for pre-diabetics/diabetics that you’d recommend?
Thanks again.
July 1, 2011 4:48 pm at 4:48 pm #980894allsgr8Participantmytake- There is a Kosher cookbook called “Enlightened cooking” with low carb recipes. You can get it in any Judaica store or book store.
July 1, 2011 5:24 pm at 5:24 pm #980895mytakeMemberallsgr8
July 1, 2011 6:50 pm at 6:50 pm #980896allsgr8ParticipantPleasure!
Have wonderful Shabbos everyone!!!! 🙂
July 3, 2011 4:09 am at 4:09 am #980897forever1MemberCoffee, the Dexcom has better reviews than the medtronic; less intrusive for sure. It takes a while to get to know the ins and outs of CGM and learn to achieve the most accurate results. Its totally worth the effort.
July 4, 2011 2:01 pm at 2:01 pm #980898tralalaMemberNobody who read my article? I really hear reactions, even bad ones!!!
July 4, 2011 5:55 pm at 5:55 pm #980899cofeefanMemberwhat article tralala?!?
July 4, 2011 9:05 pm at 9:05 pm #980900PrincessEagleMemberTralala THE ARTICLE IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s called a bittersweet life, in the Ami and it’s a MASTERPIECE! You must all read it!!!!!!
Tralala – i would love to know all the details – like much more than you could write in the scope of the one article!
Appointment was today – bh A1c is lower than last time though a long way still to go..!! They’re giving me two months. (take more insulin blaa!!!) Eye check tomorrow, they scared of complications – pray it’ll be okay!!
July 5, 2011 8:14 am at 8:14 am #980901tralalaMemberPrincess, ask away! what details do you wanna know?
I’m happy that your a1c is better, hope it’ll get better and better! You can do it!!!!!
Hatsloche with your eye appointment today! Let us know!
July 5, 2011 8:17 am at 8:17 am #980902tralalaMembercofeefan, it was in the ami 2 weeks ago, but I never saw it, as it doesn’t arrive here. I wrote about keeping it a secret and shiduchim, but Meisels had me change that, he says it can be bad for others shiduchim…so I had to listen, right ;-)?
I also wrote about complications, but again, he told me to take it away, so I did!
July 5, 2011 2:45 pm at 2:45 pm #980903cofeefanMembertralala- im so sad i didnt read it!! any ideas how i could get a hold of a copy?! but im sure it was fantastic!!
ive been waking up with high numbers lately…. its so weird!! anyone think it has anything to do with me being on vaca and therefore waking up later so my body isnt used to missing the morning bolus…. thats my theory… does that make sense? any suggestions for how to fix it?
July 5, 2011 3:40 pm at 3:40 pm #980904allsgr8ParticipantTralala- Hey! I wanna read it! i hope i can get a hold of an old Ami..we never buy it in my house…
Princess- SOOO happy to hear that your AIc is better. Even if you still have way to go your in the right direction and you can keep on going and trying and most of all praying!! We’re all in it with you remember that! 🙂
Hatzlocha with the eye appointment I hope everything is clear and no problems with that!
July 5, 2011 4:52 pm at 4:52 pm #980905tralalaMemberI e-mailed it to princess, whoever wants can get it there…
July 5, 2011 6:08 pm at 6:08 pm #980906PrincessEagleMemberLol! Yup and Tralala i want to know the DETAILS!!!!!!!!! Like how it was in feelings and how you ever got through that in reality… Oh – and of course what you wrote that DIDN’T go to print because of R’M!! (yup – that i want to read just bc you were advised not to)
Coffee – i’m so sad for your morning numbers! Is the night okay at least? Because if you are higher than you want to be throughout the night it’s actually being high for quite a lot of hours (not to mention that it can then take time to come down) If it’s just in those hours that you are usually awake but are now sleeping in – or whenever it is – perhaps try an increased temp basal and see how that works.. (it may be worth it to wake up to test if you would have the patience – oooh! scrap that!!! you have the CGM!!!!) It’s horrible to increase the insulin though i’m tryingggg to behave myself and i’ve indeed put up a TEMP basal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just for today…
Alls – how’s our kallah?!!!! Thank you for your words of encouragement, somehow they’re needed,
Hey Reb – are you okay!!!!! (Sweettooth, not forgotten you, if you do ever turn up here hopefully v soon!)
July 5, 2011 8:20 pm at 8:20 pm #980907metoooMemberHi all,
been browsing all the comments for a while, decided to join and add my 2 cents (if neone wants to hear them that is) 😉
So here’s the intro; I’m 20 have type 1 for 3 yrs now….on the pump etc etc
tralala; how can i see the article from the Ami???
July 5, 2011 8:20 pm at 8:20 pm #980908allsgr8Participantprincess- Kallah is doing wonderful Baruch Hashem!! Thanks for asking! I hope that you all join me very soon in the Kallah mode bez’h!!!!!! 🙂
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