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- This topic has 1,924 replies, 78 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 5 months ago by dx3.
April 15, 2011 5:04 am at 5:04 am #980606cofeefanMember
page 27 and over 1300 posts!! were soooo cool!!!
oh well allsgr8 i though maybe i’d get closer to a name or something lol…. but the zucker is very cute 😉
im very nervous for pesach!! the g.j is sooo sugary!! i asked my mother to get the lite g.j this year i never tried it before. during the seder…some years i go low some i go high its crazy!!
April 15, 2011 5:49 am at 5:49 am #980607rebbitzenMemberwelcome one welcome all!
April 15, 2011 7:10 am at 7:10 am #980608sweettoothMemberYois- sorry about the almond recipe I was searching for it high n low th past week cant seem to find it.Thanks grandma for the recipes they look pretty tempting! Sorry again yois if ill still be lucky and find t before the zman pesech ill post it.
April 15, 2011 7:27 am at 7:27 am #980609sweettoothMemberheyyy! peeps mazel tovvv!!! some xciting news to share!!!! a “D” boy is engaged! to one of my frands! ! !….loll cute! No..!!?
dex-im happy for you if u have any questions concerning the CGM you can ask im willing to answer.
April 15, 2011 11:17 am at 11:17 am #980610gr82bagrandmaMembercofeefan: I use 6% malvasia wine, diluted with water. The lite grape juice has 12 gr carbs per 8 oz cup. The malvasia 6% has about 5-6 grams carbs per 8 oz cup, BEFORE it’s diluted. I also use ww matzo to slow the spike. Don’t be nervous-it’ll be fine.
April 15, 2011 2:19 pm at 2:19 pm #980611dx3MemberSweet- about the cgm is there an automatic inserter?
April 15, 2011 2:21 pm at 2:21 pm #980612dx3MemberAllsgr8 – I do like broccoli so I have a chance. Lol
April 15, 2011 4:33 pm at 4:33 pm #980613allsgr8Participantsweet- Thanks 🙂 glad you enjoyed!
So cool that your friend is engaged to a D boy. Mazel tov! Did she call you to ask a million questions??
April 15, 2011 5:05 pm at 5:05 pm #980614rebbitzenMembersweettooth, i thought you were gonna say you were engaged! IYH at the rite time!!! but mazel tov to your friend! how long did this boy have diabetes for
April 15, 2011 6:56 pm at 6:56 pm #980615sweettoothMemberDex-yea, it usually comes an automatic inserter together with the CGM kit.
April 17, 2011 2:46 am at 2:46 am #980616cofeefanMemberfor the past few days im having trouble being in control. idk why!?!? HELP!!!!! i changed my pump, did emp basal but its still high (high one hundreds low 2 hundreds!!)
April 17, 2011 3:07 am at 3:07 am #980617allsgr8Participantcoffee- are you coming down with something? Stress? hormones? Maybe its the not moving around too much…
April 17, 2011 3:17 am at 3:17 am #980618Mosh3Memberhey did everyone get rabbi meisels pamphlet on pesach, lots of good stuff!1!i wonder when he’s gonna have the shabbaton for guys, really wanna go!!
April 17, 2011 3:27 am at 3:27 am #980619cofeefanMemberthats what i thought too but i move around a ton! prob not a good thing cuz im not letting it heal properly but hello its almost pesach…… maybe im getting sock or something (yay!) any suggestions how to get back on track?
April 17, 2011 4:10 am at 4:10 am #980620allsgr8ParticipantJust wait it out and keep the carbs really low until youre back on track…not much else I can think of sorry 🙁
Mosh3- welcome back! we haven’t heard from you in a while! 🙂
April 17, 2011 7:16 pm at 7:16 pm #980621PrincessEagleMemberHey – Page 27 is already “up and on the go”!
Allsgr8, i like your choice of “Zucker”, lol!! Mosh3, idk if you read back a few pages in case you didn’t make sure to look again at the articles by Rachelle Zucker / Allsgr8 🙂 🙂
Mazel tov for that engagement!! That is so exciting!! May we hear many more!!
gr82bagrandma, the problem (for me) with wine is … that it’s wine, i couldn’t down 4 cups of it which makes it the lite kedem g.j ..
