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- This topic has 32 replies, 19 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 2 months ago by Lightbrite.
November 18, 2010 3:40 am at 3:40 am #593097happym19Member
This is my first time making challah and i really want to make ma a good challah. I dont really have a recipe yet though. I was looking for a sweet doughy challah and was wondering if anyone had a recipe that i migt like
November 18, 2010 3:57 am at 3:57 am #1210894kapustaParticipantI have a very good one for a bread maker. If you’re interested, say the word.
(Its a small recipe)
November 18, 2010 4:37 am at 4:37 am #1210895aposhitermaidelParticipantI have a great and simple recipe. It is a sweet egg challah made with 8 ingredients:
4 1/2 – 5 Cups Warm Water (the more water the lighter it will be but sticky to work with)
1 /2 – 2 Cups Sugar – it matters how sweet you like it
4.5 T Dried Yeast
5 lb bag Challah Flour (can use regular also)
4 Eggs
1 Stick Margarine + 1/3 C Oil or 1 Cup Oil (if you don’t want to use margarine)
4 T Kosher Salt
Mix the first 3 together and let sit for 10 minutes
Add the rest of the ingredients and mix for 10 minutes.
Make Bracha and transfer to oiled bowl.
Cover and let rise in a warm room.
Once doubled punch down and braid.
Egg the challahs and let rise again about 30 minutes
Preheat oven to 350 and let challahs bake until golden brown.
This Challah is a hit. I know so many people who use this recipe and they all get tons of compliments.
November 18, 2010 4:57 am at 4:57 am #1210896Miss L. AneousMemberThis is THE best challah recipe. Guests often call after shabbos for the recipe.
3 Cups water
8 teaspoons yeast
1 1/3 Cups sugar
1 1/3 Cups oil
8 eggs
6 teaspoons salt
5 lb flour
Combine lukewarm water, yeast, sugar, oil, eggs, and half the flour in the mixing bowl.
* If you mix it with the regular cake beater (at this point) it kneads much better.
Add the salt.
* Switch to the dough hook and add remaining flour.
Let the dough rise for one hour.
* For a lighter challah, knead the dough again for a minute using the dough hook.
Let the dough rise an additional hour.
Braid the challah and let it rise for 1/2 an hour. If the dough is a little sticky, lightly grease your hands.
Bake: bilkelach – about 25 minutes (depending on size), small challahs – about 1/2 hour, medium challahs – about 40 minutes, large challahs – about 45 minutes.
* Tricks I’ve found that really made a difference in the challah’s texture.
November 18, 2010 6:26 am at 6:26 am #1210897mghanooniMemberDoes anyone have a recipe for water challah – with minimal eggs, sugar, or oil?
According the Rambam, products of the above recipes would warrant a bracha of mezonot.
Miss L. Aneous, as far as I understand, according to some Ashkenazic views your challah would be mezonos because most of the liquid added is not water. There is a slight majority of eggs and oil (assuming that an average egg is 2 oz).
November 18, 2010 3:55 pm at 3:55 pm #1210898Guest 100MemberDelicious Water Challah Recipe:
6 tbsp dry yeast
1 Cup Sugar
1 cup warm water
Put yeast and sugar into a bowl and then add the water. Once the yeast is dissolved add the following:
6 additional cups warm water
1.5 cups oil
5 lbs flour
2 tbsp salt
Knead all the ingrediants together and let it rise for one hour. Then braid and bake on 425 for 25-30 minutes. This recipe will make 6 nice size challah’s.
It’s a really easy recipe that NEVER flops.
November 18, 2010 4:14 pm at 4:14 pm #1210899bb8Participantguest 100
I think maybe you made a mistake on the recipe it probably is 6 tsp(teaspoons) not 6 Tbsp (Tablespoons) of yeast
November 18, 2010 4:27 pm at 4:27 pm #1210900Guest 100Memberbb8:
No, 6 Tbsp is the correct amount. I make this recipe every single week and it comes out delicious and it has a great consistency!!
November 18, 2010 4:46 pm at 4:46 pm #1210901nachasMemberCould the flour in any of these recipes be substituted for white whole wheat flour?
