Dear Cookies,
Its not u. Its me. The experts call what u have gluten and what I have gluten intolerence. And I can’t take it anymore. I know this is a shock. Wev been together so long. But the truth is iv been suspecting it for a while. Iv been trying to ignore the pain I feel whenever we’re together, but its been getting worse and worse and now the damage is done. Please don’t try to change. I don’t want u to lose what makes u so speacial. U r perfect how u r and I wish with all my heart we could be together. But this is how G-d created me so I have to eccept it. So that’s why it has to be goodbye. Being together again will only prolong the pain. I know how good and sweet u r and I know u will make someone else so much more happy then u could have made me. I love u and if u do me u will let me move on. Now is going to be hard on both of us but very soon we will adjust and find happiness. Thank you for all the good times. I will miss u and always remember u fondly.