Dems vs Repubs on this site

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  • #2288511
    ☕️coffee addict

    I’ve noticed that while the democrats can start all these topics about trump based off of current events (guilty x 34 etc) republicans (myself included) don’t start any new ones about biden (like Hunter threads, where his step mommy was in the courtroom, or what changed now that Biden can use an executive order to “close the border”, or how Biden flip flops on Israel just for a few votes (except for lakewhut, kudos to him) but all and all it seems like democrats are always on the offensive and republicans are on the defensive

    Why is that?


    Geez….I guess its all perception since it seems like every other thread is another iteration of bashing Sleepy Joe and the 10 most likely reasons why all Dems are destined for gehenom. I’m glad CA thinks it ain’t so.


    Among other things hating Trump is far more of a core essential obsessive belief among Democrats than Hunter Biden is among Republicans. For some hating is beyond politics. It is a part of their identity. Republicans are more likely to start threads about he is treated unfairly than threads about Biden.


    good observation. Here is a possible answer;

    We often come here to discuss things we would not discuss with our neighbors in shul. Who wants to get into a daas Torah fight with the gabbay?!
    Republican Jews can express themselves in shuls, while Dem Jews feel like marranos and come here to express themselves. So, let’s have rachmonus and let them be.



    This Democrat never starts treads on political topics, whether or not based on current events. I only comment on threads.
    In most cases I may eplain the law or how the system works under the constitution but don’t politic for a candidate


    No topics are started about Trump’s wife and kids either although they are in the news all the time.

    Dr. Pepper


    That’s because they don’t break the law (or show up as emotional support for those that do).

    But to answer the OP-

    I didn’t notice what you’re referring to but if I had to guess it’s because Republicans have a platform to stand on and Democrats have nothing to go on except to say that they’re not Republicans.


    The Democratic Party does NOT have wise policies that benefit America.

    On the contrary, the Democratic Party is dominated by neo-Marxist
    radicals whose goal is to destroy the USA and its allies, especially Israel.

    If you watch the Democratic Party closely, you will see that almost all
    of them get elected the same way: by bribing the voters with “Free Stuff”.
    They are literally buying votes with “Free Stuff”.

    But the “Free Stuff” that they use to buy votes is not really free.
    It is all paid for, by the unfortunate taxpayers.

    Or they pay for “Free Stuff” by printing more money,
    which causes inflation, which reduces the value of every dollar.

    Inflation is a sneaky way of taxing people, because it does not
    require any legislation by Congress, and is often deniable.

    Last but not least, the Democratic Party is dominated by neo-Marxist
    radicals whose attitude towards Israel and American Jews is 100%
    pure hate and malice. They will never be satisfied, until they use
    the power of government to confiscate ALL Jewish possessions:
    bank accounts, real estate, stocks, bonds, businesses, EVERYTHING!!

    Amazingly, Jews continue to vote for the Democratic Party,
    even though the Democratic Party is filled with pure hate
    and malice against Israel and American Jews.

    ☕️coffee addict


    “No topics are started about Trump’s wife and kids either although they are in the news all the time.“

    Not for anything bad Baruch Hashem

    And 4 years ago there were topics (started by Gadolhadorah) about Ivanka and Jared

    Dr Pepper,

    “it’s because Republicans have a platform to stand on and Democrats have nothing to go on except to say that they’re not Republicans.“

    What are you talking about?
    The Democrats platform is that they are for women and transgenders (especially to play in women’s sports)

    They are for illegal immigrants and for homeless people

    They are for African Americans and for abortions

    They are for Israel and “the Palestinians”

    They’re motto is all for one and that one is ME


    “No topics are started about Trump’s wife ….”

    OK but do we really need a new thread about Melania’s latest newsworthy event…..filing an emergency petition with the New York Supreme Court demanding an injunction that would prohibit Judge Merchan from sentencing Trump to home confinement.

    Dr. Pepper

    @ ☕️coffee addict

    It was supposed to be a play on words referencing a post from @ jackk where he stated “The only dead party is the republican who had no platform at their convention.”

    (Check out the “Future Speaker of the House AOC?” thread.)

    I enjoy throwing hypocricy back at libs, leftits, laszlos…


    One hundred years ago, the USA accepted very few
    immigrants from Arab and Muslim countries.

    Then the left-wing of the Democratic Party decided that
    the USA should accept many more immigrants from Arab
    and Muslim countries, because those people were “under-represented”.

    RESULT: USA, which was a safe place for Jews, is no longer safe for Jews.

    The problem becomes worse every year because Democratic Party
    decided that the USA should accept more than TEN MILLION ILLEGAL ALIENS
    from Mexico, many of which are: convicted criminals, spies,
    members of violent gangs, Chinese soldiers, and terrorists.

    But don’t let that stop you from voting for the Democratic Party!

    Just continue to vote for the Democratic Party, until Jews
    are forced to flee from Florida the same way that Jews
    were forced to flee from Iraq, and Jews are forced to flee
    from NYC the same way that Jews were forced to flee from Iran.

    When Jews fled from those places, they mostly fled WITHOUT
    their possessions and without their money, with little more than
    the clothes they were wearing at that time.
    They went from rich to poor, literally overnight.

    And the same thing can happen in: NYC, NYS, FL, LA, CA, NJ, CT,
    if only we continue to vote for the Democratic Party,
    that hates Israel and hates Jews and loves Arabs and loves Muslims.


    The problem with immigration began in 1965 with the new immigration law.


    Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz of Matzav dot com said:

    “The Democrat Party that controls the White House and
    Senate is openly anti-Semitic and hostile toward Israel and Jews.

    It is led by a weak, incompetent leader, who caused
    inflation to skyrocket, eroded the moral fabric of the country,
    and opened the borders to millions of unknown
    and undocumented people from around the world.”

    SOURCE: article titled: Truly Historic by Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
    2024 June 27 on Matzav dot com

    PERSONAL NOTE: The number of ILLEGAL ALIENS that
    President Joe Biden allowed to enter the USA is
    more than ten million: > 10,000,000.
    They include: convicted criminals, members of violent
    gangs that sell illegal drugs, Chinese spies, Chinese soldiers,
    Chinese Police Officers, and people with infectious diseases.

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