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- This topic has 1,924 replies, 78 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 4 months ago by dx3.
May 6, 2010 11:16 am at 11:16 am #979380Mosh3Member
and yes i read the article by mike adams but that is talking about type 2 which we all know can be reversed!!!!!
May 25, 2010 1:33 am at 1:33 am #979381Mosh3Memberso did anyone read the article in yeshiva world about the uk is suspending dr. wakfield’s license bec. of the lies he told???
June 1, 2010 1:16 am at 1:16 am #979382forever1MemberChance, the article you are referring to clearly states TYPE 2. “Welcome to the down-to-Earth guide on beating type-2 diabetes….”
June 1, 2010 1:54 am at 1:54 am #979383Mosh3Memberthank you member forever1 i truly hope that you all realize that diabetes type 1 is not reversable and has nothing to do with obesity or vaccines.
June 10, 2010 10:34 pm at 10:34 pm #979384sam responsibleMemberDid No-one mentioned the organization: “Friends with Diabetes”?
June 13, 2010 11:54 am at 11:54 am #979385tralalaMembercan anyone help me with ideas to lower my a1c?
June 13, 2010 1:57 pm at 1:57 pm #979386DOARKMemberOne thing I found important is to take many tests up to 12 times a day if your insurance lets you. once you have a sugars you can lower the number. Also walking helps lower especially if you go up hill. Of course counting carbs is really important. I never use to do it I thought it was stupid but once i started i can not stop. I look at every package before I eat !!!
June 13, 2010 5:04 pm at 5:04 pm #979387tralalaMemberthanks doark, i jusy started counting carbs and see a big difference in my nrs, but I’m not eating only from packages, so how do you count home-made stuf?
June 13, 2010 5:18 pm at 5:18 pm #979388HealthParticipantTralala -What’s your HgbA1c now?
June 13, 2010 5:27 pm at 5:27 pm #979389tralalaMember7.7, my dr wants it below 6.5 for a pregnancy.
June 13, 2010 7:22 pm at 7:22 pm #979390HealthParticipantTralala -it should be ideally <6. This will be very difficult to attain. Maybe you should consider taking insulin s.c. After you have the kid, then you can go on an oral medication regimen.
June 13, 2010 8:01 pm at 8:01 pm #979391tralalaMemberyou must be kidding, I’m a type 1 for the last 26 yrs, and have 3 kids already b”h, but now I just can’t get it down
June 13, 2010 8:15 pm at 8:15 pm #979392HealthParticipantTralala -You must be kidding -Did you think I was a mind reader?! You didn’t give a history, but then you ask how to get your sugar down?! Obviously, you need to increase your insulin. You probably know there are many types of insulin. Do you see an endocrinologist or are you managed by a Internist? If you see an endo, time to get a new one; if you see a GP, time to go to an endo!
June 13, 2010 8:30 pm at 8:30 pm #979393tralalaMemberI don’t know the difference. I’m just going to A dr.
actually, i increased my insulin but now I’m low a few times a day, that’s why Ithink it’s the carb counting
June 13, 2010 8:52 pm at 8:52 pm #979394HealthParticipantTralala- It sounds like you go to GP. Does your doctor see pts. with sore throats, ear infections, etc…? If he does he is a GP. Or does he just see pts. with diabetes, thyroid problems, things like this?
June 14, 2010 7:12 am at 7:12 am #979395tralalaMembermy dr does see people with diabetes and thyroid problems, but doesn’t know how my pump works or how to help me with the carb-counting. I went to a few dieticions but they dont know more then me, some even less!
I have another question about exercise, I’m doing now 10 min a day and see a big improvement about my insuline resitance. 1) what about shabbes? 2) will it be better if I do more? but i’m also afraid of going to low… I passad out 2 times as a 5 yr old and still are afraid!
June 14, 2010 11:48 pm at 11:48 pm #979396forever1MemberI’m with Health, it’s time to look for a new dr. Any decent endo should know more about pumps and carb-counting, it’s the abc’s of diabetes. There are so many options out there.
