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    ☕️coffee addict

    Do you really believe that the videos of Biden acting senile are deepfakes made by the Republicans?


    What’s next? Russia? Oh while we’re at it, wasn’t the laptop a Russia hoax


    Actually chazal say (next weeks parsha of the Meraglim) that any Sheker that doesn’t have a little Emes won’t stand. One of the videos that made a big deal was at the 80th anniversary of D Day a week before Shavuos where he seemed to wander off and needed to be corralled by the lady Italian (I think it was) Prime Minister. The thing there was there were some military paratroopers that had landed off to the right and he was walking towards them to thank them for their service (at least that’s what KJP is trying to sell). The video shown around just had him wandering off and didn’t show was was further off to the right.. That’s what she means by doctored videos. There’s plenty enough footage out there of him acting like a super geezer that they didn’t need to use this one, which allows her to say that they’re making up fake videos.


    politifact truth-o-meter gives the Biden video a rating of False. The RNC and conservative media are pushing deepfakes about Biden because they need to deflect from the many videos of Trump showing his age while speaking.
    politifact truth-o-meter always has a short and long explanation. You can check out the longer explanation.
    In short – Videos shared by conservative media outlets and in social media posts claim to show President Joe Biden wandering away from other world leaders at the G7 summit in Italy and having to be fetched by the Italian prime minister for a group photo.
    Longer video and video from other angles of the event show several skydivers on the ground behind Biden and to his left. He turned to speak with them and gave a thumbs up, video shows.

    Many claims by Trump and Conservative media outlets get a even lower rating of “Pants on Fire” by politifact.
    1) Donald Trump stated on May 31, 2024 in remarks to reporters: “Congo, Africa, just released a lot of people, a lot of people from their prisons and jails and brought them into the United States of America.” “Pants on Fire”
    2) Former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy and others claimed that Hunter Biden’s trial and conviction were contrived to divert attention from Biden family crimes. “Pants on Fire”
    3) Donald Trump stated on May 29, 2024 in comments to reporters Joe Biden “is letting millions of people from jails, from prisons, from insane asylums, from mental institutions, drug dealers pour in.” “Pants on Fire”
    4) Donald Trump stated on May 21, 2024 in a campaign email “Biden’s DOJ was authorized to use DEADLY FORCE” in Mar-a-Lago raid. Biden was “locked and loaded” and “ready to take me out.” “Pants on Fire”

    Some are rated False.

    1) Donald Trump stated on June 2, 2024 in an interview on “Fox & Friends”: Joe Biden wants “to quadruple your taxes.”

    Some claims are “mostly true”.

    1) Tammy Baldwin stated on May 5, 2024 in X, formerly Twitter “When I worked on the Affordable Care Act, I wrote the amendment that allows all young people to stay on their parents’ health insurance until they turn 26. Overnight, millions of young Americans got health care.”
    2) Joe Biden stated on June 4, 2024 in a speech “Due to the arrangements that I’ve reached with (Mexico) President Obrador, the number of migrants coming … to our shared border unlawfully in recent months has dropped dramatically.”


    a free advice: if the President would like to dispel fake attack on him, he can simply start having events with press and voters like most politicians do.
    no fact checking will convince people otherwise. Jackk, feel free to pass this info beshem amro

    > wrote the amendment that allows all young people to stay on their parents’ health insurance until they turn 26.

    They forgot to include a provision that these young people wash their own dishes and pay rent. I may sue the senator for the losses.


    Deepfakes are those real news photos in certain unnamed frum media where they publish photos of world leaders attending a global or regional meeting and photoshop a former U.S. secretary of state and other heads of state out of the photo without any notice to readers.


    It was much easier to do “deep fakes” prior to the 19th century, when they used artists (with very corruptible human intelligence).
    If you were clever, it could be with photography,
    Modern ones tend to be obviously fake, and the ease of doing them means no one will trust a photo.

    As for Biden, he appears to be as mentally and physically able as most people his age. Of course, most people “throw in the towel” prior to turning 70, and probably the country would be better or if Trump and Biden were content with being retired.


    Deepfakes are agh and JKKK pretending they are religious Jews.