Cofeefan, how is it going? Reading your comments on another thread makes me practically cry too..
i can hardly face the idea of pesach and it’s coming so soon! How on earth …. ???!!!!?!?!!?!? What do you have to hold on to???!!?!!? At least we have ????.. i keep thinking that even if it’s a time when we aren’t doing everything we should, it’s still all we have and Hashem will still listen (i think).
Maybe pesach being a time of coming out of ????? will be for us too and not feel quite soo difficult!!
April 18, 2011 12:59 am at 12:59 am #980622cofeefanMemberlast night i went down to 30!!!!! it was soooo scary i couildnt walk straight!! i was so thankful when i got downstairs to the kitchen to eat something! i was never that low!!! and since then my BS were perfect so i guess for some reason the insulin wasnt being absorbed and then all of a sudden it absorbed it all at once and it shot down… (BH BH i woke up from it… imagine how close i got?!?!? i was so scared!!)
princess- “how is it going? Reading your comments on another thread makes me practically cry too..”
you have no idea… ive been crying all day bec of that discussion!! its unreal!!!! IM MASSIVELY DEPRESSSED!!!!!! =( i just gotta remember that Hashem always helps no matter how hopeless it may seem!
April 18, 2011 2:57 am at 2:57 am #980623dx3MemberCofee- I was once 31 and it did feel awful. I just drank a full cup and laid down until it past. Hope you keep the bg’s good over pesach
April 18, 2011 2:59 am at 2:59 am #980624allsgr8Participantcoffee- I read the other thread too..I have no words. Just keep davening and remember that Hashem is our father and he put you in a certain situation/position and he’s the only one that can help you through it. He always listens to your tefillos. The reason Hashem gives us nisyonos is so that we can come close to him through tefilla. Use your nisayon as a stepping stone to form a deep bond with HKBH and you’ll see a yeshuah! Just keep davening and talking to him..HE listens.
April 18, 2011 4:26 am at 4:26 am #980625sweettoothMemberApril 18, 2011 4:56 am at 4:56 am #980626cofeefanMembersweet- were refering to the weight in shiduchim thread. its causing me a lot of tzar. wtvr
its always tricky with the prebolusing by the seder. i do it a little before we finish maggid. that way it covers the matza. i also dont eat much at shulchan orech bec its so late im so not in the mood to eat. if i need to i sometimes get up and eat a little something in the middle of maggid if i feel i am dropping. its trail and error i guess right?
April 18, 2011 8:23 am at 8:23 am #980627sweettoothMemberApril 18, 2011 1:51 pm at 1:51 pm #980628Mosh3Memberokay enough of the girl drama, i’m a guy so i dont get all the crying and whining although i do have 2 sisters. but its most prob upsetting what you girls are going through, anyway are there guys here who can give some advice or tell how diabetes is affecting or not affecting your daily lives. for example no one in my yeshiva knows just my rebbe and magid shuir and i like it like that. i dont feel i need to broadcast it and the right people know and thats fine. is anyone nervous for pesach, i think my mother finally calmed down seeing how i can take care of the issues myself, shew no more nagging!!!
April 24, 2011 5:20 am at 5:20 am #980629cofeefanMemberso how did it go everyone????
for me its been so far so good BH!! ive actually been on the low side more often than not but bh nothing too crazy!! the seder worked out great! im happy with the way its going. how abt all of you?
April 24, 2011 5:14 pm at 5:14 pm #980630dx3MemberI must say that things have been more like a roller coaster. I have been on the road driving about 1000 miles and then Tom tov. whew it’s up and down, constantly testing constantly correcting constantly eating. Now that is a lot of weight for me. I have another 1000 miles to get back, help. I basically didn’t eat while driving.
Mosh3 what are you worried about nobody is going to look at you different if they know and besides your chavrusah should also know just is case. About your mother don’t worry it she is being concerned about you ( maybe a little to much) .