November 18, 2010 5:21 pm at 5:21 pm #1210902happym19Memberthe recipes sound great, i think im definately going to try them thankyou. miss alenious is your challah a doughyish challah or a dryer kind of challah
November 18, 2010 5:28 pm at 5:28 pm #1210903happym19Memberalso miss alenios how much does your recipe make
November 18, 2010 5:46 pm at 5:46 pm #1210904happym19Membersorry but just noticed miss l anious what temp. should i bake the challah on 350?
November 18, 2010 6:25 pm at 6:25 pm #1210905Miss L. AneousMemberhappym19,
1) this challah recipe is very soft. That’s why I recommend using oil and not flour if the dough is a little sticky when braiding it.
2) I usually divide the dough into 4 and from there make whatever size challos I need. Each of the 4 sections can make a large, 2 mediums, 3 smalls, or 8 bilkelach – or just divide it however you like. (When I’m lazy, I make a quater of the batch in the bread machine – use 7 1/3 Cups flour.)
3) Sorry I left out the 350. Length of time is estimated; you have to check the bottom to see if it’s ready. I don’t like when it gets overdone because I often freeze challah ahead of time.
I forgot to mention the egg wash. I use about 3 egg yolks diluted with a little water and about 3 teaspoons of sugar. (My family likes a sweet crust.
November 18, 2010 6:35 pm at 6:35 pm #1210906Miss L. AneousMembernachas, I never tried substituing this recipe with whole wheat flour. I have a different whole wheat recipe – which is drier than my regular challah recipe.
2 1/4 Cups lukewarm water
7 1/2 teaspoons yeast
12 Tablespoons olive oil (alternate with honey)
9 heaping Tablespoons honey (if you alternate with olive oil the honey will slide off the spoon)
3 eggs
9 Cups whole wheat flour
3 3/4 teaspoons salt
Same instructions as any challah recipe. My tricks are the same: beat all ingredients with half the flour and salt with a regular cake beater then switch to the dough hook when you add the remaining flour. When you punch it down after 1 hour, put it back on the mixer with the dough hook.
Personally, I don’t do an egg wash on whole wheat challah, I find that it gets a little sticky.
November 18, 2010 7:13 pm at 7:13 pm #1210907WIYMemberYou can all send me your challos for a taste test and Ill let you know which ones are delicious lol
November 18, 2010 8:20 pm at 8:20 pm #1210908deiyezoogerMemberSome tips:
make sure the yeast does not come in direct contact with the salt.
The water should be warm not hot (that will kill the yeast).
After braiding let rise an additional 20 minutes for a nicer shape.
Bon appetite!!
November 18, 2010 9:42 pm at 9:42 pm #1210909kapustaParticipantCould the flour in any of these recipes be substituted for white whole wheat flour?
I’ve baked (not challah) in the past using white whole wheat and found it to have a bit of an aftertaste. I’ve gotten better results using a percentage of regular whole wheat flour instead of the entire recipe with WWW.
November 18, 2010 10:56 pm at 10:56 pm #1210910happym19Membermiss l aneous thankyou so much im trying it soon and cant wait
November 19, 2010 1:20 am at 1:20 am #1210911minyan galMemberkapusta: I would love to have your recipe. I have been looking for a small recipe that I can start in my breadmaker – which is only a one and a half pound one. I know that I can make a slightly larger recipe in it because I will be taking out the dough before it rises/bakes.
November 19, 2010 2:31 am at 2:31 am #1210912kapustaParticipantminyan gal:
1 C. warm water
1 egg
1/3 C. oil
1/3 C. sugar
1 tsp salt
5 C. flour*
1 pkg dry yeast (2 tsp)
Beaten egg for the top.
Put in the ingredients as listed above (dont proof the yeast). It comes out slightly sweet, if you like it sweeter, you can add some sugar without a problem. I’ve baked it on varying temperatures, usually between 350-400. It doesn’t really come out like a bakery egg challah, the inside is more like a water challah. The longer you let it rise, the more yeasty taste it will have. I’ve let it rise in the fridge overnight and it has a pretty strong (but good!) flavor.
*I heard recently that there was a problem with flour, so sifting is definitely recommended. If you want to make this whole wheat, say the word and I’ll give you a run-through.
It makes 6 smallish bilkelach or 4 small-med challahs.
If you make it, please let me know how it comes out!