    They told me that if paying almost a billion dollars, and there is still litigation pending, hasn’t stopped them, nothing will.


    akuperma, a good point on paintings. Note that early film was also affected.

    On one hand, WW1 introduced the war into people’s homes – Brits saw the horrible newsreels and did not like it. At the same time, Hollywood was creating new realities in their movies, and then first Soviets and after them Nazis introduced total deep fake movies, rewriting history and present. Soviets created early movies about heroic history of the country, then about peasants dancing happily in 1930s (while they were actually dying from hunger when government took their grain away). Nazis made newsreel showing Polish mob breaking into Jewish stores and then German police restoring peace (omitting German soldiers who bussed the mob and stood with guns behind the camera).

    This underscores Jewish idea of reading and discussing texts. Imagery is avodah zora – when you “see” something, it is very hard to not believe it is real … “I saw it with my own eyes”. Reading lets you think and consider the logic of the events. So, let’s not waste this opportunity to think by throwing garbage texts at each other!


    Hey Jackk do you remember when hunter bidens laptop was a Russian deepfake?


    4 years later name me one thing on that laptop that would have made a Joe Biden voter not vote for him?
    You can’t.
    That means that the Republicans were faked out by the same right wing media that payed almost a billion dollars for lying.

    ☕️coffee addict


    If that was the case why lie about it, obviously there was

    It’s fine dem voters don’t care they’re being lied to (jackk’s own words)


    You mean the laptop that details Joe’s corruption? Not everybody is obsessed with shmutz.



    Just another “la, la, la, I can’t hear you, it’s all a right-wing lie until it’s not” response because the truth never matters to a woke-worshiping, mah-yafis kapo like you.


    You are correct Jackk

    There could have been proof on that laptop that the US was providing targeting coordinates for Iranian missiles to decimate Israel and you still would support Biden.

    Do you feel that the threat to democracy is so great due to Trump that the rules do not matter any longer? By any means necessary Biden should stay in power?


    I find it very interesting that merely being somewhat left wing makes you a “Mah Yafis KAPO” (Sure your grandparents would love that one), Apikorus, and “Fake religious Jew”.

    SOme of you need to remember that you worship Hashem and not the GOP, Trump, or conservatism.

    ☕️coffee addict

    We’ll, Charlottesville’s “good people on both sides” was now retracted by Snopes, that has to be one of the first (and probably the worst) deepfakes of Trump’s presidency even Biden said he was running because of it



    jackkk is “somewhat left wing” if that’s how you define Stalin and Mao. He’s a woke-Nazi who defends every anti-Semite that calls themselves a democrat.



    I didn’t lie about anything. I wrote it that way because there is information on the laptop that was truthful and detrimental about Hunter but nothing on it had any implications for the President.

    I will ask more directly . What info on the laptop was revealed that was damaging to Joseph Biden ? If you have it, please bring it to the republican members of congress James Comer and Jim Jordan because they have been searching for damaging info on President Biden for 4 years.


    Mrs Dofi, I see you haven’t done any teshuva. There is still time.

    Mrs NishtdyanGesheft, when you leave the Lev Tahor cult, please tell us.

    ☕️coffee addict

    I figured jack’s post wasn’t of any substance


    I shouldn’t have called Jakkk a deep fake. His anti religious stance is blatant.

    His event comments are more conclusive proof that he cares not for the truth, like the Palestinians, the bigger the lie, the better. By the way, what was your deadname?

    If there was nothing of concern in the laptop, why’d Biden tell a bald faced lie and say it’s Russian disinformation, when he knew it was real?

    Another deepfake was the Steele Dossier peddled by another star of the Democrat party HR Clinton.


    Jackk how many of those shrieking imbeciles in keffiyahs attacking Jews in LA were registered democrats?

    I’d put good money on 100%

    Is that cheap fake right wing propaganda as well?

    I’m beginning to think you exist solely as a troll at this point there is no way you can possibly be serious.


    skripka, I think people here are so harsh on jackkkkk not because he is to the left of Mao, he is not. But he shows strange stubbornness looping over msnbc message of the week to this heilike forum, being unresponsive to any logical arguments. You can, or at least could recently, be a left-learning person of good standing in Jewish community, such as Joe Liberman.