April 24, 2011 8:30 pm at 8:30 pm #980631allsgr8ParticipantHi everyone! Numbers have been okay bh! Not great but pretty good. Only one low a couple of highs…
Dx3- sitting in one place and driving 1000 miles is definitely not the greatest thing for blood sugars… You need to do a mile run every couple of hours or….maybe just try the car dance that should get you moving 🙂
Have a great Yom tov everyone!!
April 27, 2011 5:48 am at 5:48 am #980632rebbitzenMemberhey! welcome back everyone! my numbers were pretty much the same as usual..not too bad, not too good..but at least that 🙂
April 28, 2011 12:50 am at 12:50 am #980633PrincessEagleMemberHello!! So are we back again?!!?!!? Was thinking of ya all through the days of absence, in thoughts and in prayers 🙂
Rebbitzen, do you mind if i ask what makes the numbers not in the “””perfect””” control?
Allsgr8 Cofeefan, finished ok? Dx3 how’s it going now? Moish3 perhaps you could tell us how YOU find it to be a male with D..
bH i did see some good ####! The rest of the time was around 340, took TONS of insulin and even tried increasing my basal and taking by pen (is there any point in taking my pen over pump? Does it make the insulin work faster / better?) but it didn’t break.. the weight is on “thick and fast”, due to see dr in less than 2 weeks and if my A1C hasn’t come down there’s no more chances 🙁 🙁 🙁
Been about 300 the entire day regardless that i’ve practically DRUGGED myself with insulin. High and Fat, the combination doesn’t taste good. ..
Sorry for the rant! Tomorrow is a new day.
April 28, 2011 1:29 am at 1:29 am #980634allsgr8ParticipantPrincess- You know, two things just occured to me. Your trying so hard and still seeing so many HIGHS so either:
1)your ratio of carbs to insulin might just be misproportioned
2)Maybe your not counting carbs properly?….
Do you think any of these make sense??
April 28, 2011 2:22 am at 2:22 am #980635sweettoothMemberalls I totally agree with ya! n they sort of only make sence..prince give it a shotttt…!
April 28, 2011 2:44 am at 2:44 am #980636Little Sally SaucerMembermosh3- i’m not a diabetic but my brother is and he doesnt plan on posting anything but i will for him…
so he does not at all keep it a secret and he likes it like that he walks around in camp with a baseball cap that says “pumped” on it (he got it from rabbi meisels) he always has a funny comment back to ppl who ask him why he’s wearing a beeper on shabbos and he usually threatens all us siblings tht he’s gonna prick us or something…
we all know that he’s diabetic and it doesnt make a difference in hs life.He’s VERY VERY VERY on top of his diabetis so his numbers are pretty much always good…i cant remember the last time he was nervous about anything like pesach or wtvr…he knows how much insulin to give himself just by looking at the food!!! (but tht cud be because he had it since he’s 5) he’s turning 21 soon and goin into shidduchim but isn’t gonna keep it secret then either-he thinks that its a conrolled issue and if a girl has aa issue with tht then he’s not interested in marrying her…
he has a censor so his numbers are takin every 15 seconds…since he got it he got his number something or another down to a “7” or a “6” i forgot which one-whichever one is like the almost perfect one!!!
so thats how it is for some guys-if that helped u any bit!! lol
April 28, 2011 3:43 am at 3:43 am #980637cofeefanMember“..prince give it a SHOTTTT…!”
was that pun intended?!?!?!?
April 28, 2011 3:53 am at 3:53 am #980638allsgr8Participantsweet- “Give it a shot” Lol I like the pun!! (Well maybe that’s cuz im still on shots havent decided about the pump yet.. ha ha ah …I think im getting really corny here! Time for bed Gnite everyone 🙂
April 28, 2011 4:29 pm at 4:29 pm #980640HealthParticipantallsgr8 – The most likely scenario is – way too much “Carbs”!
April 28, 2011 4:39 pm at 4:39 pm #980641Little Sally SaucerMemberallsgr8- i just have a random question 4 u…hope u don’t mind!!!
why don’t you wanna get a pump??? why stick to shots?