November 19, 2010 4:46 am at 4:46 am #1210913Miss L. AneousMemberOops! Just realized I put down the wrong amount of flour for a bread machine in an earlier post. When I do it in the bread machine I put in 3 2/3 Cups flour. (7 1/3 Cup would be for a Kitchenaid mixer.)
Note: You have to know your bread machine (or read the manual). Some machines require that you put in the wet ingredients first while others require the dry the ingredients first. If you do it in the wrong order your machine might not mix it at all.
Egg Challah Bread Machine Recipe
3 2/3 Cups flour
1/3 Cup sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1/3 Cup oil
2 eggs
3/4 Cup water
2 teaspoons yeast
Whole Wheat Challah Bread Machine Recipe
3 Cups flour
1 1/4 teaspoon salt
4 Tablespoons olive oil (alternate with honey)
3 heaping Tablespoons honey
3/4 Cup water
1 egg
2 1/2 teaspoons yeast
November 19, 2010 5:15 am at 5:15 am #1210914theprof1ParticipantBest challah recipe is to go to yossi’s on 18 and 57 and buy 2 challahs. if that doesn’t work out, try schicks on 16 and 47.
November 19, 2010 10:12 am at 10:12 am #1210915twistedParticipantweighing in from the guys who cook tread. My sourdough is far far removed from the puffy, white, oil, egg, and sugar heavy creations, but a few of my “enhancements” go well in any bread.
a) best for white breads where it not only tastes but shows, rehydrated short snips of roesmary a tablespoon to 5lb batch.
b)best for ww or other heavy dark bread, onion poppy. Cut onions into uniform small bits, dicing stam give too much large chunks. Set on a slanted cutting board and salt with about a teaspoon of coarse salt, slant board and let it sweat and drain overnight. You should leave the approximate amount of salt used out of the main recipe. Before use, sprinkle some sugar to give it some gooeyness, add poppy until it mixes between grey and black. Flatten out a portion of dough, spread a spoon or two onto it and roll up. Cross roll it once of twice and form into a loaf. The last move puts a strip of filling into each slice.
Onion board. Roll dough into 3/4 to 1″ logs. Lay out with curls and wiggles on a greased cookie sheet, spooning the onion mix onto and inbetween logs. Done right, there generally will be no leftovers. Bteiavon.
November 19, 2010 11:20 am at 11:20 am #1210916minyan galMemberKapusta, thank you so much for the recipe. Perhaps I will even have time to make it today. I will let you know if I have success. Shabbat Shalom.
November 19, 2010 6:29 pm at 6:29 pm #1210917happym19Membermiss l aneous the challah came out great thankyou so much!
November 21, 2010 2:56 am at 2:56 am #1210918Pashuteh YidMemberRemember, there is a strict YWN policy that all recipes must be tasted and signed off by a male over the age of 13 before being posted.
November 21, 2010 5:26 am at 5:26 am #1210919WIYMemberPashuteh Yid
Yeah Im still waiting for my Challos to taste test….
November 21, 2010 5:40 am at 5:40 am #1210920Miss L. AneousMemberhappym19, Glad you enjoyed!
October 5, 2012 1:19 pm at 1:19 pm #1210921MorahRachMemberGuest 100, am I reading correctly that there are no eggs in your water challah? I’m going to try it!
December 21, 2012 3:54 am at 3:54 am #1210922funnyboneParticipantMiss L. Aneous
You’re recipe is delicious! Thank you!
I added a topping of minced onion, kosher salt, sesame and poppy seeds. Yum!
January 24, 2017 4:59 pm at 4:59 pm #1210923SayIDidIt™ParticipantI’m looking for a really fluffy, yummy whole wheat rolls recipe. But something not too complicated! Thanks!!
January 24, 2017 5:40 pm at 5:40 pm #1210924MenoParticipantDoes anyone actually think their challah recipe ISN’T delicious?
January 25, 2017 3:45 am at 3:45 am #1210925LightbriteParticipant6yo thread
I think if the challah didn’t taste good, then the recipe is discarded. Someone may have it, or know how to access it online, afterward; however, good point, one wouldn’t hold on to it as a “recipe” if one didn’t find it delicious…. technically.
Someone can have a recipe that he/she isn’t so fond of, but others rave about.
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