June 15, 2010 12:44 am at 12:44 am #979397allsgr8ParticipantI just joined this forum and yes, Tralala you must get a doctor that knows about the pump if that’s what your on!! The truth is that pediatric endos probably know the most about the pump because that’s what they deal with on a daily basis. Seems like your a bit past pediatrics though…. About carb counting, how have you been managing your BGL withough carb counting? (I was diagnosed about 2 years ago with type 1 and began carb counting right from the beginning..)
June 15, 2010 7:32 am at 7:32 am #979398tralalaMemberhow I manage without carb-counting?I eat and just bolus how much i’m in the mood of and 2 hours later I correct, either with a correctionbolus or treating a low…
The problem starts that when I was diagnosed 26 yrs ago,there wasn’t such a term “carb-counting”, just don’t eat anything that has sugar in the ingredient list, and make sure that your “urine test” is ok! how my mother did this? i really don’t know.
June 16, 2010 1:04 am at 1:04 am #979399allsgr8ParticipantTralal, Wow! I cant imagine how your mother managed…but by now your doctor should have taught that to you. Don’t you think? When I was diagnosed my doctor gave me a great book about carb counting which really helped me alot in the beginning. Eventually I learned the foods that i eat often by heart and I havent used the book in probably over a year (I was only diagnosed 2 yrs ago at 18 yrs old). The book is called The calorie king “Calorie Fat and carbohydrate counter” by allan borushek, the calorie king. Buy it its a great book for someone who is just beginning to carb count. Also, I bought a food scale which has foods preinserted into it (basics like bread, fruits ,vegies, pastries, pizza) You weigh the food and type in a code and it’ll tell you how many carbs are in that specific portion. Eventually you’ll learn to figure it out on your on just by looking!! I bought the Soehnli scale its wonderful! expensive but worth it!!
June 20, 2010 8:14 am at 8:14 am #979400forever1Membertralala: Do you ever use the bolus wizard on your pump? Maybe your basals/ insulin to carb ratio needs some tweaking. Does your doctor review your pump settings?
June 20, 2010 9:03 am at 9:03 am #979401tralalaMemberforever1, yes I am using the wizard which I figured all by myself how it works! the only thing my dr does is changing my basels, but I know that I’m only high after meals ant that means wrong carb count.
but I use only the plain bolus. is it usefull to use the other boluses?
allsgr8, thanks for the info about the book. is it a easy english? where can I buy it?
June 20, 2010 5:15 pm at 5:15 pm #979402allsgr8Participantthe book basically just lists tons and tons of foods and gives you the amount of carbs, calories etc..so its easy reading..my doctor gave it to me so im not sure where you can get it but I think you would probably do better with buying the scale because the book has some basic foods but a lot of it is foods from different non kosher stores for example, it will tell you how many carbs are in a dunkin donuts iced coffee, donut, or wendys french fries..you can use it as a base for your version of that food.. THe scale is truly amazing you could weigh a slice of pizza and itll tell you how many carbs it contains..based on that number you can give your ratio of insulin/carb. btw im still using injections so I dont much about boluses and all those terms.
June 20, 2010 5:29 pm at 5:29 pm #979403forever1MemberIt can also mean wrong insulin to carb ratio, prebolusing about 20 minutes before eating can also make a big different in post prandial #’s. The extended bolus could be helpful when eating high fat foods like pizza.
btw, which doctor put you on the pump? I’m surprised someone with limited pump knowledge would take such a risk. Carb counting is a must when using only fast acting insulins….
June 20, 2010 6:28 pm at 6:28 pm #979404tralalaMemberbolusing 20 min before eating? won’t you go low ’till you eat? do you know much you’re going to eat?
June 20, 2010 7:37 pm at 7:37 pm #979405forever1MemberThe food your eating can start raising your BG before the insulin has a chance to work. It takes for most insulins about 20 minutes to start having an effect. I would suggest you discuss this with a professional because it can really vary from person to person.