April 28, 2011 7:03 pm at 7:03 pm #980642allsgr8ParticipantSally- if you read back a bit youll see that I am actually working on getting a pump. Was deciding for the past who knows how long which one to get and today I finally came to the decision……OMNIPOD!!! YAY!!! Im very excited. All I havta do now is call the company 🙂
But the reason I didnt get one till now is a couple of pages backn if you wanna read.
April 28, 2011 10:50 pm at 10:50 pm #980643sweettoothMemberO Wow! Alls em happy to hear that u finalized your decision; it seems like a smart choice.
Coff: loll read it as you like! ;):)
April 28, 2011 11:15 pm at 11:15 pm #980644cofeefanMemberYAY ALLSGR8!!!! im so excited you made a decsion that u r happy with!!!! (and im also “pumped” (heehee) that youre joining me on the wireless road!!!!) can i ask what made you chose that?
April 29, 2011 12:05 am at 12:05 am #980645PrincessEagleMemberALLSGR8!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!! I’M SO EXCITED!!!!!
Call the company quick and welcome aboard!
The effort in the decision will for sure reward!
Time for celebration! Allsgr8 has decided!
Kudos! Hats off! No longer will she be divided!
Lets shout together, come on all and one,
From the world over – Allsgr8! A GREAT BIG WELCOME!!
May it be a tool that only helps us shteig n grow..
April 29, 2011 12:24 am at 12:24 am #980646PrincessEagleMemberLittle Sally Sauce, it was interesting what you said about your brother.
Allsgr8, sweettooth, yes it for sure seems like i’m needing lots more insulin. but i HATE TO TAKE LOTS OF INSULIN!!!! i know it’s not necessarily all the way logical 🙁
It’s getting me M-A-D!! i wanna give this up but i know i cannot and must not.
I’ve taken so much insulin, how much more can i take????? THIS IS IT!!! i’ve gone to like a 480 and i’m not taking and not caring.
No, i am taking, closing my eyes and clenching my fists, but taking. Crying that G-d will make it easier, and taking.
There may be nobody to know or understand but G-d always does. He might make it feel impossible sometimes but then there must be the sometimes when it’s good too.
Tomorrow is a new day.
April 29, 2011 12:28 am at 12:28 am #980647allsgr8Participantcoffee- LOL ..I see your big into puns these days 🙂
It’s definitely the wireless aspect that’s making me go with it… Also I didnt like that with the medtronic I would havta pull it out from wherever its hiding in order to bolus so basically I FINALLY settled on omni and Im very excited!!!! They said itll probably take around ten days till I get it..I cant wait. Its funny cuz here I was taking all the time in the world making the decision and now im impatient lol!
But I really want to thank all of you here for helping me make the decision. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR ADVICE AND SUPPORT!!!! You’re the BEST dont know what I’d do without all of you!!! 🙂
April 29, 2011 3:43 am at 3:43 am #980648cofeefanMemberlol allsgr8 i’ve been in a weird mood lately so thats the explaination for the puns….
im really excitd for u! it must be a weight lifeted off of your shoulders to finally pick!! and totally understand the impatience. you must be a little nervous too but im SO happy im telling you ull see a huge difference in ur control!!
April 29, 2011 5:25 am at 5:25 am #980649Little Sally SaucerMemberallsgr8-CONGRATS ON UR DECISION!!!! hope its a good one and 4 the better…and ur omnipod makes ur life easier and ur health better …amen!!! wat page is ur reasoning on????i’m very curious cuz there was a kid in my bunk in camp who had d and wouldnt get a pump cuz she wanted to make sure it was a secret…(which doesnt make sense in my opinion cuz if u cum to every meal late and leave every meal early and ur bed makes strange noises on shabbos i think it wud be less of a secret!!! lol) but anyways I WAS THE ONLY pERSON IN CAMP THAT KNEW!!!(cuz i figured it out myself..) and i was PETRIFIED cuz if she would faint from a low everyone would just think she fainted and won’t give her sugar…yikes!! it was pretty intense…b’h nothing happened over the summer…
and btw i thought of u guys here on the d post tonight…it was my sisters wedding (mazal tov!!!!) and the photagrapher asked my bro to take his “cell phone” off his belt before pix lol but he danced the whole wedding and still kept his numbers good BH!!