    ☕️coffee addict

    Whatever you say big guy

    anonymous Jew

    Jackk, the laptop was verified by the FBI and was used by the Department of Justice to help convict Hunter Biden.
    Former partners of Hunter have testified before Congress regarding “the Big guy” i.e. meetings with Hunter’s source of income that Joe Biden has denied ever happening

    ☕️coffee addict


    I never said you lied

    Read it again


    Jackk aka Joseph Goebbels star discipline strikes again.


    Jackk is giddy that finally those uppity Jews in la are being put in their place by jackk’s freinds at the freedom fighters for the peaceful Palestinians Jew hating club.

    He is ecstatic that Jews are finally beginning to be persecuted in America

    ☕️coffee addict


    I’m sorry (actually I’m not) but the debate wasn’t deepfaked


    coffee addict,

    Shhh! jackkk and huju think that Brandon won.


    Lost Spark, Nisht, BY1212

    When did I ever comment on the keffiya’s in LA ? Or say anything anti-religious? Or praise “the uppity jews in LA being put in their place” Or call these people “my friends” ? Or say anything comparable to Goebeell’s?
    The 3 of you project onto me many things that I never said and that I don’t believe in.

    Everyone in the CR knows that I am a Frum Jew in a Frum community with a Frum Family (and Frum Grandchildren) that go to Frum Institutions and that I have zero connection or even hinted that I have any connection with these anti-semitic people or with their beliefs.
    That is a very deep fake. Very very deep fake. You 3 created the deep fake.

    Meanwhile there are plenty of people in the CR who are full of sinas chinam and are osim maaseh zimri and mevakshim schar kpinchas that attack and say lashon harah about kollel people, Lubavitcher’s , Satmerer’s, Hasidim in general , Modern Orthodox , Rich Jews, Poor Jews, Roshei Yeshiva, Gedolay Yisrael etc … Did you remove them from your klal yisrael?

    I am very proud democrat. I hate Trump and the Republican party with a passion. I can write a 10 thousand word article about why Trump is bad for this country and I believe that since he is bad for America he is bad for the Jews living in America.
    I am very happy that Joseph Biden is President and I hope that the Democratic party wins the presidency in November.
    I don’t defend every person in the democratic party nor defend every position in the party or even every position of Joe Biden. That is just ridiculous.

    I do not have the time to read every post or to respond to every post .

    All should have a Good Shabbos.


    Well it is more than clear, yet again, that the radical Democrat party are the source of the most pernicious deep fakes.

    It is not surprising then, who is most vocal in supporting the dangerous fakers, on this post.

    Birds of a feather.


    Jack seems to support beating Medicare. Where is Jewish respect for elders.



    “I am very proud democrat. I hate Trump and the Republican party with a passion”

    That is your only “frumkeit” which is why you constantly defend anti-Semites and criticize Jews. Your woke religion is as different from authentic Judaism as Christianity, Islam and Zoroastrianism.


    “Your woke religion is as different from authentic Judaism as Christianity, Islam and Zoroastrianism;..”

    You left out the most pernicious “ism” of all and that is Trumpism…….Recent polls show growing numbers of Americans literally believing Trump is some JeXus-like figure who was sent to earth in furtherance of their Messianic prophecies (which BTW do not end well for yidden). Some of the names being mentioned for senior positions in a new Trump administration (and not just Mike Flynn), have called for restoring America to the ONE “true religion” (and for those who haven’t been following, he is not referring to Yiddishkeit). As depressed as most Dems are about having Biden as their candidate, its an easy choice compared to the alternative.


    Gadol (original), the choice is between the mazik we know and mazik we don’t know. I agree that T might do something bad, just by the nature of his unpredictability. At the same time, we see what B does and he, and his advisors, will continue doubling down on the same failed policies. Our (both US and Yidden) enemies know his game as well, or better, than we do and will continue taking strategic advantage. I think you are fair enough to admit that.