I always prebolus (for coffee up to an hr. in advance and get a straight line on my CGM :-)) I do know an approximate amount of carbs how much I will be eating most of the time, if I eat more (much more likely) I adjust asap. Are you bolusing AFTER eating? As far as I know they only suggest that for pediatric patients cause their eating can really be unpredictable.
June 20, 2010 8:49 pm at 8:49 pm #979406allsgr8ParticipantLike i mentioned before i am not on the pump and am still using injections but I almost always give myself insulin right after the meal like this I know how much to inject. If I am eating a standard meal which I know will last long and I know exactly how much insulin I need for that particular meal I inject before (ie. shabbos seudos) Also, I agree with forever1 that its pretty safe to inject up to 20-30 minutes before a meal. most short acting insulins take about that amount of time to start working. Although it has happened to me more on more than one occassion that I injected insulin and began feeling really low in less than 20 minutes.. not sure why??
June 20, 2010 10:28 pm at 10:28 pm #979407HealthParticipantAllsg8 -It depends on the insulin. There are some which are ultra fast. Tralala -Get a endo that is uptodate on the pumps. Boluses are always before eating. If 20 min is too long try 15.
June 20, 2010 10:50 pm at 10:50 pm #979408allsgr8ParticipantTrala- I just looked it up and you could get the book at http://www.calorieking.com
June 20, 2010 11:16 pm at 11:16 pm #979409ShoshanMemberI bought the CalorieKing at Target. It is a small paperback book that costs under $10. It’s worth it!!
June 21, 2010 12:28 am at 12:28 am #979410allsgr8ParticipantI use novolog..I usually dont have a problem with injecting too early but its strange that it does happen once in a long while… btw for all those out there that are on the pump did your Ha1c’s drop a lot when you got onto the pump? My dr is trying to convince me to get off of injections and onto the pump.
June 21, 2010 2:13 am at 2:13 am #979411forever1MemberMy A1C dropped 1.4% since starting the pump/CGM. It’s also much more convenient than injections.
June 21, 2010 2:51 am at 2:51 am #979412allsgr8ParticipantI can imagine that its for sure more convenient and therefor, knowing myself I can imagine that I would just eat whenever I feel like it and bolus cuz its so easy and you dont have to go into the bathroom to do it!! Now, I only eat during mealtimes and once in between when I get home from work!
June 21, 2010 7:23 am at 7:23 am #979413tralalaMemberforever1, that’s why i go high every morning after the coffee! I asked already my dr that i bolus soooo much for a coffee(i use 1/3 cup of milk) and still go high, but she said I’m the only one with that problem! so now you say to bolus 1 hour before, i’m gonna try that! wow, it feels so good that someone understands you and does’t think you’re crazy!
allsgr8, you should take thu pump! I was also thinking a lot before becouse I thought it would make me feel more a rachmones when I shlep the whole day something on me, but now i don’t even remember where i put it! a few years ago my dr said that i’m not motivated enough so she wanted to take away my pump…. but she didn’t get it! It’s really so much easier with it!
June 21, 2010 1:54 pm at 1:54 pm #979414forever1Memberallsgr8, Absolutely, no more hinding pens and finding a bathroom every time before I eat. And think about weddings, I always came home sky high when on injections.
tralala, coffee took me a while to figure out, was a lot of trial and error but now I got it right; 1 unit an hour in advance does the trick. My CGM helped a lot too. (may I add that I don’t like your doctors attitude? I would be really mad at her for not understanding…in any case that’s why this thread was started ;-))
June 21, 2010 3:10 pm at 3:10 pm #979415tralalaMemberwhat’s cgm?
June 21, 2010 4:35 pm at 4:35 pm #979416forever1MemberContinuos Glucose Monitor.
June 21, 2010 5:58 pm at 5:58 pm #979417tralalaMemberit would be great with that, but no insurance covers it here, and they ask 60$ a week ( a minimum of 4 weeks), i can’t pay that!