dx3 and rebbitzen- i was reading an earlier page from this post and saw wat u said about seliac…idk if this is any comfort or help to you, but my brother (not the d one) was diagnosed with seliac when he was a baby…7 YEARS LATER THEY REALIZED THAT HE WAS MISDIAGNOSED!!!!!!and now he’s eating normally…
dx3-i just thought i’d tell u one of the things that we implemented as a family when my brother was diagnosed…since he needed to make sure to eat and drink b4 he went to sleep to keep his numbers good, every night b4 bedtime we all had “sleep snack” we used to all sit around the table and get some sort of snack (like fruit s/t candy…etc.) and then everyone wud go to sleep…we even do this now even though he doesnt need sleep snack to remind him to eat..
April 29, 2011 4:52 pm at 4:52 pm #9806502cool4schoolParticipantreally? how could he have been misdiagnosed? the thing is, if i would get checked now, they would say-your intestines are fine, cuz I havent been eating gluten…so….
April 29, 2011 5:24 pm at 5:24 pm #980651Little Sally SaucerMember2cool4school-yeah…iys true!
cuz this is wat happened…he had something when he was born but it wasnt seliac…its a disease that ur only allergic to wheat, but it hs similar symptons like throwing up and not growing…this disease goes away usually within a year or 2, but seliac stays…when he went to a doctor to find out if he could eat oat and spelt (cuz its not rrly gluten, just if its grown on a field that once had wheat rye or barley it gets gluten in it…) the doctor checked him and realized he had nothing!!! get it???
April 29, 2011 8:45 pm at 8:45 pm #980652sweettoothMemberApril 29, 2011 9:59 pm at 9:59 pm #980653rebbitzenMemberLSS, cool. maybe i am misdiagnosed! doubtful..but maybe!
April 29, 2011 10:03 pm at 10:03 pm #9806542cool4schoolParticipantaha,i hear.a relative of mine has it-i should tell em. i have done some research on it, and know about the intestines getting ruined, but once they’re healed, i’m just wondering how they would be able to tell that it was a misdiagnosis, but who knows?
May 1, 2011 2:06 am at 2:06 am #980655allsgr8Participantprincess- Love the poem!! Thanks so much 🙂 Ur too cute!
so down to business with you, I really want to help you: which one of my options do you think is the correct one. Is it the insulin to carb ratio or the not counting carbs properly? What is your current ratio??
sweet- wow! ur story is really scary!!! I lost like 15 pounds and when hatzala came to my house they told my mother that I am annorexic too but my mother was like “No way!! I know my daughter she’s never had a weight problem and she’s not annorexic!!” he insisted and thought my mother was nuts…Baruch hashem she wasn’t. I’d rather be D than annorexic :))
Lil Sally- Here ill write it again for you dont know what page its on:) I didnt go on a pump cuz I was diagnosed at 18 yrs old and wanted to keep it a secret. It wasnt really a danger for noone to know about it and I thought I can keep a quieter secret that way -which I did. So bh noone knows about my D and I am now glad to be getting off of injections
May 1, 2011 11:49 pm at 11:49 pm #980656PrincessEagleMemberHey – where IS everybody??? This thread went off the page again!! Allsgr8 and the rest of you, thanks so much for all this it’s really amazing and keeps us going… well trying anyhow!! Just keep on writing here!
Allsgr8 your suggestion of carb counting made me THINK!!
I imagine it’s probably a combination of both as well as needing more basal AT TIMES. Since i’ve gained so much weight because once you take insulin again that’s what happens, right? (Dare i dream of not taking?) so it would make sense that i do need to increase but as you already know i’m not too fond of taking lots of insulin :-). Problem is working out how much i need when and until then paying for it, being frustrated, (FEELING FAT!!!), etc…. Today i’ve basically just taken lots of insulin, much more than i’d have taken with my “normal” rates… Whatever. We just have to tryyyy to keep strong…right? Not give up, not mess about, playing no funky games and remembering to PRAY!!
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