    Like in drasha of a boiling frog, we are being boiled slowly and predictable. Or, mixing the metaphors, the bankruptcy happens gradually and then suddenly. It is statistically worth taking a chance at T’s mix of unpredictable policies. Most encouraging, he was a similar unpredictable risk in 2016, and performed above expectations (at least, yours but mine also). Is he a bigger threat now, when he knows how to govern and has grudges? Who knows? The debate showed that he can hold himself in and talk reasonably. And I think enough undecideds (maybe 1% of voters) agree with this, so it is either T or a substitute player.



    You must really be desperate to think we’re as gullible as you and your kapo klan. We’ve all watched the rising anti-Semitism in this country, especially over the past nine months. Yet you never tire of hauling out the decades-old Chicken Little hoax about the Crusader army that wants to forcibly convert us. The reality that your ilk has been deaf, blind and dumb to is that it’s the progressives and wokeists whom you shill for who want to do us in. Not only do they want to cancel our religion, they’re no longer ashamed to publicly scream for our blood in their sacred temples of higher learning.

    Your arguments are more dated and decrepit than you are. You’ve become a piece of filthy toilet paper in your futile efforts to clean up after Brandon, the useless turd you so slavishly worship.

    Dr. Pepper


    If you wouldn’t claim that your Frum I wouldn’t even suspect it. Just like you can’t claim that you’re Frum if you don’t keep Shabbos and you can’t claim that you’re Frum if you eat cheeseburgers- so too you can’t claim that you’re Frum if you ferociously defend a political party that’s diametrically opposed to everything Hashem and the Torah stand for.

    Then you have the chutzpah to say that you’re a “proud democrat”? And then you wonder why there’s sinas chinm here? Sina- maybe, sinas chinam- definitely NOT! This website is geared toward people who are שומר תורה ומצוות, if you come here and make a mockery of the Torah you’re going to have people who hate you and write hateful things. It’s not undeserved, you earned it.

    You can write a 10,000 word article about why President Trump is bad for the country? I can also write a script that will write the word “blah” 10,000 times. How about writing even a single thing that you don’t like about President Trump that’s not worse about Obama or Biden?

    You’re probably going to ignore my post since I’m part of “The Cult” (I’m genuinely Frum and fear Hashem) but keep in mind that one day you’ll be standing in front of Hashem and you’re going to have to answer some difficult questions. If you try any of the nonsense that you try here the trap door will swing open and you know very well where it leads.

    Please- on behalf of your children and grandchildren who are Frum, please do תשובה before it’s too late.


    Hey Jackk was Bidens brain melting down in real time during the debate a right wing generated deepfake? Your daas Torah CNN doesn’t think so lol.

    ☕️coffee addict

    “Please- on behalf of your children and grandchildren who are Frum, please do תשובה before it’s too late.“

    How do you know his children and grandchildren are frum maybe they “ ferociously defend a political party that’s diametrically opposed to everything Hashem and the Torah stand for.” Too


    @Dr Pepper

    Do you get this worked up when it comes to people talking during davening too?

    Dr. Pepper

    @ coffee addict

    Cause if they “ferociously defend a political party that’s diametrically opposed to everything Hashem and the Torah stand for” then they can’t really be called Frum.

    But seriously- if they aren’t leading a lifestyle that we’d call Frum hopefully when he does תשובה they’ll follow his footsteps.


    @Dr. Pepper, Which Rav did you discuss this definition of “Frum” with?


    I think jackk needs to take a break from politics and get involved in some pareve discussions on parsha and daf yomi. You can be 200% shomer kashrus, but if some solid Jewish texts do not enter your mind, you can’t expect to have “Jewish” opinions on contemporary topics.

    Dr. Pepper


    The minyanim that I go to don’t have anyone talking during davening so nothing to get all worked up about.

    If a Rav said something to me privately or during a Shiur to a select group of בני תורה I’m obviously not going to quote him with his name publicly without his permission.

    The full context of what he said was a משול regarding a store owner who was lazy.

    “If you walk into his store and don’t see him there, does that mean that he closed down his store? Of course not.”

    “If you walk by his store at 10:00 AM and the gates are still down, does that mean that he closed down his store? Of course not.)

    “If you walk by his store and the signs have all been taken down, does that mean that he closed down his store? Most probably.”