June 22, 2010 12:05 am at 12:05 am #979418allsgr8Participantforever1-I drink coffee all the time and his has zero impact on my blood sugars.. I never inject insulin for coffee, i drink it with prabably 2 tbsp of milk..is it the caffeine or the milk that raises your BGL?
June 22, 2010 12:05 am at 12:05 am #979419forever1MemberI guess you live outside the US, that explains your doctors limited pump knowledge too…
June 22, 2010 3:29 am at 3:29 am #979420Mosh3Membermember tralala you really should talk to rabbi meisels from friends with diabetes. he will tell you what to do and you must find a dr who can help you with the pump someone who is knowledgable. where do you live here in the united states? rabbi meisels website is http://www.friendswithdiabetes.org and his number is 845-352-7532. it is really really really important to talk to him he is a mumche in dealing with everything.
June 22, 2010 3:34 am at 3:34 am #979421Mosh3Memberr u serious that your doctor said that you are not motivated regarding the pump!!!! sorry tralala find another dr. i have never heard of such nonsense and quite frankly where did this dr get her degree. what nerve it has nothing to do with your will. golly being on the pump is healthier, better, more effecient ( i could go on for about 3 paragraphs ). a pump is crucial for our health and no dr should ever say such silly things. please i beg you change dr and talk to rabbi meisels. i wish i could leavemy name and number so you can call me but they dont allow it on yeshiva world.
June 27, 2010 8:44 am at 8:44 am #979422tralalaMemberhi everybody, I tried bolusing 1 hour before my coffee in the morning, it’s onbelievable, my nrs are between 83 and 108 an hour after, the whole week already. it’t just amazing! now the whole day goes easier ’cause I don’t start my day with correctionbolus.
I just find it stupid that the dr couldn’t help me, and am therefor very thankful for this thread.
June 28, 2010 11:25 pm at 11:25 pm #979423rebbitzenMembertralala, if you dont mind me asking, what was your hba1c when you were pregnant? and were your babies very large?
June 29, 2010 4:19 pm at 4:19 pm #979424tralalaMembermy a1c was between 6 and 7.2(in the end i couldn’t manage anymore, so it went up a lot), and yes, my baby’s were very big, my youngest 11 pounds!
mods, you can give my e-mail if someone needs it
June 29, 2010 5:40 pm at 5:40 pm #979425rebbitzenMemberwow! i better get working! by a1c is in the 8’s now…
June 29, 2010 6:08 pm at 6:08 pm #979426HealthParticipantPreviously, I posted A1c should be <6. Acc. to Johns Hopkins research, everybody should be <5 for optimal heart health. This will be extremely hard for anyone to achieve because acc. to another Johns Hopkins article most Americans (non-diabetic) are between 5 & 5.5%.
June 29, 2010 8:09 pm at 8:09 pm #979427tralalaMemberhealth, may I ask, are you diabetic? do you know what you are talking about? you say: This will be extremely hard for anyone to achieve. this is just impossible!!!!!! The last few weeks I try very hard, my a1c dropped from 7.7 to 7.2 in 1 month, but I don’t think I’ll ever reach much lower, it’s so hard to go around with nrs around 100, it can drop so quick!
June 29, 2010 8:27 pm at 8:27 pm #979428HealthParticipantNo B”H, not that I know of. Don’t blame me for Johns Hopkins research -I just brought it to everyone’s attention due to the fact that the leading cause of death is Cardiovascular disease. I obviously understood the implication of their research and that’s why I added in- it will be extremely hard to achieve!
June 29, 2010 10:33 pm at 10:33 pm #979429forever1Membertralala, I’m glad my idea helped, it took a lot of trial and error for me…
Regarding the A1C: mines were seldom above 7, as far as I remember I was always in the 6-7 range(even with MDI and 3x a days shots, before lantus). Since I started the pump/CGM I was BH able to get it down in the upper 5’s -6.0.
And if you drop when going around with 100 I would suggests thats a basal issue. I good doctor is also vital.
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