    “רבותי, if someone messes up a little over here or there- they’re still Frum, but if someone ר״ל purposely violates שבת, if someone purposely eats טרפות, he’s taking down his sign”.

    How much more so someone who actively supports a political party that wants to destroy the תורה and promotes relationships that the Torah call an abomination.

    On a similar note- the משנה in ראש השנה states that a gambler is disqualified from being an עד in בית דין since he can be easily bribed. Do you think that nowadays the משנה would include someone who votes democrat just to get some extra handouts? If they’re willing to throw the תורה under the bus for a couple extra bucks what wouldn’t they do for money?


    “רבותי, if someone messes up a little over here or there- they’re still Frum, but if someone ר״ל purposely violates שבת, if someone purposely eats טרפות, he’s taking down his sign”.

    How much more so someone who actively supports a political party that wants to destroy the תורה and promotes relationships that the Torah call an abomination.”

    You just implied voting for Democrats is worse than beiong mechallel Shabbos or eating tarfus. That’s sick, dude.

    “On a similar note- the משנה in ראש השנה states that a gambler is disqualified from being an עד in בית דין since he can be easily bribed. Do you think that nowadays the משנה would include someone who votes democrat just to get some extra handouts? If they’re willing to throw the תורה under the bus for a couple extra bucks what wouldn’t they do for money?”

    Nice to know you’ve literally pasuled the entire tri-state area from being eidem. But I wouldn’t agree with your chap, no.

    Dr. Pepper


    I just implied voting for Democrats is worse than beiong mechallel Shabbos or eating tarfus?

    Actually not. It’s the תורה that says that the punishment for משכב זכר is the same punishment for חלול שבת and the תורה calls one of them an abomination… and it’s not חלול שבת. (And by the way- that punishment is much more severe than eating tarfus.)

    ברוך השם we were given the תורה or I may have thought otherwise. Without the תורה I wouldn’t have dreamt that the punishment for חלול שבת is סקילה, much more severe than eating tarfus which isn’t even מיתה בידי אדם. (One of your fellow liberal posters even accuses me of being in a cult for being Frum but I’m proud to be part of a “cult” whose leader is השם.)

    I’ve literally pasuled the entire tri-state area from being eidem?

    Again, actually not- only the ones who vote Democrat (I.e. willing to throw the תורה under the bus for some extra money). And if they’re willing to throw the תורה under the bus for some extra money- do you think for a second that they wouldn’t take some extra money to say false testimony?

    And by the way- they pasuled themselves- I didn’t force them to vote for the party that stands against everything the תורה stands for.

    I’m sorry if you don’t agree with me but I don’t follow the תורה to be popular- I follow it because that’s what השם wants.


    @dr pepper, You said ALL THE MORE SO for voting Democrat, which implies a kal vachomer “Someone who eats tarfu or is mechalel shabos is not frum KAL VECHOMER someone who votes democrat”

    Again, that’s deranged. That means you’ve sold your soul to politics.

    A large segment of the tri-state area takes handouts from the government. That in your opinion makes them pasul for eidus. In your crooked world, someone who has hakaras hatov for those who gave them programs is worse than one who does not.

    Dr. Pepper


    By “all the more so” I meant to be explicit and not implicit. But back to your point- I do feel that creating a situation that makes multitudes of people comfortable with being עובר an עבירה, or even encouraging people who otherwise wouldn’t have considered doing the עבירה is much worse than being מחלל שבת or eating tarfus (especially when the עבירה is something that the תורה refers to as an abomination). Speak to your rabbi and let me know if she agrees or not.

    I haven’t sold my souls to politics. I report to the רבונו של עולם who’s infinitely higher than the people who you sold your soul to. My decisions are made based on what I understand השם wants from me- not what handouts politicians are going to give me in return for voting for them.

    When did I ever say that anyone who receives handouts is pasul for eidus? If someone votes Republican and is legitimately in a situation where they need a handout while they get themselves in order- I don’t see anything wrong with that.

    What you refer to as “hakaras hatov” I refer to as a bribe. In my “crooked” world a judge or witness who favors those who gave them a bribe is worse than one who doesn’t.

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